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Yeah, I've read only good things 'bout Ultimate Defrag, so I'll give it a go. Thanks for the heads up :) Do we have a medicine thread for that in here?

Yes we do. :P

If you want to invest hours/days on configuring it, read this very old guide from shought. Alternatively, just use a "Auto" mode (if its available).

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If you got it to work, post instructions on how to properly crack it.

Quite simple does not matter if you overwrite DK11 or start fresh.

1.) Run and install DK12 45 Day Trial not 30 Day Trial (as Admin)

2.) Start DK12 then close it.

3.) Open Task Manager End "Disk Optimization Service"

4.) Find crack folder and install crack depending on your pc x86 or x64 bit

5.) Go to DK12 directory and overwrite the old exe.

6.) Done. Should open up without a hiccup. Or notification.

Good Luck.

Tested and working for Win 8 Pro x64 and Win 7 Ultimate x64bit

P.S. a video of me testing it after this install process above.

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Hope one day people can understand this:- The crack you are talking about does not work and (no matter what you say...) there will be no crack for it, not tomorrow, not in the future. No one is able to crack this program ( 16.0.1017 ) which is exactly the same as v. 15.0.968 . They just did a new painting and may be a few changes not important, in order to difficult crackers work.

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Video talks sorry to say lol and don't you think it is a bit blunt for you to attack coders with saying

"One day, hope people can understand this, the crack you are talking about does not work and that (no matter what you say...) there will be no crack for it, not tomorrow not in the future. No one is able to crack this shit"

I mean someone can and will don't be pessimistic.... maybe you can't but others can <_< (btw not starting a flame war)

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testing out new software is always fun :yes:

You can say that again :D

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Actually after reading the description for few other defragmenting programs they are all similar to DK11 if not worse. None of the is better than DK11 or at least I was unable to determine. If some one know a defragmenting program that work on background without any popups for months and do better job that DK 2011 please do tell me and tell me why you think so.

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  • Administrator

Actually after reading the description for few other defragmenting programs they are all similar to DK11 if not worse. None of the is better than DK11 or at least I was unable to determine. If some one know a defragmenting program that work on background without any popups for months and do better job that DK 2011 please do tell me and tell me why you think so.

I haven't tried O&O so I can't comment on that. But Diskeeper is totally different than others. It continuously runs in background. I personally had a problem with that, as it was taking a bit of resources. That's why I switched to PerfectDisk. The background thing in PD is minor, I set it at schedule so that it defrags my drives every day or every week. I really don't think continuously on defrag is required on my system.

And yea, depending on how you configure PD, the performance boost is good.

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Actually after reading the description for few other defragmenting programs they are all similar to DK11 if not worse. None of the is better than DK11 or at least I was unable to determine. If some one know a defragmenting program that work on background without any popups for months and do better job that DK 2011 please do tell me and tell me why you think so.

I haven't tried O&O so I can't comment on that. But Diskeeper is totally different than others. It continuously runs in background. I personally had a problem with that, as it was taking a bit of resources. That's why I switched to PerfectDisk. The background thing in PD is minor, I set it at schedule so that it defrags my drives every day or every week. I really don't think continuously on defrag is required on my system.

And yea, depending on how you configure PD, the performance boost is good.

Hmm i have to agree with the fact that run on back ground all the time but DK11 have build in schedule as well. Thinking of it mine is defragmenting chrome logs all the time :). But after all this is mechanical HDD and they are known that once it start spinning they don't wear at all (only at high temperature). So it's not biggie that it's defragmenting log files all the time after all it's not SSD.

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  • Administrator

Hmm i have to agree with the fact that run on back ground all the time but DK11 have build in schedule as well. Thinking of it mine is defragmenting chrome logs all the time :). But after all this is mechanical HDD and they are known that once it start spinning they don't wear at all (only at high temperature). So it's not biggie that it's defragmenting log files all the time after all it's not SSD.

That's not quite correct. Continuously using the HDD will wear it out. Heavy usage by a defrag software can even damage it one day. Also think it this way, you are using one part of the HDD, where as DK is defragging other part, what will happen? It will slow down both the processes, plus, also increase wear and tear of the HDD. I'm saying this cause I myself have faced these problems. DK has been defragging my HDD even while browsing.

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You guys need to disable/delete the annoying task from the Task Schedular, (if it creates any) and change the DKservice.exe to 'Manual' startup from 'Automatic' from services.msc. Not sure, but I think it creates another service as well and if you can't find that, just go to the task manager and right click on the process and 'goto service' > 'end process tree'. You'll be able to kill both the DK services that way (if there is that 2nd service, that is). :yes:

Sorry for being Mr. obvious, but you also need to disable/delete it from startup through msconfig or any maintenance utility that you might be using (like Ccleaner etc.) ;)

Personally I hate anything running in the background and I'm extremely scrupulous about it. Don't install components of software that I don't need, don't create start menu/quick launch entries of everything and not desktop icons either. Everything starts on demand from a pinned folder on the explorer icon on the taskbar. Keeps my PC blazing quick. Quick startup and super quick shutdown. No scheduled tasks - and I mean zero. Even Office 2010 Auto KMS runs on demand every few weeks or so. :P

