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Doesn't the program comes pre configure with optimal settings like almost 99% of other products?

yes, it's come with default(optimal) configuration which should compatible with every system

Customize/personal configuration can be done by the user itself

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So is version 2011 fully compatible with Windows 8.1? I read on a site that it isn't and a spreadsheet made by Microsoft but it can be marketing hype

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After using DK 2011 for almost two weeks, my data HDD has 88% of fragmentation... :wtf:

I analyze it wit DK and it says it is fine, no excess fragments. I analyze it with O&O, Auslogics Pro and UltimateDefrag and they say that it is fragmented, and has 88% of fragmentation :wtf:

Three against one, and After doing a Defrag with UltimateDefrag, things are faster and smoother. Diskeeper did a fine job with my sistem disk, and kept the fragmentation at 4%, but, my data disk wasn't so well... :wtf:

Any ideas? I think I am going to ditch DK...

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They don't release a newer edition and in between almost two editons of Windows 8 and 8.1 no new program very weird

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I know that Diskeeper is a blazing defrag solution but as Long theres no
fix for it I would Switch to Perfect Disk.

Believe me ist more advanced in self control

and You get the best out your SSD/HDD.

The Price for DK is crazy and I purchased Raxco PD for 39.90€
Thats a Price a defrag tool is worth I think and I dont like Scientology as well...


(just an idea) ;)

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I am trying UltimateDefrag. It is a bit complex, but, up untill now, the results are pretty good...

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  • 1 month later...

Working Diskeeper 12 automatic trial reset:

Hi, i have read posts before. I tried nikko trial reset and as it has been written, it really only worked manual reset for me too. So i used this reseter to make it work to automatically reset my diskeeper. This is how:

1. I have investigated nikko trial reset with ProcessMonitor from sysinternals, that manual reset creates bat file in temp. it then runs it as aministrator. So i took that file and tried to run as administrator. And yes this bat file is reseting the trial. So the bat file is the same work as manual nikko reset

2. When i have had working bat for manual reset, so i only have set automatic schedule through Task Scheduler with administrator privileges, so it will run that bat file and reset trial when i want (i have set every day f. e.)

Thats everything. Simple and working. You can try.

I attach noticed bat file (i renamed it for me to understand what is this file for) and exported task from my task scheduler. But i have looked that there is my account and path in exported xml file, so it would be better for you to add this task to your task scheduler manually and it will work :) best wishes


this is some tutorial how to add task to Task scheduler: http://www.7tutorials.com/use-task-scheduler-launch-programs-without-uac-prompts

So when you will do this like i have written, you dont need nikko trial reset anymore, cause bat file in task scheduler will do the same work every time you set in task scheduler

and really this is for me the best defragmenter from all. MyDefrag according the tests make with month defragmentation one of the best work for my disk, but it does not do it when my computer is idle, and when it is doing its work, it slows down my comp. Diskeeper is great, because it solves this excelent for me. I think perfectdisk is worse, even it has better UI, because it slowes more PC and its not doing so good job like Diskeeper. So thats my opinion. And i plan in future buy this soft even i can use it for free now (now i am unemployed), because i want to support developers, because weak support form customers -> less money for development -> less great software, blah blah :), so if you like it like me, buy it too

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Working Diskeeper 12 automatic trial reset:

Hi, i have read posts before. I tried nikko trial reset and as it has been written, it really only worked manual reset for me too. So i used this reseter to make it work to automatically reset my diskeeper. This is how:

1. I have investigated nikko trial reset with ProcessMonitor from sysinternals, that manual reset creates bat file in temp. it then runs it. So i took that file and tried if running only this file will reset trial. Yes, it is reseting the trial.

2. When i have had working bat for manual reset, so i only have set automatic schedule through Task Scheduler with administrator privileges, so it will run that bat file and reset trial when i want (i have set every day f. e.)

Thats everything. Simple and working. You can try.

