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AHH SON OF A.....B****


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ok i got served with court papers for downloading the new harry potter movie part 2 (the very last movie) from the MPAA or their lawyers. idk im gonna use the IP harvesting law against them considering IP harvesting is illegal here in the US. now im not worried about it as much as you may be. lol i like bullying these f**kers around as much as they think they can bully me. if they want money then so be it, cuz i have NONE lol. good luck trying to get any out of me. now are there any laws protecting me as a US citizen? Ive got no priors or anything like that so they cant use it against me. i know what you guys are thinking "its just a warning" and so on but i know what official court papers look like lol. but what id like to know is there anything i can use against them with laws proving the fact!? ideas? Ive got a lawyer but im rather hesitant on using him cuz hes good and expensive lol. now im considering going solo in this whole ordeal is that wise? im fairly knowledgeable in the file sharing. (im not saying i know everything by any-means). what do you guys recommend????

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Where did you download this from? Also, posting the papers (with the relevant numbers/names obstructed, plus sharecodes) might be helpful. Going "solo" is definitely not wise and you might contact a lawyer that's experienced in P2P issues, if you plan on fighting this. But first, the text that you have received is important.

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As Toyo says- not wise to go solo.

Matter of legal importance is if it is just a letter, or "they" are in ability "with just a letter" to make you jump and admit something without them admitting in using illegal means.

Next is threats- what are they, could they be threated as "harassment"?

Actual IP... have they based accusation based on IP only, have their accusation comes from cooperating with your ISP (in most cases) such is intrusion of privacy laws.

Actual file(film) have you been able to use it, did you use it for any other but educational (IE Internet protocol analysis) purpose, have you actually seen the movie? Bottom line is, that such cases is lottery as where somebody without any comprehension (jury/judge) is end up making decisions or weather it is possible to prove opposite, that case can not be successfully analyzed by such means and it is simply legally impossible to be fairly represented by you against evil (and very often wrong) monsters of law/money lobbies, whilst they don't have nothing of substance. Again, they could be just "fishing" for a response in order to make "case"

Good job you aren't spooked, but would make sense to consult a lawyer (and I, already hate any of them too!) as if it is worth responding-1; if actual letter delivery is undeniable-2; all above-3

Best of luck! and keep us posted as how etc, some of us might have additional ideas for you!

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this is why you should do newsgroups

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this is why u should use small hidden private tracker

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Don't download from public trackers if you live in fu*ed countries like USA. And get a lawyer man.

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ok i got served with court papers for downloading the new harry potter movie part 2 (the very last movie) from the MPAA or their lawyers. idk im gonna use the IP harvesting law against them considering IP harvesting is illegal here in the US. now im not worried about it as much as you may be. lol i like bullying these f**kers around as much as they think they can bully me. if they want money then so be it, cuz i have NONE lol. good luck trying to get any out of me. now are there any laws protecting me as a US citizen? Ive got no priors or anything like that so they cant use it against me. i know what you guys are thinking "its just a warning" and so on but i know what official court papers look like lol. but what id like to know is there anything i can use against them with laws proving the fact!? ideas? Ive got a lawyer but im rather hesitant on using him cuz hes good and expensive lol. now im considering going solo in this whole ordeal is that wise? im fairly knowledgeable in the file sharing. (im not saying i know everything by any-means). what do you guys recommend????

I suggest finding some media sources like local radio shows and publicizing your situation (make sure they are pro liberty people, ya know, FOR THE PEOPLE). Get a hold of Alex Jones of infowars,com and explain your situation and maybe he can provide some profession advice on how to defend yourself. And yes get a lawyer, get a constitutional lawyer (a true constitutional lawyer), they will stand for you, NOT the major corporations.

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A SeedBox or even a VPN would a good idea for the future. As for the meantime, I'm afraid I know nothing about American laws but I definitely advice AGAINST going solo. Even a court appointed attorney is better than none.

On a lighter note, perhaps you should burn your HDD (to get rid of the evidence), thermite should do the trick :D

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ignore it. tell them it wasnt you and you looked and notice your router wasnt secure or got hacked (using wep for protection), inform them that ip address not not mean a person. inform them using a state court system to find you out through your ips is an ilelgal fitlthy liberdal demcorat assume of the law. inform them they have to use you in federal court for money anyway. tell them you dont have a fuking computer or dont know what p2p is. tell your shitty ips that you canceling them for thei=m stupidy just giving information out without informing you. take the desk or laptop and putit away for awhile. use an older machine for now.. repent you are fkd. donate money to omaba slush fund. better yet just move to another city

oh edit out anything you said in this site just in case.

