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Kaspersky 2012 Fixes


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Test-version of Kaspersky World ( **Updated 05.08.2011**

Posted Image


Kaspersky World - a complete solution for work with Kaspersky. Allows you to load the keys, reset trial, and many other functions.

System requirements
Operating system:
Windows 2000, Windows ME, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008;

Install Notes
1. Disable the Self-Defense
2. Exit Kaspersky by using the trayicon.
3. Start KW.exe and press the -Reset- button.
4. Wait for Kaspersky to launch and activate your new trial period.


1- Install a program, run
2.Disable self-defense program.

Posted Image

3.Turn off self defence and exit Kaspersky, right click on icon on toolbar>>>EXIT
4.Kaspersky World Trial Reset as ADMINISTRATOR
5.Restart the PC
6.Turn off the internet
4- Click on Next
5- In the next window, click on Browse
6- Specify the path to any key (file) from the Keys folder [use the 90 days trial keys download link below unless you want to reset for only 30 days.]
7- Click on Next
8.After activation switch on the internet
9.Update virus definitions

Posted Image

What it can do?
  • Download keys for Kaspersky Lab products;
  • Activate Your Kaspersky using .key-file;
  • Manage Kaspersky's registry data;
  • Remove Kaspersky's activation;
  • Remove trial-notifications.
Version history

From to
  • Added "Ganjin-method" in "Trial life-module";
  • Added "Load external language" item in Main menu to help translators;
  • Added "Remove\Restore trial notifications" in "Trial life-module";
  • Added "Key activation-module";
  • Added "Tweaks-module";
  • Changed main design;
  • Changed associated icons;
  • Enabled "maximize" button;
  • Changed language-file;
  • Corrected main design
  • Updated Italian.lng;
  • Added "Welcome page";
  • Added Spanish.lng;
  • Added Arabic.lng;
  • Fixed error "patchAIinstalled"
  • Restored "Feedback-module"
  • Updated languages;
  • ****Added "Trial Reset for KIS12";****
  • Fixed resizing "Key Loader"
  • Changed main design;
  • Changed Kaspersky's status;
  • Corrected main combobox;
  • Added "blacklist-comparing function";
  • Allowed program-resizing;
  • Modified kkll-processor
  • Fixed error in "ADVAPI32.dll" on Windows 2000;
  • Modified "KeyLoader"-window (resizing function);
  • Modified downloader-function;
  • Modified "Trial Reset"-module;
  • Fixed repaint function of top image;
  • Fixed error on .kkll drop;
  • Allowed drag&drop external language files;
  • Fixed "Kaspersky Lab product - detection" when Kaspersky upgraded from lower version;
  • Fixed collision with USBAntivirus;
  • Optimized quicksort function;
  • Added window "Restart after Trial Reset on Kav\Kis 2012";
  • Modified registry-detection metod on Windows 2000;

.Added "quick blacklist-compare"-function;
.Corrected "Remove\Restore trial notifications" on KAV\KIS 2012;
.Modified "Trial reset" function for KAV\KIS Patch a.b.c;


Q: Where I can find keys for Kaspersky Pure (Kaspersky Crystal)?
A: Find "Kaspersky Total Security" keys in full .kkll-file.

Q: I want translate program to my language. What can I do?
A: Read "For developers and translators:"

Q: The Program told me that version is too old and can not update. Why? What is it mean?
A: It's mean you should download new version because old version is incompatible.

Available languages:


Operating System: Windows All
License: Freeware
Language: Multi
Size: 2.68MB

NOTE: Kaspersky block Kaspersky World make sure you disable all the protection screen blow before using Kaspersky World.

Posted Image

Download link

Download: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: files/18FSQ0K9/Kaspersky_World_1.2.2.83.rar_links [?]

Special thanks to snowonthetree [Developer of Kaspersy World] providing download source and introduction videos.

virustotal Result
4 /43 (9.3%)

Download Kaspersky Internet SecurityTrial Keys For 90 Days
Download: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: files/1G8PAF6E/key_Trial_90days.rar_links [?]

Download Kaspersky Antivirus Trial Keys For 90 Days
Download: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: files/0W2HQWCU/KAV_91-day_trial_key_.rar_links [?]

Video Tutorial

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  • Replies 2.1k
  • Views 463.3k
  • Created
  • Last Reply


Read post # 146

Don't you believe it particularly ambiguous? What is he talking about? Isn't it confusing? A new member?

yes and i agree with you entirely that it was not at all coherent but try to understand English may not be his native language and he may have tried his best to get his point across and failed miserably, as we both agree.

But that doesn't mean that particular or any other forum member comes here to, as you put it, "shit on your head"....

as far as being touchy, don't be... i have the same problem, a short temper and you know what happens, people go out of their way to piss me off just to get a reaction out of me (unfortunately, they succeed most of the time :rolleyes:)

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Re-read threads from 143 to 146....There is not a language problem there at all! :angry:
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My friend, one of the members you're pissed off at is from Thailand, the other one from Nigeria, the third one I don't know. Relax a little. If they cannot compose comprehensible English sentences, ask them for further details in short, easy to understand questions and ask them to reply with yes or no answers...

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By the way last test version [Test-version of Kaspersky World (] it was still working in my XP Pro 32 bit Virtula Machine last 10 hours. As i mention i re install Kaspersky 2012 before activated wherever it was working cause it is a fresh installation i get another 30 days from Kaspersky or trial reset working i don't know. Anyone tested please don't fell shame give us a view please.