One can always disable bluetooth if on desktop, intranet (if you're not connected to one - & most of us aren't), printer service (if you don't use the printer everyday - When you do, just start it manually), tablet inputs etc. and other such. All those take up time starting your PC up (even if they're labelled as 'delayed startup'). That's the difference between the desktop being available immediately on startup or it taking several seconds before you can start working. Not to mention using up extra memory :(

Saves me the hassle of regular re-installations with Win7 that I had to go through in XP. :D

EDIT: Apologies for the lengthy post :P

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Also I have noticed a recurring HDD usage, after using Win 7, on XP after some time the HDD just remains idle, what's the problem with Win7, I have tried to shut down the DK 2012 service, but it’s not the program that is creating this, Win 7 has some advantages over XP, but some things very weird.

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same for me.

I hate running unnecessary services all time.

If anyone here wants switch to Ultimatedefrag give a try to o&O defrag, auslogics defrag pro and shought's tutorial. It will help you to configure zones.

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O&O Defrag and PDisk damaged some of my drives :( in couple months back it handed me bad sectors. The drives were brand new, I won't use them for my personal experience.Ill stick with Diskeeper.

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same for me.

I hate running unnecessary services all time.

Yeah, I wish more people realized that their is more to their PC's than Chat, E-Mail, movie/music downloads, Farmville and cute kitty videos :P

O&O Defrag and PDisk damaged some of my drives :( in couple months back it handed me bad sectors. The drives were brand new, I won't use them for my personal experience.Ill stick with Diskeeper.

Not sure, but don't think defrag software can do that :o You just got bad disks, I think. That's sad, but happens. Did you by any chance happen to have Seagate Barracudas from 2008/09/10? Series 7200.11/12? Or Hitachi's from the same period? They had some known firmware issues (SD 13, SD 15, SD 35, update SD 1A), which if not rectified in time, damaged sectors and even bricks 'em! :nono:

I hope that since they were brand new, as you put it, you got refunds/exchanges :)

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I am willing to release a crack sometimes soon. Lemme test the shit before. It does not appear to be that hard for me but I may be wrong. -_-

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OK, some new development - have just uninstalled my Diskeeper Server 2012. Could've lived with the lack of registration part, but what really cooked my goose was the accidental realization that it was causing my system to freeze at startup - this occurrence was quite sporadic (would never have on a sunny day suspected that the culprit was Diskeeper.)

Long story short - it's back to Diskeeper EnterpriseServer 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for me.

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Lemme test the shit before.

After you're done, pass the shit over to me (I volunteer to be a guinea pig.)

Maybe if it works, many will be ready to eat it. :think:

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I am willing to release a crack sometimes soon. Lemme test the shit before. It does not appear to be that hard for me but I may be wrong. -_-

Healthily, that there are my countrymen on this web-site! And besides such well-known ! I will wait with impatience Patch or Keygen! ;)
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There is one *new* candidate-crack for the Pro version that is now in circulation (I just noticed and decide to share it here).

It is not tested by me because I am still happy with my Diskeeper 11 and have no spare Windows virtual machine at the moment.

Anyhow, one guy reported it working (but - this is only after 24 hours of testing!) - so you decide whether to give it a try.

The full name of the "distribution" is: Diskeeper 2012 v16.0.1017 Professional Edition (32 & 64bit) Including Crack [h33t][iahq76].zip

I uploaded it for all nsaner-ers here:

<<edited: I removed the link (and the file actually) because - as it turned out - it was just a repack of an old, non-working "crack" (by Flasher-11)...>>

Sorry! :shy: :sorry:

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There is one *new* candidate-crack for the Pro version that is now in circulation (I just noticed and decide to share it here).

It is not tested by me because I am still happy with my Diskeeper 11 and have no spare Windows virtual machine at the moment.

Anyhow, one guy reported it working (but - this is only after 24 hours of testing!) - so you decide whether to give it a try.

The full name of the "distribution" is: Diskeeper 2012 v16.0.1017 Professional Edition (32 & 64bit) Including Crack [h33t][iahq76].zip

I uploaded it for all nsaner-ers here:

Site: http://www.datafilehost.com

Sharecode: /download-631d74b9.html [?]

You never know...it might be the lucky one ;).

Hope I was of some help in this thread... :rolleyes:

Thanks capt_blake, any help is welcome! :D

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There is one *new* candidate-crack for the Pro version that is now in circulation (I just noticed and decide to share it here).

It is not tested by me because I am still happy with my Diskeeper 11 and have no spare Windows virtual machine at the moment.

Anyhow, one guy reported it working (but - this is only after 24 hours of testing!) - so you decide whether to give it a try.

The full name of the "distribution" is: Diskeeper 2012 v16.0.1017 Professional Edition (32 & 64bit) Including Crack [h33t][iahq76].zip

I uploaded it for all nsaner-ers here:

Site: http://www.datafilehost.com

Sharecode: /download-631d74b9.html [?]

You never know...it might be the lucky one ;).

Hope I was of some help in this thread... :rolleyes:

Would it be possible to get just the crack?
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