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Do you believe in GOD?



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  1. 1. Do you belive in God?

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Question is :- " Do you believe in God ? "

My answer, with no doubts, is :--» No, I don`t believe in god (s) and I will never believe in

god (s) ! For me, it`s all fantasy and man`s invention, and it`s all said ! -

End of conversation.

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Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so don't criticize anyone if their beliefs are different from yours.

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topics like these are pretty much like a bomb waiting to explode.

I for one dont believe that there is someone watching. Dont get me wrong my family are all roman catholics but after looking @ both sides. In my humble opinion there is nobody there.

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yes i do belive but more of to find the god inside me first u have to belive in ur self to belive in god

this is my opinion everyone has its own

i do prey but only to calm down myself (mind)

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Its a request to all my forum members please its just a poll and dont make it a issue out of it all your views are welcomed and are your personal views so don't try to change other opinions plz....... :nono:

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Hello all,

I just felt to send a reply specially for shought.

As I know and I believe, there is superpower thing with infinity capacities as you said, this thing that we call it "God" created many worlds and universe, we are in physical material world, there are other worlds that angles and many other creatures live there, one of the God's creature are we, humans; but we have differences to other creature as I say below:

The 2 most differences are:

1. Ability to think

2. Ability to choose

As god said in Qur'an, humans are his best creatures, they are intelligence and can choose and find difference between "good" and "bad", so the way of guidance of humans must be different from other creatures.

God said that everything we can see now, including the earth, planets and ... are created for humans, to see these intelligence creatures what will do with these things.

As we have brain and we can think and choose, people are different from each other, some people are good and help other humans and do good things and some of them are bad and kill others, steal money and do other bad things.

As we know "God" has infinity capacities, so he has Justice power, in every religions, the Justice is promised, one day justice will execute for all humans, the humans that did good things will get rewarded and the humans did bad thing will be punished, Why? because you could think and choose, it was your choice to kill other one and your choice to do good thing, no one force you to do.

Now, shought says that if the God is good and has many powers, Why he doesn't do anything; To answer this question we should first check one thing.

In this world we only live and God will see what people do in this world and Justice will be run in another world (Although even in this world we can see some justice), in many religions we can see every prophet said that one day in this world, some one from God will come to world and make a Global and International Government that is based on the God's rules and only Justice and no one can stay against that.

In Christian culture, the Christ will come again and do the justice.

In Islam culture, we believe that our 13th Imam will come.

(In other cultures there is the same thing)

So, all people who do bad things in this world, be sure one day they all will be punished.

If you have problem in existence of God, there is something else, just answer where all of these around here come from?

You came from your mother? and your mother came from her mother? ...... until where? you believe that we are from generation of monkeys? where all those monkeys come from?

We know that around 10 billion years ago from a very big explosion this world appear, what was else before this explosion?

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Don't bother arguing with shought. Once he makes up his mind on something, he won't budge.

That's one thing I abhor, especially if someone is in the wrong and just being unreasonable.

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God created the universe including our planet for us humans, and gave us the ability to think and the free will to choose our path not to mention an infinite number of blessings be it the ability to enjoy the smell of a flower or our sight itself. And after all that some people willingly choose to ignore all what they've been given.

And what you're saying that the ONLY choices you have are either to not believe in him, period, or not believe in him and be a mass murderer? Is that what you're trying to say?

I'm trying to say ... if there are any IF's from him/her , whatever shape 'God' is , then there is NO free will.

btw how do you KNOW that 'God' created universe and everything else ?

If you can give me ONE good explanation for that, then we can continue with this further, otherwise I don't really care ...