NOTE: I think better not to use 90 days keys at the moment they may have been block with Kaspersky just use original 30 days trial period by Kaspersky

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Take it easy.

If someone says something doesn't work you either try to help them or give up (trying to help them and let someone else take care of it), you don't start getting pissed at them.

I will tell you (both!) now that if this bitching about everything doesn't stop soon there will be no thread about Kaspersky Trial resetters or a thread maintained by a staff member; someone who has proven that he/she is responsible in dealing with the community and supportive towards others members. We are all here to share and we should not let our egos interfere with that.

Again: if you have any concerns please contact a member of the staff and do NOT post in public, it's bad for our community and worst of all my appetite (and believe me, you don't want to ruin my appetite! :P).

Let me repeat one thing for everyone: do not let your ego get in the way of sharing with the community.

(Also your extra-large, dark red and bold font makes my eyes hurt and my tummy ache, so it might be better to type in a different font ;))

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stranger lol

But I still have the same number of days before expiration - as I had before resetting. Very strange...But it has never expired!!!!.

Doesn't this mean the trial reset didn't do anything?

I noticed it will expire if you try to reset after the previous trial license expired.

If the old trial still had some days left, after the "reset" you will get that back(same amount of days), no new license(your case?)

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Thank you Snowonthetree & Baldie but I have "Expired licence" too :(

Are you sure you are not missing anything about instruction cause mine is still running fine after one hour.

If any other person tried?

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I have done everything that has to do ;)

Ok i just uninstall and re-instal Kaspersky yesterday i may getting another official trial time

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Thank you Snowonthetree & Baldie but I have "Expired licence" too :(

Are you sure you are not missing anything about instruction cause mine is still running fine after one hour.

If any other person tried?


Madeinheaven try to change the date on your virtual PC,1 or 2 months later,so your license was expired,make nothing (don't use any resetter),reboot your Virtual PC ,and you will see what's happend,nothing .... your evaluation license still active,it is why is very difficult to test the resetter

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not work

Ok guys thanks every so much anyone tried and commented here we will get it work another day another source one day till then have a sunny days

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Experimental Kaspersky Internet Security 2012 Trial Reset 32 / 64 Bit [Reg. File]


Disable Kaspersky's Self-Defense and exit Kaspersky.
Then double-click the reg file and click Yes when the pop up. Then reboot.

Download Link

Posted Image

Download: Site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/
Sharecode: files/OASZX6LY/Kaspersky_Internet_Security_2012_Trial_Reset__Reg._File_.rar_links [?]

Virustotal result 0/ 40 (0.0%)

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reg files are broken, spc certificates are getting installed in avp12\settings registry key

That's the 32 BIT file open by text editor where do i make mistake then?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ LicStorage]

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC \ Certificates]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP12 \ Settings]

"Ins_InitMode" = dword: 00000021

"Blob" = hex: 03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,14,00,00,00,52,63,87,26,57,51,0 c, 4 ter, 26, d3 \

10.2 d, 6d, cf, db, 8e, 8e, 99,17,08,20,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,2 f, 01,00,00,30,82, 01, \

2b, a0, 03,02,01,02,02,1 d, 73,00,72,00,65,00,70,00,5 f, 00,76,00,61,00,6 b, 00 , 10, \

1e, 03,04,55,03,06,17,30,19,31,1 b, 30,30,09,06,05,2 b, 0e, 03,02,1 d, 05,00,30 , 1 b, \

31,19,30,17,06,03,55,04,03,1 e, 10,00,6 b, 00,61,00,76,00,5 f, 00,70,00,65,00 , 72, \

00,73,30,1 e, 17.0 d, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,34,33,5 a, 17.0 d, 31.30, 30.37 \

32,32,31,34,32,37,34,33,5 a, 30.1 b, 31,19,30,17,06,03,55,04,03,1 e, 10,00,6 b, 00, \

61,00,76,00,5 f, 00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,30,81,9 f, 30.0 d, 06,09,2 a 86,48,86 , f7, \

0d, 01,01,01,05,00,03,81,8 d, 00,30,81,89,02,81,81,00, b1 c0, AA, 22,16,81, CE, FC, \

c6, 91,65,3 a d1, e1, 1b, 7e, 32,37,05, b4, e2, 77.1 b, 81,06,3 d, 7c, 66.9 b, 38.1 c, a6, f6, \

06.55, e2, 4e, ab, af, 7d, 6b, df, f1, 55,13,8 c, 63, f2, CB, 67.2 c, 60,86,34,29,1 b, c 34.5, \

D2 11.5, 68.19, ter, 90, cd, 37, c7, f7, B9, C8, 0d, 3d, AC, 83, b6, 0f, 04.37, e1, f1, a2 , 75, \

16, d6, 90.58, AF, 10, ad, fa, 0f, 44, e5, 3e, 3f, 61.92, bd, 98, b0, f0, f0, 05.40, ff, f2, 9a \

cd, 83, c8, of, 29.51, a0, 19, bc, f5, 47.9 A, B2, 27.90, e5, d4, 90, c2, a3, 02,03,01,00,01

"Blob" = hex: 44,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,04,00,00,00, bc, 9d, 2c, 4c, 49,80,00,00,01,00, \