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Guys, rhetorics and smart ass advice post facto is OK, but not now, not to nSaner in trouble..

Certain points as what myidisbb says- are possible of having legal implications too!. Again, you must get lawyer advice as how to respond to it. Individual circumstances is the key and do or die as how/when/why you will respond. What you do know not necessarily mean got to be advertised, most importantly is to get as much back feedback as why/how "they" are coming on to you, what "evidence" "they" can provide, if any.

If it will end up in the court (mind you not responding to court demands would have you guilty straight too), matter of you being informed of most as what and how you can evaluate/make your stance.

There is justices business, there is no justices! and if you got dragged in to such affair- got to act by them rules.

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The first thing, as mentioned above, post the papers.

Don't worry though, there are many ways to deal with it. :)

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Contact "The Pirate Bay" if you can find them, They seem to be upholding to a lot of threats.

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Guys, rhetorics and smart ass advice post facto is OK, but not now, not to nSaner in trouble..

Certain points as what myidisbb says- are possible of having legal implications too!. Again, you must get lawyer advice as how to respond to it. Individual circumstances is the key and do or die as how/when/why you will respond. What you do know not necessarily mean got to be advertised, most importantly is to get as much back feedback as why/how "they" are coming on to you, what "evidence" "they" can provide, if any.

If it will end up in the court (mind you not responding to court demands would have you guilty straight too), matter of you being informed of most as what and how you can evaluate/make your stance.

There is justices business, there is no justices! and if you got dragged in to such affair- got to act by them rules.

Although what myidisbb said could have possible legal implications I think he is well experienced in avoiding getting caught and I think that's what he was trying to imply, if they can't "catch" you in the act then they can't do anything.

No evidence is needed, the justice system is tailored to punish otherwise honest tax paying citizens and allows for loopholes for serious criminals to rome free. Besides, the RIAA and MPAA and those guys run their own Mafia style of law, forget constitutional rights because you practically have none in these cases, they bully the person into a settlement because they want money and that's that.

Whatever you do, don't stand alone in the court because even though your knowledge of p2p is good your finesse in law will not be enough to convince a judge, you need a lawyer for sure because even though it may be a technical case you need to convince the judge in legal terms that you are innocent. We read about these things in the news everyday but we never think they will happen to us, very sad what has happened to you here. I would highly suggest that you research and print out information on all the similar cases on the internet and give them to your lawyer and he/she will try to get the case files and see what can be done. Learn the outcomes of the similar cases and see what can be applied to you, but I have to tell you that I think a murderer has a better chance of finding a legal loophole to escape than you. Like seriously, that is sad but true, look at Casey Anthony, she is out a free person, I never read any case for p2p sharing where the accused escaped without some massive settlement fine so you have alot of homework to get working on.

Isn't there some rule that the ISP has to send you a cease and desist warning letter for the first few times though? You might be able to use that but they change the laws so often to catch all deadly and violent file sharers that cute and cuddly murderers and rapists are out of the legal spotlight. Whatever happens I think in the end you should switch ISP and get written documentation about the ISP policies regarding p2p and their procedure, you have to do it for your current provider as well as your lawyer may be able to find something useful from it.

Lastly do note that this is a publicly accessible forum so avoid putting any incriminating stuff here as it may work against you, anything you have you say you did you should say that it was alleged that whatever and whatever occurred.

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Isn't there some rule that the ISP has to send you a cease and desist warning letter for the first few times though? You might be able to use that but they change the laws so often to catch all deadly and violent file sharers that cute and cuddly murderers and rapists are out of the legal spotlight. Whatever happens I think in the end you should switch ISP and get written documentation about the ISP policies regarding p2p and their procedure, you have to do it for your current provider as well as your lawyer may be able to find something useful from it.

bascially most likely they went to the ips and got your information. if your ips actually cared they would told them they had to have a court order and then they should sent you a email or phone call telling you something. then they would illegal went through a state court where a liberial nut judge ignore the fact that copyright is a federal case only. then with the courr order they forced your ips to give you up. well give that ip address up during that time period.

how they get your ip address to begin with. bascially a fake file with Hairy Poppy as the file name or got it from scaning your folder. what ever p2p you used let us know so we can fire it too. was there any software running to block or flirt ip addresses or servers?