Please don't say ... it's written in some book 2k years ago ...

there is a free will , you are kinda confused between punishment and the free will , free will made u able to do whatever u want

but if you learned something in this life , everything has to be paid for . if you want to buy a car , you should have some money , if you wanted to miss the class then you will lose the information and be forced to do it alone and you might fail.

that's how the world is created you cant argue about that coz you are living in it , find another ruling world that you invented then choose your rules

how do i know that god created universe and everything else?

by a simple question , you go and try to make such a universe with this much complexity and manners

when you do , then i would be with you there is no god or to be near your thought i would call it the greatest power

but when you know that mankind has the limitations then you have to wonder , hey who made all these great stuff I'm seeing and living in ?

you ?! me ?! mankind ?! how would the mankind do it if it has zero knowledge about how the earth is moving in the beginning ?!

and we still find out about this world everyday a new thing we didn't know about and we'll never be over. there is that greatest power that did/do/will always

be more open to think out of the box , not just from the point when you automatically think there's no god

My answer to this Question : is yes definitely

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I voted Yes. Without religion there will be chaos, and chaos will lead to anarchy, and anarchy will lead to war. Just be glad a lot of people still believe in GOD.

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there is a free will , you are kinda confused between punishment and the free will , free will made u able to do whatever u want

but if you learned something in this life , everything has to be paid for . if you want to buy a car , you should have some money , if you wanted to miss the class then you will lose the information and be forced to do it alone and you might fail.

I'm not confused.

It seems that you don't understand ...

God doesn't ask for faith, he demands it : 'Believe in me or burn in hell forever'

That's a threat.

How is that free will , care to explain that ?

Seems like I don't have a much of a choice in that case, I should either believe in him or I'm phucked ...

Religion is for weak/scared people and that's all there is to it.

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Hello all,

I just felt to send a reply specially for shought.

As I know and I believe, there is superpower thing with infinity capacities as you said, this thing that we call it "God" created many worlds and universe, we are in physical material world, there are other worlds that angles and many other creatures live there, one of the God's creature are we, humans; but we have differences to other creature as I say below:

The 2 most differences are:

1. Ability to think

2. Ability to choose

As god said in Qur'an, humans are his best creatures, they are intelligence and can choose and find difference between "good" and "bad", so the way of guidance of humans must be different from other creatures.

God said that everything we can see now, including the earth, planets and ... are created for humans, to see these intelligence creatures what will do with these things.

As we have brain and we can think and choose, people are different from each other, some people are good and help other humans and do good things and some of them are bad and kill others, steal money and do other bad things.

As we know "God" has infinity capacities, so he has Justice power, in every religions, the Justice is promised, one day justice will execute for all humans, the humans that did good things will get rewarded and the humans did bad thing will be punished, Why? because you could think and choose, it was your choice to kill other one and your choice to do good thing, no one force you to do.

Now, shought says that if the God is good and has many powers, Why he doesn't do anything; To answer this question we should first check one thing.

In this world we only live and God will see what people do in this world and Justice will be run in another world (Although even in this world we can see some justice), in many religions we can see every prophet said that one day in this world, some one from God will come to world and make a Global and International Government that is based on the God's rules and only Justice and no one can stay against that.

In Christian culture, the Christ will come again and do the justice.

In Islam culture, we believe that our 13th Imam will come.

(In other cultures there is the same thing)

So, all people who do bad things in this world, be sure one day they all will be punished.

First of all I'd like to thank you for your well-funded reply (I'm not being sarcastic...).

I do not believe that humans are the only creatures able to think, I am fairly sure that it is a matter of 'degrees'. Humans are able to think 'further along'. It's been proven that monkeys are capable of creating thoughts which go further than one step.

You didn't answer my question though: Is someone who can rescue someone else from being murdered but doesn't a bad person? I'm fairly sure most of us would say yes.

Hence your God, who is omnipotent and good, does not exist. He could still be good or omnipotent, but certainly not both.

If you think God is the only one who knows what is good or bad (which is probably what you would argue) then there would be no ethical foundation to religion; as far as you know murdering your neighbor or not doing it might both be good (or bad), since only God knows. This takes away the sole function of religion; telling humans how to lead their lives.