00,00, b8, 07,00,00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00 , 6 d, \

00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73, 00, \

6b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00 f , 2, \

00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,39, 00, \

2e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00.67, 00.72 \

00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65 , 00, \

72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00 , 31, \

00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30 , 00, \

31,00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, f 00,50,00,72 , 00.6, \

00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73 , 00, \

70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00 , 56, \

00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c , 00, \

30,00,30,00,31,00,37,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00.50 \

00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00, \

61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00, 2 f, \

00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00, \

62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,36,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00 , 3 a, \

00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61 , 00, \

2f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00 , 61, \

00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65, 00, \

73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,35,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00 , 3 b, \

00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00, 61.00 \

74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00 , 20, \

00.4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61 , 00, \

73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,34,00,2 e, 00,64,00 , 61, \

00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00, 6 d, 00, \

44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, b 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00 , 6, \

00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f , 00, \

42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, e 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,33,00 , 2, \

00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00, 72.00 \

61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00 , 72, \

00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31 , 00, \

31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00 , 31, \

00,32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, f 00,50,00,72,00 , 6, 00, \

67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00 , 70, \

00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56 , 00, \

50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00 , 30, \

00,30,00,31,00,31,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00, 50.00 \

72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00.61 \

00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f , 00, \

41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00, 62, \

00.6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,30,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00, \

2f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00 f , 2, \

00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00.61 , 00, \

62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00, 73, \

00.2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,39,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00, \

43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61, 00.74 \

00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20 , 00, \

4c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00, 73, \

00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61 , 00, \

74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d , 00.44, \

00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b , 00, \

79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00 , 42, \

00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,37,00,2 e , 00 \

64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72, 00.61 \

00.6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72 , 00, \

73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00 , 31, \

00.2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30 , 00, \

36,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f , 00.67, \

00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70 , 00, \

65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00 , 50, \

00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00.30 , 00, \

30,00,30,00,35,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00.50, 00.72 \

00.6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, b 00.4, 00, 61.00 \

73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00 , 41, \

00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00.62, 00, \

6c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,34,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00 , 2 f, \

00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f , 00, \

4b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00, 62, \

00.2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73, 00, \

2f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,33,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00 , 43, \

00.3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00, 74.00 \

61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, c 00,79,00,20, 00.4 \

00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73, 00, \

65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00 , 74, \

00.3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00 , 44.00, \

61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00 , 79, \

00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00.42 , 00, \

61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,31,00,2 e, 00 , 64, \

00,61,00,74,00,00,00,48,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,70,00,00,00,54,46,42,4 e, 55.77 \

6c, 6a, 52,46,55,7 a, 55,47,74,73,42,7 a, 51,42,65,48,4 a 4e, 49,44,42,6 d, 63.45 , 64, \

70.4 c, 55,56,6 e, 54,56,56,55,63,7 a, 64.4 d, 52,48,70,61,66,46,41,4 b, b, 61 6, 68.7 to \

53,56,63,4 c, 4d, 77,42,70,5 a, 56,56,54,52,56,70,31,51,47,4 e, 6e, 65,51,56,46 , 41, \

7a, 67.4 b, 64,47,59,78,55,6 d, 6b, 48,50,58,6 f, 34,65,53,35,68,50,33,73,75,30 , 54, \

38.2 f, 4c, 67.3 d, 3d, 04,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,24,64,49,4 c, 05.80 , 00, \

00,01,00,00,00,10,00,00,00,48,5 f, 61.52, c2, d8, 28, CE, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 \

02,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,14, \

00,00,00, cd, e7, 5c, 88, d3, 0a, d5, 70, c9, 9e, cc, 2c, d 26.1, 60.65, ca, 1d, 34,12,08,80 \

00,00,01,00,00,00,70,00,00,00,54,46,42,4 e, 55,77,6 c, 6a, 52,46,55,7 a, 55, 47.74 \

73,42,7 a, 51,42,65,48,4 a 4e, 49,44,42,6 d, 63,45,64,70,4 c, 55,56,6 e, 54.56, 56.55 \

63.7 to, 64.4 d, 52,48,70,61,66,46,41,4 b, b 61.6, 68.7 a, 53,56,63,4 c, 4d, 77, 42,70,5 a, \

56,56,54,52,56,70,31,51,47,4 e, 6e, 65,51,56,46,41,7 a, 67.4 b, d 64,47,59,78, 55.6, \

6b, 48,50,58,6 f, 34,65,53,35,68,50,33,73,75,30,54,38,2 f, 4c, 67.3 d, 3d, 09.80 , 00, \

00,01,00,00,00,50,07,00,00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72 , 00, \

61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00 , 72, \

00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31 , 00, \

31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00 , 31, \

00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, f 00,50,00,72,00 , 6, 00, \

67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00 , 70, \

00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56 , 00, \

50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00 , 30, \

00,30,00,31,00,37,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00, 50.00 \

72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00.61 \

00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f , 00, \

41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00, 62, \

00.6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,36,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00, \

2f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00 f , 2, \

00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00.61 , 00, \

62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00, 73, \

00.2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,35,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00, \

43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61, 00.74 \

00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20 , 00, \

4c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00, 73, \

00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,34,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61 , 00, \

