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Can you make the script run on non administrator Account? Well I have changed the script that runs on task scheduler to run every time the system boots instead of every day on 15:00 to see if this fixes

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Diskeeper Keygen/Patch

*Tested and working on Win7 x86*




ok i tryed the keygen out again in vbox windows 7 64bit it some what works it takes the key but it do not remove the trialwere and the buy button and Manual defrag works u can see in this video http://videobam.com/ljMjs

but i think the days will go down means not working 100% so for me trialreset better




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Can you post exactly what you did? Mine did the opposite--activated the product but manual defrag wouldn't work--and I followed the readme.

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Please, post a link to the script modified for you, the one that worked on Windows 8 64 bits. I would like to try it on my Windows 8.1 84 bits.

Thanks in advance.

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And, if possible, a step by step. Because, what I am seeing is this: Many users getting different results, claiming to be doing the same thing... :huh:

Thanks in advance.

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Please, post a link to the script modified for you, the one that worked on Windows 8 64 bits. I would like to try it on my Windows 8.1 84 bits.

Thanks in advance.


#623 icon_share.png knowledge
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Can you post exactly what you did? Mine did the opposite--activated the product but manual defrag wouldn't work--and I followed the readme.

ok 1st i download and install diskeeper12 then use keygen 6krPERq.jpg

do not click apply just copy key and pasta two diskeeper program and then a page will popup do the copy and pasta then it will say activated but it do not remove the trialwere and the buy button and manual defrag working then i used trial rest from



but i am still playing with it and hop in time we can crack it oneday so no trial rest will be needed

inthis video http://videobam.com/VptLM i tested in windows xp pro sp3 and its working for me but do not no about the trial rest as xp do not like the trial rest as we all no but it works for me when i tested it and manual defrag working but ill get back two u all soon ( plz takenote this is not a fix just testin keygen and trialrest )

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Well I have tried the Trial Reset posted by knowledge, went to task scheduler, change the Diskeeper Trial Reset to run everytime Windows boots instead of running everyday on 15:00, and the trial days are still going down :(

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I have just quit using this program, instead I'm using Diskeeper 2011, it's compatible with windows 8.1, it's written under C++ instead of .Net Framework and it has a proper crack working indefinitely with no trial resets.

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I have just quit using this program, instead I'm using Diskeeper 2011, it's compatible with windows 8.1, it's written under C++ instead of .Net Framework and it has a proper crack working indefinitely with no trial resets.

diskeeper 12 works on 8.1 two just so u no but yes diskeeper 2011 have a full crack or patch diskeeper12 is not so easy two crack its y a trial rest works ok for me

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Well I have tried the Trial Reset posted by knowledge, went to task scheduler, change the Diskeeper Trial Reset to run everytime Windows boots instead of running everyday on 15:00, and the trial days are still going down :(

u on windows 7 or 8 or 8.1

make ur own trial rest for diskeeper12 pro

open notepad and copy this two ur notepad

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (

Set Var=%%A)



now save it as somethinklike trialrest.cmd or .bat

run in safemade two get back your 45days or 30days

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Thanks but the reseter doesn't work for me

Open Run and type "gpedit.msc" to open Group Policy Editor
- Go to: "User Confirguration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Logon/LogOff) > Logon" and add patch to DK12TR.exe. now DK always stay at 30 days.
Download DK12TR.exe

404 Not Found

and do not think it will work on xp and windows 8 Not in win 8 basic. It wont work. No Local Group Policy Editor think have no gpedit.msc but it may work for some users

I love your Signature.

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Thanks but the reseter doesn't work for me

Open Run and type "gpedit.msc" to open Group Policy Editor
- Go to: "User Confirguration > Windows Settings > Scripts (Logon/LogOff) > Logon" and add patch to DK12TR.exe. now DK always stay at 30 days.
Download DK12TR.exe

404 Not Found

and do not think it will work on xp and windows 8 Not in win 8 basic. It wont work. No Local Group Policy Editor think have no gpedit.msc but it may work for some users

I love your Signature.

glad u like my Signature.

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knowledge, I have that batch file, but I want to run it everytime the windows boot, so it's see it and forget it, if you look closely to your task scheduler, you have a task to run that trial reset everyday at 15:00, the problem is that there is not a proper way to run this batch file everytime the computer boots, on a limited account, if someone know how to do this, it would fix my problem.

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knowledge, I have that batch file, but I want to run it everytime the windows boot, so it's see it and forget it, if you look closely to your task scheduler, you have a task to run that trial reset everyday at 15:00, the problem is that there is not a proper way to run this batch file everytime the computer boots, on a limited account, if someone know how to do this, it would fix my problem.

have u tryed

How to run a batch file each time the computer boots

It may be necessary to run a batch file to configure computer devices or delete or copy files each time the computer boots to help the computer run more efficiently or allow a device to run.

Windows 98, XP, NT, 2000, Vista and later users

  1. Create a shortcut to the batch file.
  2. Once the shortcut has been created right-click the file and select Cut.
  3. Click Start, Programs, right-click the Startup folder and click Open
  4. Once the Startup folder has been opened click Edit and paste the shortcut into the startup. Any shortcuts in the startup folder will automatically start each time Windows starts.

Windows 95, 3.x and MS-DOS users

Place a line in your autoexec.bat that calls the batch file each time you want to boot the computer, as shown below.

CALL C:\myfile.bat

In the above example each time your computer starts and processes the autoexec.bat file it will call the batch file myfile.bat.



down vote accepted

Add your program in the registry:

Run - These are the most common startup locations for programs to install auto start from. By default these keys are not executed in Safe mode. If you prefix the value of these keys with an asterisk, *, is will run in Safe Mode. Registry Keys:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry keyHKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key 

Then you can launch your batch in an invisible mode:

wscript.exe "C:\yourpath\invis.vbs" "your_file.bat"

In invis.vbs put...

CreateObject("Wscript.Shell").Run """" & WScript.Arguments(0) & """", 0, False

or try

Windows has a file called Autoexec.bat that allows you to run several commands after a user logs in. As for the permission, it is possible you placed the application on a place locked to ordinary users (assuming it was a NTFS partition), so a solution would be to place the program in the drive's root (say, C:/). Then again, and AFAIK, programs ask for permission when:

  • They are locked in a folder only reachable by administrator users.
  • They mess with the Registry or other parts of the Operating System (at which point the UAC kicks in).
  • Create a scheduled task, and run it as a given user.
  • TYLBG.png
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I have done this

set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")WshShell.Run "runas /user:Administrator ""C:\Diskeeper 12\DK Reset.bat"""  , 0, TrueWScript.Sleep 100WshShell.Sendkeys "password~"

Where Reset.bat is the batch file for trial Reset and Sendkeys is the administrator account

and added this script file to run on this registry setting, hopefully this will work

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run registry key
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  • 4 weeks later...



Not Tested

works on xp users two about time

be for patched i wos usein with old crack and trial rest


it remove the red part were it say professional

edit ill test it now on my windows 8 and 8,1 and let u all no if it works or not i am thinkin not working 100% for all iso

seems two work on windows 8 not tested on 8.1 but if u try two update u still see this Y6UClx4.jpg

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Does manual defrag work? How do I know when the patch is done? All I see in the bottom left is ---

Works for me W8.1 Pro x64

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