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ESET v4 Fixes


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Okay but minodlogin is the safest application in the whole world. It has never given me any false positive and I have used it thousand of times! How would you explain then that both Eset and Kaspersky agree that it is innocuous?. You could even upload it in virustotal.com. I would be surprised it any antivirus were to detect it as a threat. I trully thought this guy "General Lee" was a scoundrel.

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Okay but minodlogin is the safest application in the whole world. It has never given me any false positive and I have used it thousand of times!!!!! How would you explain then that both Eset and Kaspersky agree that is innocuous. You could even upload it in virustotal.com. I would be surprised it any antivirus were to detect a threat. I trully thought this guy "General Lee" was a scoundrel.

not good to say that...

he just a man with a problem and ask for help


this could be caused by various things like slightly different settings or an outdated signature database.......Agreed

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Okay but minodlogin is the safest application in the whole world. It has never given me any false positive and I have used it thousand of times! How would you explain then that both Eset and Kaspersky agree that it is innocuous?. You could even upload it in virustotal.com. I would be surprised it any antivirus were to detect it as a threat. I trully thought this guy "General Lee" was a scoundrel.

I know it's not a threat, but apparently ESET does pick it up. (I added the VirusTotal report to my previous post after you posted your post, so it seems.)

VirusTotal.com report.

I think an apology would be proper in this scenario, but that's just my opinion :)

(I know what you thought, but now it turns out not to be true, so we have to act accordingly ;))

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That reports gives 1/43, only Eset says it is a hacktool, but the interesting thing is that if you have it analyzed it with your Eset at home ( and downloaded directly from Eset ) you get nothing! ;) Besides, in General Lee's screenshot it reads multiple threats which I still find incredible!

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:lmao: :rofl: ... I dunno why I find all of these elements .. dissociative to the points of groveling for air.. on my hands and knees... from laughter.. BUT its like being psychic...' I found multiple threats.... ' .. THEN you get threatened multiple times... ( like i said dissociative but funny )... and just skimming through..( I am feeling SOOO sensitivvvv... :o .. :lol: ) :lmao: :rofl: Please don't take offense just finding it funny this morning... :)

I just got a warning of a potentially dangerous application or something to that effect. It still let me download it though. As for the link you've posted for the official website, it is being blocked by ESET as well.

Okay so like if people don't realize this yet or not.. These detections will vary from version to version and as outlines by definitions.. AND per settings via ESET... Yes ESET will block sites that contain fixes for its applications... and serials ....

Self Protection AND might I add that any other modifications to the Hosts File and/or Filtering even PeerBlock.. can interfere.. NOW that being mentioned you can also figure in your DNS Server and ISP's... so the story doesn't stop there... there simply are several areas where this could go wrong.. Even things that are blocked in your country... for some.. and other issues such as server problems..

Anyway.. just a note..

EDIT: you know if you alter the settings just right you have way more than the typical protection set into place.. Really light ESET up.. yeah..

EDIT2: Multiple Threats are going to show for that website.. because it can be the host of simple put..'multiple threats..' Typical of Web Protection... ESPECIALLY if any version has ever been found to be a FP or anything else.. or even reported by someone with ThreatSENSE..

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Minodlogin is even more innocuous than CCleaner!

To sum up we have:

a) A virustotal report giving 1/43. That is no security software in the world reports it as a threat but nod as a hacking tool.

b ) My own Eset and Kaspersky at home saying it is a clean file.

c) Hundred of users downloading it without let or hindrance.

d) General Lee's screenshot showing multiple threats. That is the unbelievable part which led me to believe the guy was tricking us.

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@ Sid

If General Lee's ESS is detecting your link source as positive while the rest aren't, there's a simple reason why this possibly happens - General Lee might've enabled (by checking) his Pua (Potentially unsafe applications.) Also, sometimes just enabling the 'Advanced Heuristics' results in NOD32 kicking up a fuss about ESET fixes. 8)

Did you try temporarily disabling the real-time and web-scanning modules?

Yes. That didn't work.

In this case, you've got a bummer somewhere, in your firewall rules - hope you get that sorted out soon. :)

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How to use ESET with MiNODLogin

ESET ( AV & ESS ) latest --» v.

MiNODLogin -- (Latest --»

Install Java ( latest --» 6.0.22 )


1 - Open ESET and where it says " Display: Standard Mode " , change to "Advanced Mode ".

2 - Click on SETUP, then ADVANCED SETUP. On the left part of the screen click on signal + of WEB ACCESS PROTECTION and also on signal + of HTTP, HTTPS.

3 - Now, click on ADDRESS MANAGEMENT and then ( right part of the screen ) on ADD and write --» minodlogin.blogspot.com/

4 - Click OK and close ESET.

5 - Download MiNODLogin from the Homepage --» http://paste2.org/p/1045618

6 - Install MiNODLogin but do not apply yet.

7 - Open ESET again , go to --» SETUP -» ADVANCED SETUP and on the left part of the new screen look for EXCLUSIONS.

8 - Press EXCLUSIONS , then ADD and write " C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNODLogin\*.*

9 - Now, press the shortcut you have on Desktop -» " Eset Licenses Actualizer "

10- When Username and Password is inserted, you may update Eset of Virus signature database.