74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d , 00.44, \

00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b , 00, \

79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00 , 42, \

00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,33,00,2 e , 00, \

64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72, 00.61 \

00.6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72 , 00, \

73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00 , 31, \

00.2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31 , 00, \

32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f , 00.67, \

00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70 , 00, \

65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00 , 50, \

00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00.30 , 00, \

30,00,31,00,31,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00.50, 00.72 \

00.6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, b 00.4, 00, 61.00 \

73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00 , 41, \

00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00.62, 00, \

6c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,30,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00 , 2 f, \

00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f , 00, \

4b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00, 62, \

00.2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73, 00, \

2f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,39,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00 , 43, \

00.3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00, 74.00 \

61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, c 00,79,00,20, 00.4 \

00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73, 00, \

65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00 , 74, \

00.3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00 , 44.00, \

61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00 , 79, \

00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00.42 , 00, \

61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,37,00,2 e, 00 , 64, \

00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00, 61.00 \

6d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00, 73, \

00.6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31 , 00, \

2f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00, 36, \

00.2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00 , 67.00, \

72,00,61,00,6 d, f 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00.2, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65 \

00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50 , 00, \

31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00 , 30, \

00,30,00,35,00,2 and 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00, 72.00 \

6f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00 , 73, \

00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00.41 , 00, \

56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00, 6 c, \

00,30,00,30,00,30,00,34,00,2 and 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00, \

50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00 , 4 b, \

00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62, 00, \

2f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f \

00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,33,00,2 and 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00.43 , 00, \

3rd, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00,44,00,61,00,74, 00.61 \

00.2 f 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00, \

61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00, 65, \

00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74 , 00, \

3b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00.44, 00.61 \

00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00.79 , 00, \

20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00 , 61, \

00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,31,00,2 e, 00.64 , 00, \

61,00,74,00,00,00,45,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,10,00,00,00,50,21,43, b3, 9e, b2, f9, \

a9, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,20,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,0 and 01,00,00,30,82,01,0 a, \

a0, 03,02,01,02,02,12,31,31,73,69,6 b, 05,13,03,04,55,03,06,0 c, 30.0 e, 31.10 , 30, \

30,09,06,05,2 b, 0e, 03,02,1 d, 05,00,30,10,31,0 e, 30.0 c, 06,03,55,04,03,13, 05.6 b, \

69,73,31,31,30,1 e, 17.0 in, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,33,38,5 a, 17.0 in, 31.30 \

30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,33,38,5 a, 30,10,31,0 e, 30.0 c, 06,03,55,04,03,13,05 , 6 b, \

69,73,31,31,30,81,9 f, 30.0 in, 06,09,2 a, 86,48,86, f7, 0d, 01,01,01,05,00,03,81 , 8, \

00,30,81,89,02,81,81,00, b8, 0b, c6, 28,59,06, c4, 96,42,76,58, af, 8f, 3c, 9c, 86.28, \

f0, 0b, b9, 40.22, e1, bb, 3f, 77.8 e, 9d, 08.5 in, b3, c8, 2b, 39.1 f, b4, 34,3 a, 2b, 16, 09.04 \

39, a8, cb, 0b, b5, 24.35, eb, 36,31,03,32, bc, 0a, 3b, 78,10,57, aa, 94, ef, 63, a2, d7, 65, \

5b, 3a, 66, b5, a8, db, b0, d2, 81,, 08,56,5 f, 12, c1, 56,93,40, c7, 59, ad, 14.7 b, 96 , 0 c, \

6c, 4e, d2, c7, cc, b6, 62,56,52, a4, 24,54,47,09, b0, 16,53,22, 1, 99, b2, 79.7 b, 2f, 99, \

40.5 f, 56.8 f, do, d7, c1, 65.3 b, 0f, 35,02,03,01,00,01

"Blob" = hex: 10, a7, 00,00,01,00,00,00, d2, 00,00,00,4 b, 4c, 73,77,00,00,4 b, 4c, 73, 77, \

04,00,00,00,73,77, ef, 6 th, cc, 0e, 67.83, b3, 43, d9, 21, a1, 4c, b1, 9c, 89, a4, 56.1 e, 7d \

of, 86, d4, 43.4 a, 21,35,90,9 a, b7, c, ef, 6th, 21.64, a9, 89,79,69,6 b, 99,35,4 d, 8 First, 1e, \

4e, 10,25,01,1 b, for 7 th, e2, cc, b7, 65.5 b, b1, ae, 1, 3d, 1f, ea, 14, df, 10.6 in, 78, ba, 94, \

59.8 c, a, f, 55, a2, 5, 00,74,5 a, 7, f4, b8, a1, c2, 5e, 1, 1, 1c, 65.78, a6, b3, ee, 6b, \

08, b3, 8e, 2b, 8th, 12.06, cb, 19, b2, bf, ef, 55,82,5 e, 10,53,43,5 f, 9f, 10, cb, dd, 11 , bf, \

61,91,3 b, 26.0 b, ef, 4d ago, 58.47, d5, b8, 6 th, f6, 27, c0, 13, d4, b5, 1 second, 35.2 in, a8, 9c, 8e, \

a6, 82.1 a, d6, 0d, 61, ec, a9, 8d, d9, 78,15,21,2 f, 31, bc, 6c, 6f, ef, c3, c8, e5, b3, 6c, 29, \

63, a1, b9, 71.47, d4, 55,45,96, af, 89, ea, 2d, 81.95, b5, 43,35,9 f, 52.7 c, 94,19,54, f3 \

