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Which antivirus do you think is the best?


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I use Panda Cloud Antivirus and I like it allot. It has almost no impact on performance. :dance2:

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No offense but isn't this like the one millionth 'Which AV is best?' thread or am I just being cranky today? To repeat previous answers...there's more to system protection and security than just a decent AV w/ FW app alone. Most professionals agree that using separate apps for each facet is the best way to go...esp when it comes to AV w/Firewall solutions. The idea is not to have any one single app responsible for everything...if part of a said app gets compromised then there is a very high chance that everything else it's in charge of goes south as well. A good 'security combo' imo, is Norton or Kaspersky 2011/12 for AV, Comodo Firewall for network protection and then an app like Malwarebytes and/or Hitman Pro as 'extra' or 'third party' on-demand scanning/protection. Vipre also has a great stand alone firewall but it isn't available for 64bit setups unless you get the whole security bundle. Vipre's CounterSpy 4 also gets very good marks/reviews for dispatching malware.

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No offense but isn't this like the one millionth 'Which AV is best?' thread or am I just being cranky today? To repeat previous answers...there's more to system protection and security than just a decent AV w/ FW app alone. Most professionals agree that using separate apps for each facet is the best way to go...esp when it comes to AV w/Firewall solutions. The idea is not to have any one single app responsible for everything...if part of a said app gets compromised then there is a very high chance that everything else it's in charge of goes south as well. A good 'security combo' imo, is Norton or Kaspersky 2011/12 for AV, Comodo Firewall for network protection and then an app like Malwarebytes and/or Hitman Pro as 'extra' or 'third party' on-demand scanning/protection. Vipre also has a great stand alone firewall but it isn't available for 64bit setups unless you get the whole security bundle. Vipre's CounterSpy 4 also gets very good marks/reviews for dispatching malware.

+1 to that, but IMHO, the best anti-virus is situating between the screen and the chair, meaning you. Sure the best virus protection today (Kaspersky IS, Nod32 etc.) can catch and remove 95-98% of malware, but there always is a chance to get infected. My conclusion: Don't go to iffy sites and download stuff you're not sure of and of course, keep an eye on the size of the file your downloading (for example: kind of fishy, when you download a movie with a size of 100ish KB, a couple of MB, when actually they are 700 MB, 1,4 GB, 7 GB etc. or so, ey?), plus the file extension (like example_photo.jpg.exe etc.) best to avoid those. But yeah, having a good AV always helps, :). (As if you already didn't know all of this, :P:D)

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Take a look at this page, on the left side you can see some different Comparatives/Reviews.

Maybe some of you know this site, just use Google Translate and translate it to your native

language, it clears up some questions and facts, it would be funny also. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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best antivirus would be to stay off of internet. still have to worry about usb, flash drive, cd, floopy tho.

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best antivirus would be to stay off of internet. still have to worry about usb, flash drive, cd, floopy tho.

not logical at all

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I salute every member that said that each product has its strengths and its weaknesses. That a person should try both in order to determine what works best on their own system, because, that varies a great deal. Sometimes "a great" product works terrible for one person, but it works great for the next.

You know what, we're going to take a break from the "this versus that" type threads here. If a poster has nothing more to ask then "which of these AVs is best?" then such a thread will be close - no debate. For a while, I expect people to put much more thought into their posts then... "Does this product suck?" or "Which is the best - abc or xyz?" Whenever such a thread gets started, be assured, regardless of who started it, it will be closed and/or removed. Don't reply! It'll all be for nothing, even if it sits there for 6 hours waiting for a moderator to axe it, it WILL go. Don't feed the trolls!

If the "other anti-virus forum" goes totally quiet for the next few weeks - no problem. I'd rather one worth while thread then hundreds of stupid posts.

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Panda Cloud Antivirus its FREE and have the best detection rates. :o

Always in first five places (1-5) in many antivirus testing organizations.

However its FREE and much better than many other paid products :blink: :lol:

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What is the best antivirus? Other than nod32

There is NO such thing.

No offense but I'm getting fed-p with this topic, it has been asked plenty of times already, I suggest you use the search function!

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The important thing is to make sure whatever Anti-malware solution that you are using has something other than either Definitions and Cloud scanning. Better would be a built in HIPS and best would be a HIPS plus some sort of sandbox. For any inclined I would suggest doing a bit of testing- set up a VM (Virtualbox is getting better and better), go to a site like Malware Domain List. For the past week or so there has been a number of Ransomware programs found there; whoever is coding these things is making small changes to it on an hourly basis so definitions are not able to keep up. I've tested it against Norton and the best that can do is give a "You are the first to download" warning. Run it and the computer is rebooted and trashed. Panda didn't fair well either.

Best to ignore Fanboys and attempt some testing. You may be very surprised at the results.

