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Kaspersky 2012 Fixes


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I'm on it...

Morteza please clarify the file is not infected somehow...

I trust you, but any way..




that is not fake

5 min and still working...

Thanks for your report. :)Don't worry "It's maybe fake" is my sentence about every things in Internet. ;)
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I'd like more confirmation, to know it works for all and stable before I apply it on my computer.

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Hi! I found some solution:

Just reinstall Kaspersky and you can use your TR again.


i did that this morning when my license expired, also used this key to have 91 trial (QCGUH-J8FF6-33WGA-UBY62), work great until a couple minute where i got the message that my license has expired :-(

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if u reinstall then no need to use trial resetter bro

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So far so good!

Thanks Slipknot :showoff:

So I should uninstall Kaspersky, install the Kaspersky 'h' again and apply (babelpatcher's) patch? Can anyone please confirm?


Sorry for late reply.

Anyhow to answer ur question, I must say KW by Slipknot Corp. is hassle free and best part it WORKS!

Yes, would do as Snowonthetree suggested. To uninstall and reinstall KIS and do the trial reset.

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if u reinstall then no need to use trial resetter bro

well, yeah maybe.... haven't verify if i could use trial version again or not but it would sound a bit easy if you could!

now is it because i ran the TR that the 91 days KIS key got blacklisted???

i'm not getting the message that i've used a TR but like the usual blacklist key with date about that like:

license valid until xx-xx-2035

or maybe the TR i used didn't work anymore with patch 'G' ?? i used

TR12-M4-A1.bat - Universal trial reset for KIS-KAV 2012 (OS X86_64) by Ru-BOARD

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i got patch a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h :D

license status: 91 days remaining (since six hours ago)

will see till tomorrow :D

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i got patch a.b.c.d.e.f.g.h :D

license status: 91 days remaining (since six hours ago)

will see till tomorrow :D

You're awesome babelpatcher :D

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I uninstalled KIS, as suggested by snowonthetree. I did this from windows uninstall menu (did not use Kaspersky removal tool), checking the option to delete registration data. Then I ran KIS installer again, getting version a, b, c and applied reset by Kaspersky World, being the version available. Updated definitions and program was updated to h. Until now it's been half a day It's been several days without any licence exipiration notice (Win XP Pro SP3 32 bit).

How safe is to have Kaspersky News activated? Has anybody tracked what calls to Kasp. severs it does?

I hope Alex will have some time to update his KW to avoid this reinstall procedure, as it is rather time consuming.

:w00t: He did the trick once more with KW

Thanks and, as always, have a nice day!

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I'm getting confused regarding what is and isn't working as a patch at this point... been so many changes recently I can't keep track. I've uninstalled KAV. If I now reinstall will the old babelpatcher work? Should I wait for a new one? What's best at this point?

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the solution on #1424 WORKS :)

just keep in mind that you need .NET Framework 2 (and above) to be installed;

KIS/KAV self-defense should be disabled;


Run the fix as administrator

(the lng is not in English)

after running wait untill "reset trial" goes blinking!

click on it;

a message comes up....press "Ok" and then "Yes"


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Please test it on VM and report :).Don't test it in your real OS. It may be fake.

Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /?hxxen1fd5cu00e3 [?]

pass: morteza+nsane

Please test it on VM and report :).Don't test it in your real OS. It may be fake.

Site: http://www.mediafire.com

Sharecode: /?hxxen1fd5cu00e3 [?]

pass: morteza+nsane

tried, don't work :(

just half hour

the solution on #1424 WORKS :)

just keep in mind that you need .NET Framework 2 (and above) to be installed;

KIS/KAV self-defense should be disabled;


Run the fix as administrator

(the lng is not in English)

after running wait untill "reset trial" goes blinking!

click on it;

a message comes up....press "Ok" and then "Yes"



I tried 2 times....

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this is like playing with virus :D

mouse and cat game :D

Is it good or bad?

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Unfortunately, the only place the mouse gets to win is on The Tom and Jerry Show :D


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For me works: Kaspersky 2012 TR 3.0 made by Babelpatcher (thanks) B)

don't work....
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For me works: Kaspersky 2012 TR 3.0 made by Babelpatcher (thanks) B)

don't work....

For me it works...

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my KTR v3.0 doesn't work anymore :D

there is server activity check, you can use firewall (comodo, etc) to see the address/hostname kaspersky try to reach/access then block it,, this still a theory :)

registry reset is better and i'm working on it :D

but i do not promise anything :D

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my KTR v3.0 doesn't work anymore :D

there is server activity check, you can use firewall (comodo, etc) to see the address/hostname kaspersky try to reach/access then block it,, this still a theory :)

registry reset is better and i'm working on it :D

but i do not promise anything :D

I hope you're able to fix it :D

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timi trisanto

my KTR v3.0 doesn't work anymore :D

there is server activity check, you can use firewall (comodo, etc) to see the address/hostname kaspersky try to reach/access then block it,, this still a theory :)

registry reset is better and i'm working on it :D

but i do not promise anything :D

Gan yang terjamin work pake yang mana?

untuk windows xp sp2 ?

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