03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,14,00,00,00, f4, 3c, f6, f7, a8, 05, f9, 8e, 51, d5, ed, 03, of, \

67, f3, d8, fc, 8e, bd, cd, 12, a7, 00,00,01,00,00,00,08,00,00,00,00,14,29,03,0 c, b4 \

01,58,11, a7, 00,00,01,00,00,00,10,00,00,00,0 b, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00 \

00,90,01,00,00,20,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,2 f, 01,00,00,30,82,01,2 b, a0, 03.02, 01, \

02,02,1 of, 73,00,72,00,65,00,70,00,5 f, 00,73,00,69,00,6 b, 00,10,1 e, 03.04, 55.03 \

06,17,30,19,31,1 b, 30,30,09,06,05,2 b, 0e, 03,02,1 d, 05,00,30,1 b, 31,19,30, 17.06 \

03,55,04,03,1 e, 10,00,6 b, 00,69,00,73,00,5 f, 00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,30,1 and, 17, \

0d, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,33,38,5 a, 17.0 in, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34, 32, \

37,33,38,5 a, 30.1 b, 31,19,30,17,06,03,55,04,03,1 and, 10,00,6 b, 00,69,00,73, 00.5 f, \

00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,30,81,9 f, 30.0 in, 06,09,2 a, 86,48,86, f7, 0d, 01,01,01 , 05, \

00,03,81,8 of, 00,30,81,89,02,81,81,00, b9, f6, 74, is 64, ad, d6, dc, 26.76, c0, f3, 81 \

6 th, bf, a1, 64,91,49, f6, c3, 63.4 b, 8c, 0c, 5b, 4c, 23,5 b, a2, a9, 8e, f7, 1c, 49,30,69 , a5, \

74,38,58, d7, 47,66,1 of, bd, 69, c3, 59.28, f0, c7, 60, ba, 5e, 11,81,58, dd, 21,53,9 of, 72, \

db, 92.7 e, 9 th, f9, 2d, 02.88, e9, bd, bc, d0, 43.0 b, 6, a7, 4c, 91, ef, 5f, 45, cd, 40, 0 c, 8b, \

f, 19, bf, 5, 4d, 7c, 07.6 c, d4, 69,73,88,05, faith, 28.78, ba, ef, 49,78,57,41, bf, e7, 49, \

a0, 38.0 in, 07, d5, e3, 00, f1, a7, 3d, good, 9a, 9d, d2, b9, 02,03,01,00,01

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP12 \ Settings]

"EnableSelfProtection" = dword: 00000001

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stranger lol

it should look like this, a registry key before the "Blob"

anyway this won't work... "kaspersky world" does the same thing

i will come with some general observations later

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ LicStorage]

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC \ Certificates]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP12 \ Settings]

"Ins_InitMode" = dword: 00000021


























































[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP12 \ Settings]

"EnableSelfProtection" = dword: 00000001

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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ LicStorage]

[-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC \ Certificates]

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP12 \ Settings]

"Ins_InitMode" = dword: 00000021

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC \ Certificates \ 5263872657510C4B26D3102D6DCFDB8E8E991708]

"Blob" = hex: 03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,14,00,00,00,52,63,87,26,57,51,0 c, 4 ter, 26, d3 \

10.2 d, 6d, cf, db, 8e, 8e, 99,17,08,20,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,2 f, 01,00,00,30,82, 01, \

2b, a0, 03,02,01,02,02,1 d, 73,00,72,00,65,00,70,00,5 f, 00,76,00,61,00,6 b, 00 , 10, \

1e, 03,04,55,03,06,17,30,19,31,1 b, 30,30,09,06,05,2 b, 0e, 03,02,1 d, 05,00,30 , 1 b, \

31,19,30,17,06,03,55,04,03,1 e, 10,00,6 b, 00,61,00,76,00,5 f, 00,70,00,65,00 , 72, \

00,73,30,1 e, 17.0 d, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,34,33,5 a, 17.0 d, 31.30, 30.37 \

32,32,31,34,32,37,34,33,5 a, 30.1 b, 31,19,30,17,06,03,55,04,03,1 e, 10,00,6 b, 00, \

61,00,76,00,5 f, 00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,30,81,9 f, 30.0 d, 06,09,2 a 86,48,86 , f7, \

0d, 01,01,01,05,00,03,81,8 d, 00,30,81,89,02,81,81,00, b1 c0, AA, 22,16,81, CE, FC, \

c6, 91,65,3 a d1, e1, 1b, 7e, 32,37,05, b4, e2, 77.1 b, 81,06,3 d, 7c, 66.9 b, 38.1 c, a6, f6, \

06.55, e2, 4e, ab, af, 7d, 6b, df, f1, 55,13,8 c, 63, f2, CB, 67.2 c, 60,86,34,29,1 b, c 34.5, \

D2 11.5, 68.19, ter, 90, cd, 37, c7, f7, B9, C8, 0d, 3d, AC, 83, b6, 0f, 04.37, e1, f1, a2 , 75, \

16, d6, 90.58, AF, 10, ad, fa, 0f, 44, e5, 3e, 3f, 61.92, bd, 98, b0, f0, f0, 05.40, ff, f2, 9a \

cd, 83, c8, of, 29.51, a0, 19, bc, f5, 47.9 A, B2, 27.90, e5, d4, 90, c2, a3, 02,03,01,00,01