Thanks for reading :)

If you have problem in existence of God, there is something else, just answer where all of these around here come from?

You came from your mother? and your mother came from her mother? ...... until where? you believe that we are from generation of monkeys? where all those monkeys come from?

We know that around 10 billion years ago from a very big explosion this world appear, what was else before this explosion?

You will 100% get to deadlock or closed.



I believe that time (as well as space, but that's irrelevant here) has no beginning (modern physics tend to agree with me on that point). There has always been energy or mass in space and it will always remain to be there. I believe that sort of answers your 'before' question. Before the big bang there was either one extremely small (in relation to what, you might ask) 'lump' which' surface tension eventually became too large (like a balloon of wood which keeps on being filled; eventually it will explode). I also believe this has to be a cyclical process, so before this 'balloon' there was a universe not much unlike our universe now (forces like gravity (and eventually electromagnetic forces) could draw all 'mass' together again). Do note: it does not necessarily have to be 'all' the mass in the universe, it might very well be 50% of the mass of the universe focused in one 'point' and the remaining 50% being very close.

About them monkeys: I have no evidence that we come from a generation of monkeys. Again I do believe this (when I look at some people there isn't even a single doubt in my mind :P (this is not an insult to anyone!!!)).

I think the odds of an evolutionary chain are more likely than some kind of deity creating the whole universe; this means he has to be physical (anything that interferes with the physical world has to be physical), also physical 'things' can't 'disappear'. So that would mean that this deity is still in the physical world; yet another reason why the God most of you speak of cannot exist (another God which is slightly different could, but not the God you speak of).

(Please don't try to bring in 'dimensions' to disprove the previous paragraph, it doesn't work like that, really ;))

Religion is for weak/scared people and that's all there is to it.

That's not true, there are tons of people I know who are religious and they aren't weak or scared. There have been tons of philosophers I know about who weren't weak or scared but maintained that religion was a 'necessary evil' in order to maintain order in the world. I concur that in the past it might have been necessary, but certainly not anymore. As anything humans 'make use of' eventually we start 'abusing' it...

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" If you dont find explanations for the Beginning of the Universe, we have to invent some super-power, we can call it "god, dog or cha-cha-cha " and it`s done. "

- If you dont mind I prefer --» god.

-OK, no problem.

-After all, it was easy... ! :lol:

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" If you dont find explanations for the Beginning of the Universe, we have to invent some super-power, we can call it "god, dog or cha-cha-cha " and it`s done. "

- If you dont mind I prefer --» god.

-OK, no problem.

-After all, it was easy... ! :lol:

It looks like you're just trying to make fun of people (which is not really appreciated in a good discussion).

Please don't ;)

There is some validity to your point, but try to express it maturely or don't express it, ok.

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In Vietnamese, God = "Trời" = The weather ! :blink:

V for Vendetta: 'God is in the rain.'

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Yes I do for many reasons....If I have not hope in an afterlife where am I. The question is, Is thee nothing more... Health wise wise, My GFR, filtration of my Kidneys, has decreased to just above 20 percent...Right now its at 31 my creatine is at 2.2. So I have to have hope and faith in God, I have seen people healed My faith is helping me make it through this. I am 60 yrs old and with the loss of my wife of 15 years I believe she is in heaven My daughter 0f 29 was killed in s car accident...I am at peace zmy faith and belief. the really is what help me make it through this.... I am at peace with their passing.. I believe in doctors But my trust God is my answer, no matters what happens in my life. Peace and Love to you all.

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@ Shought:

Thanks for reading and your reply.

I did not say God is good or bad, the goodness and badness is only related to humans, the god is omnipotent and he exists.

He exists but not in this world, he is in the other world so it has no any physical points that we can see or feel, that world is different from this one, on that world time passes very high (according to Qur'an) and anything can disappear and appear again, can convert to energy and then convert back to mass.

