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ESET v4 Fixes


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:party: :party: :party:

NEW VERSION ----------»»» NodEnabler 3.2.3 :

( Why this new version ? - See Post 526 )


Download »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Mediafire.com

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.................................... ShareCode »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» /dl/10434542/995d6c0/NodEnabler_3.2.3.zip.html


PS:- There are no viruses or malicious code of any kind contained within NodEnabler. However, some anti-virus products are calling it various nasty names. Here's the VirusTotal :-




PS2 : Please read file : "Readme.txt" before start using.

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Please don't make so big quotes.


You too, please don't make so big quotes. Also, I think Matt 1553 is not creator. I think Damian666 is creator, and Matt 1553 just helped him to solve some problems.

Cheers ;)

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Please don't make so big quotes.


You too, please don't make so big quotes. Also, I think Matt 1553 is not creator. I think Damian666 is creator, and Matt 1553 just helped him to solve some problems.

Cheers ;)


It`s a team composed by Matt1553, Damian666 and NodSter »»»» The Damn Crew, but it was Matt1553 who did this great program = NodEnabler 3.2.3

...and with more figures was already announced ! So... keep your eyes on this and also MinodLogin and NodLogin

9.9c. These are the champions that update in time as soon as a new version of virus database is out.

The other one called box-mara fix, I`ll use it if those three fail, which I doubt.




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Yeah, but box, mara- fix has, in my opinion, a two big advantage: 1) does not require update - install it and forget about it, 2) it's 100% safe, which means it does not connect to any site, and tools that inserts licence can steal informations, and can use your machine for anything with connection it makes. But, Each to his own, this is just my opinion.

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You must be joking! - Thousands and thousands of users and never heard a thing of what you are talking about this 3 great programs ( NodEnabler, NodLogin and MiNodLogin ). Zero problems from those sites givings keys.

Do you think all this people are just ignorants and stupids ? - Please...

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@jofre, KotaXor:

Both of you have been on the scene long enough to distinguish legit from non-legit.

Know that mara is not talking about the legit license grabbers for nod32.

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@jofre, KotaXor:

Both of you have been on the scene long enough to distinguish legit from non-legit.

Know that mara is not talking about the legit license grabbers for nod32.

That's correct.


But, even with legit tools this can happen. Somebody can modifiy it for some other purpose. For, example, I think that NodLogin and NodEnabled uses AutoIt. Maybe MiNodLogin too. Do you know how easily it can be to extract AutoIt code from it? There is even tool that can do this. So, somebody can do this and modify the code to use in some bad purpose. I did not say that NodLogin, NodEnabled, MiNodLogin do that, those tools are excellent, but somebody can use for some bad things since it connects to sites, where with box, mara- fix this can not happen.

Cheers ;)

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To each their own....I too personally don't like my registry to be modify.

But who cares, I modify my bios to activate my Windows 7.

So no big deal.

Every hacks...and every fixes is a risk. To fully ensure no risk.....use genuine products.

Even genuine products such as Adobe is phoning home every time....so.....

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Testing again =box,mara fix 1.3 = sense this morning and:

1)- On Eset website I see ( 15 hours later) - version of virus signature database : 4353

On my computer is 4351. So there is a delay on updates - none automatic until now.

2)- Also don`t like the fact that I can`t see virus signature database on Eset tray icon.

These two reasons are more than enough to return to NodEnabler 3.2.3 with automatic updates in time.

PS:- Not even one user announced an issue with this version of NodEnabler, not just only here but also on another 2 websites ( 32 & 64 bits OS)



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1. IF you have run an update with ESET and you updated to that version of the database it takes time for ESET to update its number.. This has always been the case with the program.. Odd thing that happens but it has always been that way..not a fault of the fix IMO.. at all..ALSO there is the scheduler that needs to operate correctly for you to be updating each hour as designed..if this is disabled.. then you won't update at all until you run it manually.

2. Mine works fine on my end maybe you should look a little harder at your actual ESET Icon? Mine runs silent and does not keep an icon in the tray..but I believe it can be set to do so..Only my actual program icon is there..

Now personally, the last time I was trying fixes there were like two sites, some are saying that you should wait days for updates to the name/logins.. or just keep trying. Personally I don't like the idea...I like 0 day protection..and had rather not be setting of thousands of red flags repetitively to my IP.. I have better things to do with my time then play with my validation until I go blind..and my fingers are sore..I mean you buy AV and protection so you can set it and move on.. not worry about the enabler popping up to let you know it can't get through or ESET saying it can't update and worrying about being protected.. and if its even another issue until you open up the program..

OH yeah and if I get updates.. I don't care who you trust.. IF I get updates they better be from the company.

"Just a users point of view.."

EDIT3: I also wonder about and was never comfortable with programs that have/had their UI altered.. I feel better with the program like it was designed.. just .. without the worry.

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nodlogin is really gud.instant licence,and eset updates automatically without a problem everyday.

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Nod login 9.9c, MiNodLogin and NodEnabler 3.2.3 they all give updates everyday and none waiting time for Eset update of virus signature database.

They are all at this topic. Members just have to look for them right here at this topic.

NodLogin is also on Front Page. NodEnabler is also there but is a previous version ( Not updated yet and should be.Latest version is 3.2.3 and not 3.2 Frontpaged). MiNodLogin is not on front page yet and should be there too.

You may schedule the way you prefer but for those who do not reboot during time of Net use - scheduling every 6 hours or 12 hours is more than enough, in order to get automatic updates.

If you reboot PC several times during day on Net, no need to schedule.



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Nodenabler (latest version) caused explorer to keep crashing on my W7 rtm x64 system. As soon as I uninstalled it, crashes stopped. My current fav is Minodlogin. It does all I need . . . , perfectly. Nodlogin is my backup. Giving up on Nodenabler (again).

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