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC \ Certificates \ CDE75C88D30AD570C99ECC2C261D6065CA1D3412]

"Blob" = hex: 44,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,04,00,00,00, bc, 9d, 2c, 4c, 49,80,00,00,01,00, \

00,00, b8, 07,00,00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00 , 6 d, \

00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73, 00, \

6b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00 f , 2, \

00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,39, 00, \

2e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00.67, 00.72 \

00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65 , 00, \

72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00 , 31, \

00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30 , 00, \

31,00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, f 00,50,00,72 , 00.6, \

00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73 , 00, \

70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00 , 56, \

00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c , 00, \

30,00,30,00,31,00,37,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00.50 \

00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00, \

61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00, 2 f, \

00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00, \

62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,36,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00 , 3 a, \

00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61 , 00, \

2f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00 , 61, \

00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65, 00, \

73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,35,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00 , 3 b, \

00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00, 61.00 \

74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00 , 20, \

00.4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61 , 00, \

73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,34,00,2 e, 00,64,00 , 61, \

00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00, 6 d, 00, \

44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, b 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00 , 6, \

00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f , 00, \

42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, e 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,33,00 , 2, \

00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00, 72.00 \

61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00 , 72, \

00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31 , 00, \

31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00 , 31, \

00,32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, f 00,50,00,72,00 , 6, 00, \

67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00 , 70, \

00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56 , 00, \

50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00 , 30, \

00,30,00,31,00,31,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00, 50.00 \

72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00.61 \

00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f , 00, \

41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00, 62, \

00.6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,30,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00, \

2f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00 f , 2, \

00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00.61 , 00, \

62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00, 73, \

00.2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,39,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00, \

43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61, 00.74 \

00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20 , 00, \

4c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00, 73, \

00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61 , 00, \

74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d , 00.44, \

00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b , 00, \

79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00 , 42, \

00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,37,00,2 e , 00 \

64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72, 00.61 \

00.6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72 , 00, \

73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00 , 31, \

00.2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30 , 00, \

36,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f , 00.67, \

00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70 , 00, \

65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00 , 50, \

00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00.30 , 00, \

30,00,30,00,35,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00.50, 00.72 \

00.6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, b 00.4, 00, 61.00 \

73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00 , 41, \

00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00.62, 00, \

6c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,34,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00 , 2 f, \

00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f , 00, \

4b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00, 62, \

00.2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73, 00, \

2f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,33,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00 , 43, \

00.3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00, 74.00 \

61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, c 00,79,00,20, 00.4 \

00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73, 00, \

65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00 , 74, \

00.3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00 , 44.00, \

61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00 , 79, \

00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00.42 , 00, \

61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,31,00,2 e, 00 , 64, \

00,61,00,74,00,00,00,48,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,70,00,00,00,54,46,42,4 e, 55.77 \

6c, 6a, 52,46,55,7 a, 55,47,74,73,42,7 a, 51,42,65,48,4 a 4e, 49,44,42,6 d, 63.45 , 64, \

70.4 c, 55,56,6 e, 54,56,56,55,63,7 a, 64.4 d, 52,48,70,61,66,46,41,4 b, b, 61 6, 68.7 to \

53,56,63,4 c, 4d, 77,42,70,5 a, 56,56,54,52,56,70,31,51,47,4 e, 6e, 65,51,56,46 , 41, \

7a, 67.4 b, 64,47,59,78,55,6 d, 6b, 48,50,58,6 f, 34,65,53,35,68,50,33,73,75,30 , 54, \

38.2 f, 4c, 67.3 d, 3d, 04,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,24,64,49,4 c, 05.80 , 00, \

00,01,00,00,00,10,00,00,00,48,5 f, 61.52, c2, d8, 28, CE, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00 \

02,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,04,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,14, \

00,00,00, cd, e7, 5c, 88, d3, 0a, d5, 70, c9, 9e, cc, 2c, d 26.1, 60.65, ca, 1d, 34,12,08,80 \

00,00,01,00,00,00,70,00,00,00,54,46,42,4 e, 55,77,6 c, 6a, 52,46,55,7 a, 55, 47.74 \

73,42,7 a, 51,42,65,48,4 a 4e, 49,44,42,6 d, 63,45,64,70,4 c, 55,56,6 e, 54.56, 56.55 \

63.7 to, 64.4 d, 52,48,70,61,66,46,41,4 b, b 61.6, 68.7 a, 53,56,63,4 c, 4d, 77, 42,70,5 a, \

56,56,54,52,56,70,31,51,47,4 e, 6e, 65,51,56,46,41,7 a, 67.4 b, d 64,47,59,78, 55.6, \

6b, 48,50,58,6 f, 34,65,53,35,68,50,33,73,75,30,54,38,2 f, 4c, 67.3 d, 3d, 09.80 , 00, \

00,01,00,00,00,50,07,00,00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72 , 00, \

61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00 , 72, \

00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31 , 00, \

31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00 , 31, \

00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, f 00,50,00,72,00 , 6, 00, \

67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00 , 70, \

00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56 , 00, \

50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00 , 30, \

00,30,00,31,00,37,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00, 50.00 \

72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00.61 \

00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f , 00, \

41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00, 62, \

00.6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,36,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00, \

2f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00 f , 2, \

00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00.61 , 00, \

62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00, 73, \

00.2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,35,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00, \