most likely this is a lawyer out for a quick buck. post the letter as been asked. blank out your name and other real information though. sadly paying the $2000 to make they go away is cheaper in the long run. this is why you all in the usa need to stop voting for rinos and any democrat. we need Tort reform. suing lawyers support democrats. leason you just learn the hard way.

btw was the letter hand delivered, had to sign for it? if not who is to say you received it. btw never sign for them.

play dumb and tell them you didnt do it. and end up settling for 2 like a posted above. then learn and find out who the lawyer is and pay $ so Cmnt his azz. or have a drive by and see if his network is unsecure and post stuff from it. just make sure the laptop you use has never been used else where by you.

btw if he posted a real file to get people he has to have promission to use a copyrighted item for that. fraknly he sounds like a local thug that isnt during it legally anyway.

again people I have been saying this for years. NEWSGROUPS.

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fvck, seen how many profile views this topic generated... Whole load of peeps must have had simillar threats too... And few greedy pirhannas in all!

Be wise dude!

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I have nothing of use to say im afraid, just wanted to wish you all the best in the matter. Sounds like scary stuff. Good luck

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lucky me living in place that most are outlaws consider to d/l shit around the world :lol:

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after eyeballing the 5 pages of the bullshit on how they found me, it has a contact number for me to call, im debating whether i should call or not. it also says something about a body attachment, if i cant make it to court, mind you i live in a faraway state from where their offices are and if i cant make it for court then imma be arrested, which don't make any bit of sense. AND heres the kicker it don't have any cause number or nothing on it its got like " case file: XXXXX) shit like that but no official cause number. mind you i haven't called them yet, it seems to be a direct line of some sort. im really starting to think its a load of crap. BUT if i get something else in the mail from them ill surely update. unlike everyone else (whose afraid of big companies) im not, bring it on. i talked with my lawyer briefly about it and (basically to set up a meeting) said that him and i will talk more on Wednesday, due to him having court for other clients on Monday and Tuesday. he mentioned it might be a scare tactic as well and if i decide to respond to the number in the pages with the extension. it would be very wise to have him in court. also what he said to let him know if and when you get those "official" court documents and he will take care of the rest. i told him that i will not settle or anything i wanna fight this thing. he said "that's very brave of you, because most people give in no matter what" i also said that i don't like getting bullied into something that they cant prove, (then we hung up) i wont say whether i did this or i did that in-case they are watching. ill save it for court. Ive taken some advice from here and some of it seems pretty good and some is kinda dumb but good stuff none the less lol. i seem comical about this whole thing because im just not afraid of these people who think they can harass others. i wont stand for it.:angry: NOT at all! my lawyer is out to actually defend people who have been wronged, hes one of them pay if you win types of lawyers, don't pay if you lose.

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after eyeballing the 5 pages of the bullshit on how they found me, it has a contact number for me to call, im debating whether i should call or not. it also says something about a body attachment, if i cant make it to court, mind you i live in a faraway state from where their offices are and if i cant make it for court then imma be arrested, which don't make any bit of sense. AND heres the kicker it don't have any cause number or nothing on it its got like " case file: XXXXX) shit like that but no official cause number. mind you i haven't called them yet, it seems to be a direct line of some sort. im really starting to think its a load of crap. BUT if i get something else in the mail from them ill surely update. unlike everyone else (whose afraid of big companies) im not, bring it on. i talked with my lawyer briefly about it and (basically to set up a meeting) said that him and i will talk more on Wednesday, due to him having court for other clients on Monday and Tuesday. he mentioned it might be a scare tactic as well and if i decide to respond to the number in the pages with the extension. it would be very wise to have him in court. also what he said to let him know if and when you get those "official" court documents and he will take care of the rest. i told him that i will not settle or anything i wanna fight this thing. he said "that's very brave of you, because most people give in no matter what" i also said that i don't like getting bullied into something that they cant prove, (then we hung up) i wont say whether i did this or i did that in-case they are watching. ill save it for court. Ive taken some advice from here and some of it seems pretty good and some is kinda dumb but good stuff none the less lol. i seem comical about this whole thing because im just not afraid of these people who think they can harass others. i wont stand for it.:angry: NOT at all! my lawyer is out to actually defend people who have been wronged, hes one of them pay if you win types of lawyers, don't pay if you lose.

do not use your real phone to call. post the 5 pages online

they have to sue you in federal court for any copyright breaking. its crap or someone typing to get people to settle quickly. i would ignore it frankly. you are better off spending money on someone that would Cmnt his azz

once you bite and have a lawyer contact these azzholes then they are going to force you to settle etc and threats. frankly ingore or sue them for something.

