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Server Too Busy?


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Just wondering if this is a problem on-going current because of an attack, or maintenance? ...but I have repeatedly gotten this message today.. AND I might add have noticed quite a bit of activity again from South Africa on my own servers, in other areas such as filtering... With many of the usual requests... DDoS? .. curious..

EDIT: Took three attempts to recreate and post this.. and had to upload the attachment twice.. I have also noticed disappearing emoticons or emoticons that will not show up until way later than expected for about 2 weeks..

The Database has also been way slow for about a month now.. I just logged out and back in and it seems better. Had to even edit the post.. Would not even load the front page..

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Yes. It seems we are facing some technical difficulties and are looking into it. :)

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Made it here as a Guest.. :P Compacting the database could help as well as deleting cached pages in the Admin console.. but as a suggestion I would say this is all probably been done.. but it does seems like some sort of issue.. Took five minutes to get here and this probably won't post .. LOL

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We're all getting this. uhhhh... so damn frustrating.

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what the... I have the same problem and the thingy where users can see what other are doing.. StatusUpdates or what is it called... it's gone ?!

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The Status Updates, Personal Messaging and Search have been disabled for performance reasons (not to worry about that).

I'm not sure what the cause of these issues is, I'm looking into it. Please don't refresh the index all the time, just wait a few hours, thank you :)

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getting [#10245] errors when trying to view profile or view new content

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Not for sure if this because of site load due to the same activity I have been seeing lately but the following could help on the server side I would try it on the dev server first though... I always found it useful combined with PeerBlock for protecting servers and systems... There if you want it... should loop each request to a non-existent site which has to timeout and could be quite interesting for them.. There is an additional one which will send them in a n infinite loop.. but its old and I have to find it because it would not work correctly with my setup.. Includes the 4G and 5G Lists.. There are some more items at Perishable Press.. :)

EDIT: Removed extra attachment..

getting [#10245] errors when trying to view profile or view new content

This is because Search has been disabled, as well as Profiles and stuff as mentioned above.. :)

Going in for a bet on these two IP's .. as they seem to appear for some reason... While loading a page.. :dunno: - SSH Attack asked for port 22 - Supposed MS SQL asked for port 1433 - WTS<--- :P

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starting to get that message again just now...

[#2001] Sorry, the server is too busy to handle your request, please try again in a moment
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starting to get that message again just now...

[#2001] Sorry, the server is too busy to handle your request, please try again in a moment

Same here, but only sometimes...and all is slow.

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Does seem a bit slow.. but not receiving errors here yet... and if you used a program to hit those IP's you realize that your system is wide open to them... When I tried to do mine it kept hitting my filter.. smiley corruption again too.. here.. missing or taking long time to respond.. Something has the server(s) working overtime... - Very active and doing port scans here.. been going on for about two weeks.. heavier last few days... Probably scanning for infected systems to circumvent by others.. Bots.. :rolleyes: Not always just curious.. sometimes they look for things.. they are there for a reason..

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In order to make sure we can at least provide a somewhat consistent service to our users we've enabled Performance Mode on our forums. This disables some features like messaging, searching, the status updates and several other more obscure options.

We're still actively looking into what is causing these issues. The above is just a temporary solution ;)

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this morning in the usa (about 3 years ago) wast able to get into the forum. can now but new content is down. that is the only real option that needed :P.

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Does seem a bit slow.. but not receiving errors here yet... and if you used a program to hit those IP's you realize that your system is wide open to them... When I tried to do mine it kept hitting my filter.. smiley corruption again too.. here.. missing or taking long time to respond.. Something has the server(s) working overtime... - Very active and doing port scans here.. been going on for about two weeks.. heavier last few days... Probably scanning for infected systems to circumvent by others.. Bots.. :rolleyes: Not always just curious.. sometimes they look for things.. they are there for a reason..

i did a dnsstuff.com check on them, came out chinese, don't worry they'll go down soon. nothing from china lasts for too long :D

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this morning in the usa (about 3 years ago)

You're time travelling then :D

Great to be able to access the forums again shought :)

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Great to be able to access the forums again shought :)

That was by morning but right now( 09.59 PM - GMT ) Forums are gone again.

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now i know you guys have been experiencing alot of issues with the forums so far and but i don't know exactly what been goin on but, what is going on with the site? lol :frusty:

[#10145] Search is not enabled on the forums at this time.

(this is what i see when i click it)

there may be reasons but im just curious as to why the "view new content" button is disabled? :blink: heh at first i thought you guys didn't like meh, & started disabling stuff :P

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I know shought will reply but I'll say it anyway. :P

There's nothing to worry about (DDoS like stuff). And our admins are working very hard to fix it so be patient. :)

@Win7nerd: Read above. shought has enabled "Performance Mode" which disables some heavy load tasks so that forum is atleast alive and working partially. ^_^

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If you go back up the thread and read a bit you will find out everything you need to know... Its part of running n performance mode.. All system and database intensive features are turned off.. this includes search and messaging along with other related features.. we are on manual like the good ol' days.. ( though I don't know what was good about them ) You get the point.. read up.. :thumbsup: :)

Yes that was me and I forgot to sign in.. :P

Staff Note: Posts merged. Please Report the post if such a case. ;)

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have not only nsane but have got the server too busy from a number of other sites..then did logins with https and available..http..server too busy.


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Yes and several file servers are giving incorrect file sizes and dropping connections right before the end of a file.. automated downloader has tried for two days with two files.. un-announced to me.. BUT this has been occurring.. Threw in some extra lists for extra measure.. but it seems MANY sites are now becoming inoperable.. or atleast properly.. I have taken mine offline all together just to cut down on it and I am about to throw up the curtain and go off the grid so to speak.. This is something someone else is going to have to cleanup... Could be Operation in Our Sites.. literally.. could be something else.. regardless just like the last 11 years.. everything is falling apart... Imagine our worse terrorist being our own stupidity..

Until I see some signs that things are as they should I will probably not be on or around.. too much BS.. sit there and stare at the walls I guess.. :( Only best bet..

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