43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61, 00.74 \

00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20 , 00, \

4c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00, 73, \

00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,34,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61 , 00, \

74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d , 00.44, \

00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b , 00, \

79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00 , 42, \

00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,33,00,2 e , 00, \

64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72, 00.61 \

00.6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72 , 00, \

73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00 , 31, \

00.2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,31 , 00, \

32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f , 00.67, \

00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70 , 00, \

65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00 , 50, \

00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00.30 , 00, \

30,00,31,00,31,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, f 00.2, 00.50, 00.72 \

00.6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, b 00.4, 00, 61.00 \

73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00 , 41, \

00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00.62, 00, \

6c, 00,30,00,30,00,31,00,30,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00 , 2 f, \

00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f , 00, \

4b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00, 62, \

00.2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73, 00, \

2f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,39,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00 , 43, \

00.3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00,44,00,61,00, 74.00 \

61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, c 00,79,00,20, 00.4 \

00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73, 00, \

65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,38,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00 , 74, \

00.3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 d, 00 , 44.00, \

61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00 , 79, \

00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00.42 , 00, \

61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,37,00,2 e, 00 , 64, \

00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00, 61.00 \

6d, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00, 73, \

00.6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31 , 00, \

2f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00, 36, \

00.2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00 , 67.00, \

72,00,61,00,6 d, f 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00.2, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65 \

00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50 , 00, \

31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00 , 30, \

00,30,00,35,00,2 and 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00, 72.00 \

6f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00 , 73, \

00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00.41 , 00, \

56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00, 6 c, \

00,30,00,30,00,30,00,34,00,2 and 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00, \

50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00,44,00,61,00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00 , 4 b, \

00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62, 00, \

2f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f \

00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,33,00,2 and 00,64,00,61,00,74,00,3 b, 00.43 , 00, \

3rd, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00,44,00,61,00,74, 00.61 \

00.2 f 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00,79,00,20,00,4 c, 00, \

61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00,61,00,73,00, 65, \

00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,32,00,2 e, 00,64,00,61,00,74 , 00, \

3b, 00,43,00,3 a, 00.2 f, 00,50,00,72,00,6 f, 00,67,00,72,00,61,00,6 of, 00.44, 00.61 \

00,74,00,61,00,2 f, 00.4 b, 00,61,00,73,00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,00,6 b, 00.79 , 00, \

20,00,4 c, 00,61,00,62,00,2 f, 00,41,00,56,00,50,00,31,00,31,00,2 f, 00,42,00 , 61, \

00,73,00,65,00,73,00,2 f, 00,62,00,6 c, 00,30,00,30,00,30,00,31,00,2 e, 00.64 , 00, \

61,00,74,00,00,00,45,80,00,00,01,00,00,00,10,00,00,00,50,21,43, b3, 9e, b2, f9, \

a9, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,00,20,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,0 and 01,00,00,30,82,01,0 a, \

a0, 03,02,01,02,02,12,31,31,73,69,6 b, 05,13,03,04,55,03,06,0 c, 30.0 e, 31.10 , 30, \

30,09,06,05,2 b, 0e, 03,02,1 d, 05,00,30,10,31,0 e, 30.0 c, 06,03,55,04,03,13, 05.6 b, \

69,73,31,31,30,1 e, 17.0 in, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,33,38,5 a, 17.0 in, 31.30 \

30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,33,38,5 a, 30,10,31,0 e, 30.0 c, 06,03,55,04,03,13,05 , 6 b, \

69,73,31,31,30,81,9 f, 30.0 in, 06,09,2 a, 86,48,86, f7, 0d, 01,01,01,05,00,03,81 , 8, \

00,30,81,89,02,81,81,00, b8, 0b, c6, 28,59,06, c4, 96,42,76,58, af, 8f, 3c, 9c, 86.28, \

f0, 0b, b9, 40.22, e1, bb, 3f, 77.8 e, 9d, 08.5 in, b3, c8, 2b, 39.1 f, b4, 34,3 a, 2b, 16, 09.04 \

39, a8, cb, 0b, b5, 24.35, eb, 36,31,03,32, bc, 0a, 3b, 78,10,57, aa, 94, ef, 63, a2, d7, 65, \

5b, 3a, 66, b5, a8, db, b0, d2, 81,, 08,56,5 f, 12, c1, 56,93,40, c7, 59, ad, 14.7 b, 96 , 0 c, \

6c, 4e, d2, c7, cc, b6, 62,56,52, a4, 24,54,47,09, b0, 16,53,22, 1, 99, b2, 79.7 b, 2f, 99, \

40.5 f, 56.8 f, do, d7, c1, 65.3 b, 0f, 35,02,03,01,00,01

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ SystemCertificates \ SPC \ Certificates \ F43CF6F7A805F98E51D5ED03DE67F3D8FC8EDDCD]

"Blob" = hex: 10, a7, 00,00,01,00,00,00, d2, 00,00,00,4 b, 4c, 73,77,00,00,4 b, 4c, 73, 77, \

04,00,00,00,73,77, ef, 6 th, cc, 0e, 67.83, b3, 43, d9, 21, a1, 4c, b1, 9c, 89, a4, 56.1 e, 7d \

of, 86, d4, 43.4 a, 21,35,90,9 a, b7, c, ef, 6th, 21.64, a9, 89,79,69,6 b, 99,35,4 d, 8 First, 1e, \