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i have no scanner :( to post the pages nor do i have a "this Ice age Quality" camera otherwise i definitely would :( but maybe i can go to my moms house and use it.

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after eyeballing the 5 pages of the bullshit on how they found me, it has a contact number for me to call, im debating whether i should call or not. it also says something about a body attachment, if i cant make it to court, mind you i live in a faraway state from where their offices are and if i cant make it for court then imma be arrested, which don't make any bit of sense.

actually it does! if those are official Court documents!

AND heres the kicker it don't have any cause number or nothing on it its got like " case file: XXXXX) shit like that but no official cause number. mind you i haven't called them yet, it seems to be a direct line of some sort. im really starting to think its a load of crap. BUT if i get something else in the mail from them ill surely update.

Could be- so the answer would be to inquire to court as such is real court as there is document service report (as you have received those)

unlike everyone else (whose afraid of big companies) im not, bring it on. i talked with my lawyer briefly about it and (basically to set up a meeting) said that him and i will talk more on Wednesday, due to him having court for other clients on Monday and Tuesday. he mentioned it might be a scare tactic as well and if i decide to respond to the number in the pages with the extension. it would be very wise to have him in court. also what he said to let him know if and when you get those "official" court documents and he will take care of the rest. i told him that i will not settle or anything i wanna fight this thing. he said "that's very brave of you, because most people give in no matter what" i also said that i don't like getting bullied into something that they cant prove, (then we hung up) i wont say whether i did this or i did that in-case they are watching. ill save it for court. Ive taken some advice from here and some of it seems pretty good and some is kinda dumb but good stuff none the less lol. i seem comical about this whole thing because im just not afraid of these people who think they can harass others. i wont stand for it.:angry: NOT at all! my lawyer is out to actually defend people who have been wronged, hes one of them pay if you win types of lawyers, don't pay if you lose.

Thats handy! fingers crossed for ya till Wednesday, meanwhile all I can suggest is to see if those papers are real Court documents and if not- get your lawyer to fvck them for harrasment

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I am using a larger font for Win7Nerd.

So, gleening a few things that you wrote I have picked out

one or two to comment on...

im debating whether i should call or not. it also says something about a body attachment

May I suggest you have legal council make this call first? It seems to me that they are "fishing" for whatever info they can get on you.

mma be arrested, which don't make any bit of sense. AND heres the kicker it don't have any cause number or nothing on it its got like " case file: XXXXX)

If you are in the USA, then there are a couple of points here to make....

#1 If there is a case filed against you...it is the COURT that serves you the summons...with a CASE number and instructions.

#2 In order for you to be arrested, there must be a warrant issued. In order for there to be a warrant, there must be a judge. In order

for there to be a judge, there must be a ...CASE NUMBER. Again, this looks like a fishing trip. Seek legal council before doing ANYTHING.

BUT if i get something else in the mail from them...

You may or may not get anything else from them. That first piece of mail should have some "fine" print on it somewhere. I would bet good money that it does. What bothers me here is, how did they get your address? Did your ISP give it/sell it to them? If so, then I would consider first getting a new ISP and second I would slap them with an injunction to keep your personal info private. Again, the only way for them to legally handle this would be to have a court order the records for a certain IP. If they are tracking personal addresses, and are NOT affiliated with Law Enforcement nor having a COURT issued citation allowing them to do this, (which they do not), Then they are violating the privacy act, and it is basically illegal wire tapping. Again, seek legal council first. Do not do ANYTHING on this until a lawyer can review it.

Seek council and good luck ;)

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yeap i think something smells. after someone calls they will push for a settlement with more threats of arrest and costly court case. there is no case number. that cost money to get a case number filed in federal order for each and everyone of them. it has to be in the state that the person is in too. this lawyer stinks. the big question is how they got your private information. either by a illegal use of the state court system or your ips jumped when threaten without thiking. do you have a small time one? something to think about was there a fake hairy popper file you try and deleted? they had to get a ip address somehow.

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BTW just a note, that in case of poo happening old pc must die as apart from HDD, there are MAC etc serials, that upon hacking on in to are obtainable... just in case!

Keep us posted as what are developments dude! (if sensible to do so)

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