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It is quite likely that the V-Locity Endpoint is just the one that looks like it could beat the EnterpriseServer - however, without a working fix, it is difficult to make a fair comparative study.

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It is quite likely that the V-Locity Endpoint is just the one that looks like it could beat the EnterpriseServer - however, without a working fix, it is difficult to make a fair comparative study.

with autotrialreset its a fix for me for now and yes its difficult to make a fair comparative

ok i have to laptops both the same and for me one is on V-Locity Endpoint and next one is on Server but i like V-Locity Endpoint more i think it do it better but its just me

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It is quite likely that the V-Locity Endpoint is just the one that looks like it could beat the EnterpriseServer - however, without a working fix, it is difficult to make a fair comparative study.

with autotrialreset its a fix for me for now and yes its difficult to make a fair comparative

ok i have to laptops both the same and for me one is on V-Locity Endpoint and next one is on Server but i like V-Locity Endpoint more i think it do it better but its just me

Which auto Trial Reset - perhaps I missed it? :unsure:

JFTR, there is no point comparing with the Server edition - it is useless (have tried it - nowhere close to the EnterpriseServer.)

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dcs18, I have tried your EnterpriseServer on a Win 8 X64 Pro machine and it installed, as I previously said it has to be to the fact that it is the core edition

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i ment auto trial rest for V-Locity Endpoint

Yes, same here - only I only see some screenshots (no auto Trial Reset.) :unsure:

dcs18, I have tried your EnterpriseServer on a Win 8 X64 Pro machine and it installed, as I previously said it has to be to the fact that it is the core edition

Yep, hard luck. h4CvlGL.gif

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I guess DK 2012 and V-Locity will not have a patch, DK 2012 is on 2 years, and V-Locity it's based on the same base core than DK 2012, so probably not a foreseeable future

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if dk12 is uncrackable. thus, V-Locity is certainly uncrackable. because V-Locity it's based on the same base core and even better protection

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I don't get it, we already have Full Version of V-Locity Endpoint, and i think trial reset is enough :p


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Yes, same here - only I only see some screenshots (no auto Trial Reset.) :unsure:


Damn - links from anonfiles fail to work for me. h4CvlGL.gif

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Can some one tell me what is the exact problem with the new Team REiS Crack? I am going to find it by myself also.

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Can some one tell me what is the exact problem with the new Team REiS Crack? I am going to find it by myself also.

trial days go from 30 days to 29 and then 28 so crack not work 100% but trial restter works on diskeeper12 and V-Locity

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Thanks for the reply.

I have found an expired serial of Diskeeper 12 Professional and i am doing some tests with it. When i am done i will post the results here.

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Team REiS Crack is working fine for me. After applying crack i advanced the clock for 2 months and restarted the computer. It tells me that i have 1 day left in my trialware. Then agian i advanced the clock by 10 days. And the diskeeper is still working fine for me. I am able to do manual defragmentation. Also it is not giving me any trial notifications.


1. I installed the trial of diskeeper 12. Then used the following key XVZTZ-R28ZW-7EH3P-Y5E56-32GDR-KWAZ (Offline)

2. An activation string is generated by the diskeeper: N1ursBiO+tk4BOe7fd0+ok411eJRHJ8qpbuKVfSEnvi2IWj7te52Cb72Szwisdpa0PDNWw==

3. Visited the following site to get the resposne: http://www.condusiv.com/activation/activate.aspx

4. Got the following response: U/U02rC8J7c4BOe7fd0+ok411uJRHJ8qX03a8fWEnviuIWj7te52CbfySzw=

5. It says activation successful but when i re-launch the diskeeper, its say 45 days left in trial. And it no more accepts the above serial. I guess the response string tells the diskeeper that the above serial is blocked.


I think after applying the serial if we use the Team REis crack then the diskeeper will work fine for an unlimited period. After the 2nd method above i applied the Team REiS crack and then advanced the clock for 1 year and the diskeeper worked fine for me.

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Team REiS Crack is working fine for me. After applying crack i advanced the clock for 2 months and restarted the computer. It tells me that i have 1 day left in my trialware. Then agian i advanced the clock by 10 days. And the diskeeper is still working fine for me. I am able to do manual defragmentation. Also it is not giving me any trial notifications.


1. I installed the trial of diskeeper 12. Then used the following key XVZTZ-R28ZW-7EH3P-Y5E56-32GDR-KWAZ (Offline)

2. An activation string is generated by the diskeeper: N1ursBiO+tk4BOe7fd0+ok411eJRHJ8qpbuKVfSEnvi2IWj7te52Cb72Szwisdpa0PDNWw==

3. Visited the following site to get the resposne: http://www.condusiv.com/activation/activate.aspx

4. Got the following response: U/U02rC8J7c4BOe7fd0+ok411uJRHJ8qX03a8fWEnviuIWj7te52CbfySzw=

5. It says activation successful but when i re-launch the diskeeper, its say 45 days left in trial. And it no more accepts the above serial. I guess the response string tells the diskeeper that the above serial is blocked.


I think after applying the serial if we use the Team REis crack then the diskeeper will work fine for an unlimited period. After the 2nd method above i applied the Team REiS crack and then advanced the clock for 1 year and the diskeeper worked fine for me.

this will not work 100% trust

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I'm trying to crack this very strong program, but so far I only have some serials that I share with you but I don't know if these keys are valid or working well.







I think you can use following these steps: Here

Note: The keys have been found on Diskeeper 12 Pro v16.0.1017.

Have a nice day! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Ghost this is an ongoing battle that lasts more than two years, thanks for your effort, you are right this is a very strong program

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I'm trying to crack this very strong program, but so far I only have some serials that I share with you but I don't know if these keys are valid or working well.

Don't worry if you can't bro, we here in nSane, really appreaciate your work B)

If this one can be cracked, then V-Locitty either :yes:

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