4e, 10,25,01,1 b, for 7 th, e2, cc, b7, 65.5 b, b1, ae, 1, 3d, 1f, ea, 14, df, 10.6 in, 78, ba, 94, \

59.8 c, a, f, 55, a2, 5, 00,74,5 a, 7, f4, b8, a1, c2, 5e, 1, 1, 1c, 65.78, a6, b3, ee, 6b, \

08, b3, 8e, 2b, 8th, 12.06, cb, 19, b2, bf, ef, 55,82,5 e, 10,53,43,5 f, 9f, 10, cb, dd, 11 , bf, \

61,91,3 b, 26.0 b, ef, 4d ago, 58.47, d5, b8, 6 th, f6, 27, c0, 13, d4, b5, 1 second, 35.2 in, a8, 9c, 8e, \

a6, 82.1 a, d6, 0d, 61, ec, a9, 8d, d9, 78,15,21,2 f, 31, bc, 6c, 6f, ef, c3, c8, e5, b3, 6c, 29, \

63, a1, b9, 71.47, d4, 55,45,96, af, 89, ea, 2d, 81.95, b5, 43,35,9 f, 52.7 c, 94,19,54, f3 \

03,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,14,00,00,00, f4, 3c, f6, f7, a8, 05, f9, 8e, 51, d5, ed, 03, of, \

67, f3, d8, fc, 8e, bd, cd, 12, a7, 00,00,01,00,00,00,08,00,00,00,00,14,29,03,0 c, b4 \

01,58,11, a7, 00,00,01,00,00,00,10,00,00,00,0 b, 00,00,00,00,00,00,00,01,00,00 \

00,90,01,00,00,20,00,00,00,01,00,00,00,2 f, 01,00,00,30,82,01,2 b, a0, 03.02, 01, \

02,02,1 of, 73,00,72,00,65,00,70,00,5 f, 00,73,00,69,00,6 b, 00,10,1 e, 03.04, 55.03 \

06,17,30,19,31,1 b, 30,30,09,06,05,2 b, 0e, 03,02,1 d, 05,00,30,1 b, 31,19,30, 17.06 \

03,55,04,03,1 e, 10,00,6 b, 00,69,00,73,00,5 f, 00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,30,1 and, 17, \

0d, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34,32,37,33,38,5 a, 17.0 in, 31,30,30,37,32,32,31,34, 32, \

37,33,38,5 a, 30.1 b, 31,19,30,17,06,03,55,04,03,1 and, 10,00,6 b, 00,69,00,73, 00.5 f, \

00,70,00,65,00,72,00,73,30,81,9 f, 30.0 in, 06,09,2 a, 86,48,86, f7, 0d, 01,01,01 , 05, \

00,03,81,8 of, 00,30,81,89,02,81,81,00, b9, f6, 74, is 64, ad, d6, dc, 26.76, c0, f3, 81 \

6 th, bf, a1, 64,91,49, f6, c3, 63.4 b, 8c, 0c, 5b, 4c, 23,5 b, a2, a9, 8e, f7, 1c, 49,30,69 , a5, \

74,38,58, d7, 47,66,1 of, bd, 69, c3, 59.28, f0, c7, 60, ba, 5e, 11,81,58, dd, 21,53,9 of, 72, \

db, 92.7 e, 9 th, f9, 2d, 02.88, e9, bd, bc, d0, 43.0 b, 6, a7, 4c, 91, ef, 5f, 45, cd, 40, 0 c, 8b, \

f, 19, bf, 5, 4d, 7c, 07.6 c, d4, 69,73,88,05, faith, 28.78, ba, ef, 49,78,57,41, bf, e7, 49, \

a0, 38.0 in, 07, d5, e3, 00, f1, a7, 3d, good, 9a, 9d, d2, b9, 02,03,01,00,01

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ KasperskyLab \ protected \ AVP12 \ Settings]

"EnableSelfProtection" = dword: 00000001

KIS 2012 32 Bit.rar

KIS 2012 64 Bit.rar

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Hi there! I think, I found new method to reset activation for kis12.

There is test-program. It will be work only for one day (today).

Download site: http://www.mirrorcreator.com/

Sharecode: files/VJIVPYF0/tr11.exe_links [?]

Size: 10 kB

Warning: program will be working only today!

How to use: Launch as administrator and read instructions.

Program tested on kis a,b

Please leave a comment if it works!

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Let's forget all about quarrel regarding English sentences. :D I agree that English is not everybody's native language and not everybody has the same level of proficiency in it. :D

Now my dear Siddhartha please let us know whether the trial resetter for 30 days has really started working.

Awaiting your response ....

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What do you mean by:

Warning: program will be working only today!

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Hi there! I think, I found new method to reset activation for kis12.

There is test-program. It will be work only for one day (today).

Please leave a comment if it works!

Its strange that working only today! If Kaspersky will be Bankrupt from tomorrow?

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As the situation we are at the moment all my dear friends we all know there is no solution activation Kaspersky 2012 but only Key files.
There is only one disadvantage about using key files that Kaspersky blacklist key files every Thursday or Friday. If you all agree and happy till we have a working trial reset i will upload fresh keys files from best source. The keys will be fresh and working for a week but i will update them regularly. But i still need your intention and need to do that please raise your hands.

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