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Why not mod lock these types topics

after a week or tow again same topic will be created about av or firewall

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The quote above is actually from somewhere else I think.. but truthfully it is within reason that this forum suggest opening topics about personal views of those here to be debated or weighed against one another hopefully in an effort to help others expand their current knowledge and viewpoints about subjects, for instance - enlightening people's views on what the best AV is.. when technically there are studies about how well AV engines detect and protect a system.. at the current known state of tested Malware and which AV performs the best.. some of these studies are not subjected to global standards maintained and critiqued by committee and some would rather rely on the experience of others and what they have found over the test of time to be true.. HOWEVER, these ideas are also subject to variables and radical factors which have and will inevitably impact those outcomes and assessments. Some have changed their habits .. there have been upgrades to new versions and some even don't really even know what keeps it protected while other mods and protection may actually be the actual method of protection.. all they know is what they have installed and actions they have taken.. but unaware of what can actually be keeping an infection or event from taking place... while they may be perfectly aware of what they have done and some reasons why... Like saying I have never been infected or hacked but not realizing that the firewall, UAC or something else has prevented a change to your system..

Topics like these are to get one's opinion.. Not a result of extensive testing and trials.. Most are a result of daily usage... and a test of the usual suspects.. in some cases it is as is anonymously quoted above - DON'T FEED THE TROLLS... Opinions are like A$$holes... Everybody has one and eventually at some point in time.. They stink.. No matter what.. LOL.. especially with computing environments changing and new technologies and applications coming to the table everyday..

Each users needed protection will vary.. each system's performance will vary.. each user's habits will vary.. each network.. each one different.. In an effort to cover the bases, an opinion may be formed about the options and features available to the end user of the application and proper detection rates which render low false-positives... Within that one single idea, you again have something that will appeal to one user and will not the next...


Topics like these can help enlighten some as to aspects that may not be known or even considered by some, when they have made a decision.. especially when based on Bloatware in a new PC.. or a flashing drive-by ad... Or even the rave reviews by some rage-poster who has spammed their friends and websites with their best AV... Almost like teams from each AV company.. waving their own banner.. Hype, and the state of love and trust in the world will spawn threads like these.. as well as that new threat that seems to fly in under the wire or you didn't see coming.. Also, some misinterpreting a vulnerability or hack... for malware or something else even a bad program version or update which causes unforeseen incompatibilities or changes to the system which re not desired..unintentionally.. Definitions and words in general, taking on false definitions and even the communication of the proper ones being lost in translation...

Like the Devs in the world trying to make sense of all the data... the User too has to be able to make a decision, as it all just seems to bleed together and nothing truly stand out to those who actually feel terrorized by not knowing yet coming to a general understanding that protection is truly needed.. You have business IT and security changes there that people notice.. You have hype from News Media who truly do not even understand what they are reporting half of the time.. and the victim who is at a point of embolism and could start anything at anytime with a PTSD level of emergency.... which all will spawn.. to question.. we all find ourselves giving the advice over and over again...Explaining it a thousand times.. Even as a result of people not knowing how to properly search for information and still running into hype when they find it.. as mentioned..

The best trade off for Topics like is as stated above.. and if they are to be deleted and excavated for sake of proper knowledge.. the good needs to be put back in.. The knowledge that, yes in fact .. Each person out there has to make their own decision on how to be protected.. and how they need to be.. They need proper knowledge if they are to run a computer or use a tool... as it has the capability to take or the place of many appliances..and is a better choice because of its dynamic capabilities, this too comes at a price.. if we do not properly acknowledge possible threats...Some of us want to know how to cover all of the bases and leave no open whole... These debates can be as heated as well... and spawn just as much assumption and incorrect information and data, for the user out there looking to be informed.. So it must be done delicately and with precision..

The real question and valued information of what one truly should seek but has yet to come to an understanding of - and what they are really asking can be one in the same and yet different from what we see or hear... Yet not to dissociate... or even to get it wrong but to show how the truth of the matter .. what should really be asked.. is in fact.. " How do I choose a proper AV, Firewall, Vulnerability scanner, Router, ISP, DNS Server, Network.. and how to protect my system in its immediate environment ' ... Each subject is too in-depth to cover in one post... or rate as a matter of opinion. Too many factors and regardless of the move to only have one form letter for making decisions, which is next to not thinking at all.. A thought process has to occur for those people to be able to do so... That is the true knowledge they seek..

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What is the best antivirus? Other than nod32

There is NO such thing.

I agree to Lohengrin .

1) there is no antivirus capable of 100% detection

2) generally , the succes rate of removing malware is lower than the detection rate

3) now , here comes the impact on resources ... we don't have computers just for run the antivirus program

4) but wait , we still want to be protected -> go to 1) ... :P

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Though there's no antivirus that has 100% detection rate, we still need to pick one as our protection.

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