About the universe, if you want to think "logically", the universe must be started from one point, it can not be accepted to say it was from the infinity time in past but you can say God is from infinity time in past (Because the logic is a knowledge only in this world and it's not defined in the energy and other worlds) I mean that start point, on that start point, there was not any balloon, lump or earth and planet, there was nothing but the God in other world, he decided to create this world and first he created as balloon and after that a big band and .... until today and If you do some research, you will find out that one day our planet and universe will be exploded and all we day, that day is Armageddon, so, based on logic rules, the whole world started from 1 point and will end in 1 point too, the whole universe is not unlimited, it is but only for us, it has a volume but the amount of it is infinity because we have not that knowledge to be able to measure that.

Also I did not understand your question, ask your question clearly.

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@ Shought:

Thanks for reading and your reply.

I did not say God is good or bad, the goodness and badness is only related to humans, the god is omnipotent and he exists.

He exists but not in this world, he is in the other world so it has no any physical points that we can see or feel, that world is different from this one, on that world time passes very high (according to Qur'an) and anything can disappear and appear again, can convert to energy and then convert back to mass.

Maybe you're not saying it, but the Qur'an does, right? (I honestly don't know.) I thought the Qur'an (as the Bible) said that the God they speak about is a 'good' God.

But if he does not exist in this world, then he cannot interfere with this world (and thus he is not omnipotent). And if he does not exist in this world now, it means that he has never existed in this world (because energy or mass can't 'leave' the universe).

About the universe, if you want to think "logically", the universe must be started from one point, it can not be accepted to say it was from the infinity time in past but you can say God is from infinity time in past (Because the logic is a knowledge only in this world and it's not defined in the energy and other worlds) I mean that start point, on that start point, there was not any balloon, lump or earth and planet, there was nothing but the God in other world, he decided to create this world and first he created as balloon and after that a big band and .... until today and If you do some research, you will find out that one day our planet and universe will be exploded and all we day, that day is Armageddon, so, based on logic rules, the whole world started from 1 point and will end in 1 point too, the whole universe is not unlimited, it is but only for us, it has a volume but the amount of it is infinity because we have not that knowledge to be able to measure that.

It is very easy to accept that time and space are infinite; see, I just did. It's really the only thing that makes sense, time and space cannot be started as they are logical constructs created by man to understand the things around them. (So the concept of time (and space) has been created by man, but when 'inside the concept of time (and space)' time (and space) is (are) infinite in both directions.) You're claiming that this cannot be accepted, but you have failed to provide a single piece of evidence to support that position.

'there was nothing but the God in the other world' is physically impossible; matter and energy are always preserved. Also: if the God was not in this world then he could not have 'influenced' this world (since something which is not physically in this world cannot effect the physical properties of this world).

I agree that we are not (yet) able to uncover the full boundaries of the universe (since the universe is without boundaries, at least that's what I believe). I know for us humans it is groundbreaking to think of something 'without an end' (especially in space, in our world everything is limited to a certain space; our body, our home, our planet), but it is really the only thing that makes sense. Suppose there is a limit to the universe (or time) (which are both, as I just mentioned, logical devices created by humans to cope with the world) then what would happen if someone were to 'step over the limit' (of time or space)?

Also I did not understand your question, ask your question clearly.

If I was 100% sure that I could stop someone from being murdered. (Suppose I am standing in an ally and have the super-human power of creating a forcefield which can stop bullets.) And if I would then not make that forcefield, as a result of which someone else dies. Would you then call me 'bad'? I allowed someone to murder someone else, I would say that's pretty 'bad'.

So if God is omnipotent (infinite capabilities; can do everything) then he is able to stop every murder from happening, but yet he doesn't; hence he is bad. But the Qur'an (as does the Bible), I believe, claims that this 'God' is good. So there is a logical fallacy here, so the God who is spoken of does not exist.