I attach noticed bat file (i renamed it for me to understand what is this file for) and exported task from my task scheduler. But i have looked that there is my account and path in exported xml file, so it would be better for you to add this task to your task scheduler manually and it will work :) best wishes


this is some tutorial how to add task to Task scheduler: http://www.7tutorials.com/use-task-scheduler-launch-programs-without-uac-prompts

So when you will do this like i have written, you dont need nikko trial reset anymore, cause bat file in task scheduler will do the same work every time you set in task scheduler

and really this is for me the best defragmenter from all. MyDefrag according the tests make with month defragmentation one of the best work for my disk, but it does not do it when my computer is idle, and when it is doing its work, it slows down my comp. Diskeeper is great, because it solves this excelent for me. I think perfectdisk is worse, even it has better UI, because it slowes more PC and its not doing so good job like Diskeeper. So thats my opinion. And i plan in future buy this soft even i can use it for free now, because i want to support developers, because weak support form customers -> less money for development -> less great software, blah blah :), so if you like it like me, buy it too

yours do not work izCSnsI.png?1?9750

yours is @echo off

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKCR\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%A /F)

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%B /F)


needs two be

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)



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Working Diskeeper 12 automatic trial reset:

Hi, i have read posts before. I tried nikko trial reset and as it has been written, it really only worked manual reset for me too. So i used this reseter to make it work to automatically reset my diskeeper. This is how:

1. I have investigated nikko trial reset with ProcessMonitor from sysinternals, that manual reset creates bat file in temp. it then runs it. So i took that file and tried if running only this file will reset trial. Yes, it is reseting the trial.

2. When i have had working bat for manual reset, so i only have set automatic schedule through Task Scheduler with administrator privileges, so it will run that bat file and reset trial when i want (i have set every day f. e.)

Thats everything. Simple and working. You can try.

I attach noticed bat file (i renamed it for me to understand what is this file for) and exported task from my task scheduler. But i have looked that there is my account and path in exported xml file, so it would be better for you to add this task to your task scheduler manually and it will work :) best wishes


this is some tutorial how to add task to Task scheduler: http://www.7tutorials.com/use-task-scheduler-launch-programs-without-uac-prompts

So when you will do this like i have written, you dont need nikko trial reset anymore, cause bat file in task scheduler will do the same work every time you set in task scheduler

and really this is for me the best defragmenter from all. MyDefrag according the tests make with month defragmentation one of the best work for my disk, but it does not do it when my computer is idle, and when it is doing its work, it slows down my comp. Diskeeper is great, because it solves this excelent for me. I think perfectdisk is worse, even it has better UI, because it slowes more PC and its not doing so good job like Diskeeper. So thats my opinion. And i plan in future buy this soft even i can use it for free now, because i want to support developers, because weak support form customers -> less money for development -> less great software, blah blah :), so if you like it like me, buy it too

yours do not work izCSnsI.png?1?9750

yours is @echo off

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKCR\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%A /F)

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%B /F)


needs two be

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


Yes it does work, you havent run it with administrator privileges ;) Try it right mouse button and run as administrator and give echo here to other ones

if you want to see how many days you have in trial use Reports->Report in Diskeeper UI it will write you how many days

and i see that you have written what is mine and what needts to be. I didnt changed content of bat file. What is in bat file, that is what my nikko trial reset created to me and it works for me. Hm maybe it dynamically somehow creates the content. Use the one you like and what works for you :)

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Next solution to have always 45 days left:

Now i tried another thought and it works :)))))

i set my date to future f.e. year 2016. Then i used nikko manual trial reset. And then when i set any date before 2016 it still has 45 days trial :)) I tried it now, you can try it too :) this can work for people who dont know how to add task to task scheduler :) I didnt tried restarting comp and so on, so you can try. It seems that when you reset it will remember when trial period started, but it is not so inteligent for assuming that you can start trial period in future and then get date back to normal ;) So you can choose what you like and work for you ;)

first solution i think is better. Because this one can be fixed in diskeeper update, where when developers will notice this bug, they will fix it very easy, but till then you can use it ;)

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Working Diskeeper 12 automatic trial reset:

Hi, i have read posts before. I tried nikko trial reset and as it has been written, it really only worked manual reset for me too. So i used this reseter to make it work to automatically reset my diskeeper. This is how:

1. I have investigated nikko trial reset with ProcessMonitor from sysinternals, that manual reset creates bat file in temp. it then runs it. So i took that file and tried if running only this file will reset trial. Yes, it is reseting the trial.

2. When i have had working bat for manual reset, so i only have set automatic schedule through Task Scheduler with administrator privileges, so it will run that bat file and reset trial when i want (i have set every day f. e.)

Thats everything. Simple and working. You can try.