How to Schedule Eset AV and Eset Smart Security with MiNodLogin in order to get automatic updates of Virus signature database, in time :

1)- Click on Eset icon that is on Taskbar near Windows clock, and then "Open Window" ; now go to "tools / Schedulers/Planner "

2)- Check ( V )--» "Automatic update after user logon"

3)- Now, click on "Add / Schedule task -» Run External Application. Click NEXT

4)- Where it says TASK NAME, write --» MiNodLogin ; Check "Event triggered" and click NEXT

5) - Event to trigger task :- Choose --» " Successful update of the virus signature database " ; Now click NEXT and check --» " Run the task as soon as possible "

6) - Click on NEXT and then on FINISH.

7)- Now write ( 1st line ) :- C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin\MiNodLogin.exe;

8 - Write (2nd line):- C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin and click OK


9)- Again, click on "Add" --"Run External application" -» stays like that and click NEXT

10)- Task name --» MiNodLogin.exe, and check "Event triggered" and click NEXT

11)- Where it says « Event to trigger task », choose --» "Successful update of program components",and click NEXT

12)- This new page, check " Run the task as soon as possible " and go to NEXT page. Click on "Finish"

13)- Now write :--» (1st Line)--» C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin\MiNodLogin.exe ;

14)- Now write :--» (2nd Line) --» C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin

15)- Press OK and close AV. --» Done !


That All Folks !



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Thank you Jofre "Robin Hood" ;) for the info & update ...Cheers..:D

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How to use ESET with MiNODLogin

ESET ( AV & ESS ) latest --» v.

MiNODLogin -- (Latest --»

Install Java ( latest --» 6.0.22 )


1 - Open ESET and where it says " Display: Standard Mode " , change to "Advanced Mode ".

2 - Click on SETUP, then ADVANCED SETUP. On the left part of the screen click on signal + of WEB ACCESS PROTECTION and also on signal + of HTTP, HTTPS.

3 - Now, click on ADDRESS MANAGEMENT and then ( right part of the screen ) on ADD and write --» minodlogin.blogspot.com/

4 - Click OK and close ESET.

5 - Download MiNODLogin from the Homepage --» http://paste2.org/p/1045618

6 - Install MiNODLogin but do not apply yet.

7 - Open ESET again , go to --» SETUP -» ADVANCED SETUP and on the left part of the new screen look for EXCLUSIONS.

8 - Press EXCLUSIONS , then ADD and write " C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNODLogin\*.*

9 - Now, press the shortcut you have on Desktop -» " Eset Licenses Actualizer "

10- When Username and Password is inserted, you may update Eset of Virus signature database.


How to Schedule Eset AV and Eset Smart Security with MiNodLogin in order to get automatic updates of Virus signature database, in time :

1)- Click on Eset icon that is on Taskbar near Windows clock, and then "Open Window" ; now go to "tools / Schedulers/Planner "

2)- Check ( V )--» "Automatic update after user logon"

3)- Now, click on "Add / Schedule task -» Run External Application. Click NEXT

4)- Where it says TASK NAME, write --» MiNodLogin ; Check "Event triggered" and click NEXT

5) - Event to trigger task :- Choose --» " Successful update of the virus signature database " ; Now click NEXT and check --» " Run the task as soon as possible "

6) - Click on NEXT and then on FINISH.

7)- Now write ( 1st line ) :- C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin\MiNodLogin.exe;

8 - Write (2nd line):- C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin and click OK


9)- Again, click on "Add" --"Run External application" -» stays like that and click NEXT

10)- Task name --» MiNodLogin.exe, and check "Event triggered" and click NEXT

11)- Where it says « Event to trigger task », choose --» "Successful update of program components",and click NEXT

12)- This new page, check " Run the task as soon as possible " and go to NEXT page. Click on "Finish"

13)- Now write :--» (1st Line)--» C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin\MiNodLogin.exe ;

14)- Now write :--» (2nd Line) --» C:\Program Files\ESET\MiNodLogin

15)- Press OK and close AV. --» Done !


That All Folks !



Maybe add it to the list of fixes with a tut and a download?

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Anyone else here having problems with eset smart not updating. Just started today. I'm using win7 x64 and box mara fix 1.3?

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Hi guy's,

im currently running MiNODLogin, when i run it i get the message which says " The Actual License 'EAV-34196510' is still valid. Click here to update it anyways"

but Nod32 keeps telling me it requires my attention and under the Protection Status, it says "your license will run out shortly, The lifetime of this trial version will expire in 3day(s)

is this anything to worry about? or can someone shed some light on this?


Update: just followed the steps by jofre and it did an update and now says my license is valid till 6/12/2010

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I have succesfully updated using minodlogin steps provided. Can anyone else confirm that box mara fix is not working right now?

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It works just fine. I'm on 5565 now. I received at least three updates today. Check my signature for possible solution. And, what error do you get when you try to update?

Cheers ;)

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There's no update available.

But after I tried


it got updated to 5565. :)

One question, any problems if I keep the above link as default forever, or automatic is still the best?

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I think it's better to keep automatic, since it seems that failsafe server is sometimes delayed with updates comparing to other trial servers, but this failsafeserver contains list of trial servers, which fixes update problem, which occurs because for some reason some of servers converts to retail.

Cheers ;)

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The error i was getting was that when i clicked update it would say no update available. Its like it wasn't even really checking for a update. This happened for about 1 1/2 days. I then used minodlogin and updated with no problems. I have since removed it and have gone back to box mara fix

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