I attach noticed bat file (i renamed it for me to understand what is this file for) and exported task from my task scheduler. But i have looked that there is my account and path in exported xml file, so it would be better for you to add this task to your task scheduler manually and it will work :) best wishes


this is some tutorial how to add task to Task scheduler: http://www.7tutorials.com/use-task-scheduler-launch-programs-without-uac-prompts

So when you will do this like i have written, you dont need nikko trial reset anymore, cause bat file in task scheduler will do the same work every time you set in task scheduler

and really this is for me the best defragmenter from all. MyDefrag according the tests make with month defragmentation one of the best work for my disk, but it does not do it when my computer is idle, and when it is doing its work, it slows down my comp. Diskeeper is great, because it solves this excelent for me. I think perfectdisk is worse, even it has better UI, because it slowes more PC and its not doing so good job like Diskeeper. So thats my opinion. And i plan in future buy this soft even i can use it for free now, because i want to support developers, because weak support form customers -> less money for development -> less great software, blah blah :), so if you like it like me, buy it too

yours do not work izCSnsI.png?1?9750

yours is @echo off

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKCR\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%A /F)

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%B /F)


needs two be

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


Yes it does work, you havent run it with administrator privileges ;) Try it right mouse button and run as administrator and give echo here to other ones

if you want to see how many days you have in trial use Reports->Report in Diskeeper UI it will write you how many days

i have 45days i have 45days all the time as i use the old way works fine for me

now yours i get this http://videobam.com/bvPBp

and its with admin

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Working Diskeeper 12 automatic trial reset:

Hi, i have read posts before. I tried nikko trial reset and as it has been written, it really only worked manual reset for me too. So i used this reseter to make it work to automatically reset my diskeeper. This is how:

1. I have investigated nikko trial reset with ProcessMonitor from sysinternals, that manual reset creates bat file in temp. it then runs it. So i took that file and tried if running only this file will reset trial. Yes, it is reseting the trial.

2. When i have had working bat for manual reset, so i only have set automatic schedule through Task Scheduler with administrator privileges, so it will run that bat file and reset trial when i want (i have set every day f. e.)

Thats everything. Simple and working. You can try.

I attach noticed bat file (i renamed it for me to understand what is this file for) and exported task from my task scheduler. But i have looked that there is my account and path in exported xml file, so it would be better for you to add this task to your task scheduler manually and it will work :) best wishes


this is some tutorial how to add task to Task scheduler: http://www.7tutorials.com/use-task-scheduler-launch-programs-without-uac-prompts

So when you will do this like i have written, you dont need nikko trial reset anymore, cause bat file in task scheduler will do the same work every time you set in task scheduler

and really this is for me the best defragmenter from all. MyDefrag according the tests make with month defragmentation one of the best work for my disk, but it does not do it when my computer is idle, and when it is doing its work, it slows down my comp. Diskeeper is great, because it solves this excelent for me. I think perfectdisk is worse, even it has better UI, because it slowes more PC and its not doing so good job like Diskeeper. So thats my opinion. And i plan in future buy this soft even i can use it for free now, because i want to support developers, because weak support form customers -> less money for development -> less great software, blah blah :), so if you like it like me, buy it too

yours do not work izCSnsI.png?1?9750

yours is @echo off

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKCR\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%A /F)

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%B /F)


needs two be

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


Yes it does work, you havent run it with administrator privileges ;) Try it right mouse button and run as administrator and give echo here to other ones

if you want to see how many days you have in trial use Reports->Report in Diskeeper UI it will write you how many days

i have 45days i have 45days all the time as i use the old way works fine for me

now yours i get this http://videobam.com/bvPBp

and its with admin

I have seen in video that you really run it with admin. Nice work, with what software did you do that video?, you can teach me :) Its ok, it showed you black window and it dissapears. Its ok, this is only manual reset. This is step 1. i have written. Nikkos trial reset do this too, it creates bat file and run it as administrator when we press manual reset. This step caused to manual trial reset your diskeeper. You can check it in Diskeeper -> Reports->Report that there is 45 days left

Now if you want to make it do for you automatically, so do it and forget, you have to do second step i have written. So create task to task scheduler to run this file every day. Hmm am i writing this too complicated? I didnt invented amerika. I only used Nikkos working manual trial reset for working it for us automatically. So what i added is, that i extracted bat file what is nikkos trial reseter using and set task scheduler to run it every day, so to reset trial ever day so we dont do then anything, only enjoy noending trial

Try it it works or try next solution i have written which is very nice too.

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Working Diskeeper 12 automatic trial reset:

Hi, i have read posts before. I tried nikko trial reset and as it has been written, it really only worked manual reset for me too. So i used this reseter to make it work to automatically reset my diskeeper. This is how:

1. I have investigated nikko trial reset with ProcessMonitor from sysinternals, that manual reset creates bat file in temp. it then runs it. So i took that file and tried if running only this file will reset trial. Yes, it is reseting the trial.

2. When i have had working bat for manual reset, so i only have set automatic schedule through Task Scheduler with administrator privileges, so it will run that bat file and reset trial when i want (i have set every day f. e.)

Thats everything. Simple and working. You can try.

I attach noticed bat file (i renamed it for me to understand what is this file for) and exported task from my task scheduler. But i have looked that there is my account and path in exported xml file, so it would be better for you to add this task to your task scheduler manually and it will work :) best wishes


this is some tutorial how to add task to Task scheduler: http://www.7tutorials.com/use-task-scheduler-launch-programs-without-uac-prompts

So when you will do this like i have written, you dont need nikko trial reset anymore, cause bat file in task scheduler will do the same work every time you set in task scheduler

and really this is for me the best defragmenter from all. MyDefrag according the tests make with month defragmentation one of the best work for my disk, but it does not do it when my computer is idle, and when it is doing its work, it slows down my comp. Diskeeper is great, because it solves this excelent for me. I think perfectdisk is worse, even it has better UI, because it slowes more PC and its not doing so good job like Diskeeper. So thats my opinion. And i plan in future buy this soft even i can use it for free now, because i want to support developers, because weak support form customers -> less money for development -> less great software, blah blah :), so if you like it like me, buy it too

yours do not work izCSnsI.png?1?9750

yours is @echo off

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKCR\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%A /F)

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%B in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v data /s') Do (Reg Delete %%B /F)


needs two be

For /F "eol=E tokens=* delims=" %%A in ('REG QUERY HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID /t REG_BINARY /v Data /s') Do (

REG DELETE %%A /v Data /f)


Yes it does work, you havent run it with administrator privileges ;) Try it right mouse button and run as administrator and give echo here to other ones

if you want to see how many days you have in trial use Reports->Report in Diskeeper UI it will write you how many days

i have 45days i have 45days all the time as i use the old way works fine for me

now yours i get this http://videobam.com/bvPBp

and its with admin

I have seen in video that you really run it with admin. Nice work, with what software did you do that video?, you can teach me :) Its ok, it showed you black window and it dissapears. Its ok, this is only manual reset. This is step 1. i have written. Nikkos trial reset do this too, it creates bat file and run it as administrator when we press manual reset. This step caused to manual trial reset your diskeeper. You can check it in Diskeeper -> Reports->Report that there is 45 days left

Now if you want to make it do for you automatically, so do it and forget, you have to do second step i have written. So create task to task scheduler to run this file every day. Hmm am i writing this too complicated? I didnt invented amerika. I only used Nikkos working manual trial reset for working it for us automatically. So what i added is, that i extracted bat file what is nikkos trial reseter using and set task scheduler to run it every day, so to reset trial ever day so we dont do then anything, only enjoy noending trial

Try it it works or try next solution i have written which is very nice too.

used this for video http://pixelmetrics.com/

pro if u google u can get it with key or crack

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works great here,,,just 45days..and another 45days..4ever..trial reset DK...

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i dont known why but my win 8.1 always freeze and 100% disk white dk12. DK11 is much better dk12, smoothly and no freeze. but dk11 kills all my system restore points although i setted VSS mode. Now i switch to Perfect Disk :) .

ps: u can simply auto reset dk12 by using task scheduler to excute the bat file. i used to use this method ~1 year

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i dont known why but my win 8.1 always freeze and 100% disk white dk12. DK11 is much better dk12, smoothly and no freeze. but dk11 kills all my system restore points although i setted VSS mode. Now i switch to Perfect Disk :) .

ps: u can simply auto reset dk12 by using task scheduler to excute the bat file. i used to use this method ~1 year

use task manager - performance - performance monitor and then choose disk, you will se what process uses so much disk

!!! one think! If it is diskeeper, let it do his work for several hours. It will analyze disks volumes, then it will do defragmentation and thats why it is 100 percent. During this you can do with your pc what you want. This is i think huge advantage of diskeeper among other defragmenters. When you start to do something it will not slow you noticable down like other defragmenters. I tried perfectdisk and i noticed slow down when using it. DK do this work better i think. After that when it will defragment all disk volumes it will not eat 100 percent. Or try to run it at night manually on all volumes and then you see.

yes thats exactly what i have written (simply auto reset...) many people didnt know this....

i am using DK12 and win 8.1 too and no freezeing and smoothly than yours 11

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@miskomisko :

The problem with Nikko Trial Reset is that the Manual Defragmentation stops on 40%. So...being your trial reset derived from Nikko that happens too.

Conclusion :- No one is able to do a good Patch or whatever for this software as I said longtime ago and besides, V:15.0.966 is working very fine without claims...



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@miskomisko :

The problem with Nikko Trial Reset is that the Manual Defragmentation stops on 40%. So...being your trial reset derived from Nikko that happens too.

Conclusion :- No one is able to do a good Patch or whatever for this software as I said longtime ago and besides, V:15.0.966 is working very fine without claims...



Hi robin hood, i have tried manual defragmentation of all my disk volumes (i have two 1 TB HDDs and every one of them have 3 volumes, all of them did defragmentation up to 100 percent). Many other users have same experience. I think that there is no problem with patch. And it is not real patch, because it does not change any file, it deletes some keys in registry, thats everything it is doing. You can connect your disk to another computer, install Diskeeper 12, not to use any patch and you will see, that it stucks on 40 percent too ;). Please try to use cmd as administrator and there type command: "chkdsk c: /f /r". replace disk c: with disk you want to defrag. If it is system partition you will have to restart and wait. Duration of check disk by this command depends on how big disks you have, but it goes sector by sector and check if it is ok - what is written that is ok read. If you do this, chkdsk will repair file system and if there are some bad sectors on disk it will mark them as bad. Then try diskkeper, i really think that patch is ok and when degragmentation stops at 40 percent it will have different reason. Trial reset does not nothing with diskeeper defragmentation technology. Why older diskeeper works? i dont know i only assume, that there is something different in defragmentation. The other think is, that when it stucks at 40 percent as you have written, check performance monitor if there dkservice really is working with disk, or maybe you will see it in task manager, check. Give it chance with chkdsk i have got more disks to normal by this ;) It is ok that some sectors get bad when disk using. try it give us echo if it helped ;). And another thing, i have huge virtual machines (40gb and more file size) and my DK stuck too for long time when defragmenting such file, but it works and after that time it goes to 100 percent ;) it adds percent if whole file is defragmented, check this too

if this would not help you. Try to use diskeeper on machine without the patch if it stucks on 40 too. If it does not help i bet that yes. Then write to Condusive (creator of DK) and let them know that there is bug in DK

to conclusion ;) Everythink what one states that is not possible will another one makes possible because he didnt know it is impossible ;)

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41 Pages & still counting for abandonware...

what does this mean? :) my translator gave me useless meaning...

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41 Pages & still counting for abandonware...

what does this mean? :) my translator gave me useless meaning...

I think he's just saying that we have given up on Diskeeper.

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Thanx ...


and nightmare

but I guess this is a never ending story...!

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@miskomisko :

In fact I was wrong | I should have waited more time when manually defragmenting . When it reaches 40 % we have to wait a lot till it reaches the 100% .

OK !

I did it advancing date time forward 3 years and then applied Nikko manual reset and worked. After several experiences with other dates and after rebooting PC and having shut down the computer and other tests, reached to the conclusion that this process works. It`s 45 days for ever...

Trial Reset by Nikko ( use the manual Reset )

Download here :-


Site :- .............................. http://www.mirrorcreator.com

Sharecode :- ................................................................ /files/1STDRKSC/Trial_Reset_by_Nikko.rar_links


But even so I prefer Diskeeper 11...

Anyway... Congratulations for this discover ! Good work !



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@miskomisko :

In fact I was wrong | I should have waited more time when manually defragmenting . When it reaches 40 % we have to wait a lot till it reaches the 100% .

OK !

I did it advancing date time forward 3 years and then applied Nikko manual reset and worked. After several experiences with other dates and after rebooting PC and having shut down the computer and other tests, reached to the conclusion that this process works.

But even so I prefer Diskeeper 11...

Anyway... Congratulations for this discover ! Good work !



thx robin, i am glad, so you tried second solution and working for you, wish you best with dk11

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