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'there was nothing but the God in the other world' is physically impossible; matter and energy are always preserved. Also: if the God was not in this world then he could not have 'influenced' this world (since something which is not physically in this world cannot effect the physical properties of this world).

You're talking about an incomplete logic. Physics is a logic that still grows and haven't reached maximum yet, in my idea. and the God is neither energy nor matter, He made them both. yes he has influenced this world. Imagine your computer, You are not inside of your HDD, but you can have the control of it. but The God gave us the will, while your HDD doesn't have.

So if God is omnipotent (infinite capabilities; can do everything) then he is able to stop every murder from happening, but yet he doesn't; hence he is bad. But the Qur'an (as does the Bible), I believe, claims that this 'God' is good. So there is a logical fallacy here, so the God who is spoken of does not exist.

God Gave us the will to choose be good or be evil. We're at our owns, but in the end, God asks us about our goodness or badness.

if you've read Qu'ran, You can clearly see that the holy book [Qu'ran] suggests people to be good, to build a good world and have a nice price after dying for being good and the usage of his mercy. if you don't believe there is mercy, but who don't want a good world ?

if we believe in God, we can build a better world based on his guidance for us. he has made us.

and Yes, I believe.

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'there was nothing but the God in the other world' is physically impossible; matter and energy are always preserved. Also: if the God was not in this world then he could not have 'influenced' this world (since something which is not physically in this world cannot effect the physical properties of this world).

You're talking about an incomplete logic. Physics is a logic that still grows and haven't reached maximum yet, in my idea. and the God is neither energy nor matter, He made them both. yes he has influenced this world. Imagine your computer, You are not inside of your HDD, but you can have the control of it. but The God gave us the will, while your HDD doesn't have.

I might be talking about an incomplete logic, but you're talking about a flawed logic. (As I demonstrated in my posts above.)

Your HDD argument is not a good comparison, I interact with my HDD through a physical chain of events. I press 'Save' and the data is then relayed through electrical signals to the motherboard and then to the HDD. Our universe is a closed chain of events, there are no external influences (any physical movement can only be caused by another physical movement). So whereas the HDD does not have a closed chain of events, our universe does (hence the comparison is logically invalid).

So if God is omnipotent (infinite capabilities; can do everything) then he is able to stop every murder from happening, but yet he doesn't; hence he is bad. But the Qur'an (as does the Bible), I believe, claims that this 'God' is good. So there is a logical fallacy here, so the God who is spoken of does not exist.

God Gave us the will to choose be good or be evil. We're at our owns, but in the end, God asks us about our goodness or badness.

if you've read Qu'ran, You can clearly see that the holy book [Qu'ran] suggests people to be good, to build a good world and have a nice price after dying for being good and the usage of his mercy. if you don't believe there is mercy, but who don't want a good world ?

if we believe in God, we can build a better world based on his guidance for us. he has made us.

and Yes, I believe.

I never suggested that the Qur'an or the Bible suggest bad things.

I do not intend to persuade you into being agnostic or atheistic and I know I will never succeed, it just amazes me how many people still believe in something without any empirical proof ;)

ps welcome to the forum by the way :)

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2 words: Pascal's Wager

Personally, I call it the "Ultimate Gamble".

Well you will reap your "Ultimate reward or punishment" in judgement day, because you cannot lie to yourself, your mind knows the truth of your thoughts if you are saying you believe in GOD all the while being very clear that you don't.. Believing in GOD is FAITH not a gamble.:blink:

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@shought, you are fighting the battle that can't be won :P

For example I can say that I've walked on the surface of the moon and I got there by riding my horse.

If you don't believe in that you will burn in my kitchen stove.

Now, we can argue about that claim forever, get the picture ?

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'there was nothing but the God in the other world' is physically impossible; matter and energy are always preserved. Also: if the God was not in this world then he could not have 'influenced' this world (since something which is not physically in this world cannot effect the physical properties of this world).

You're talking about an incomplete logic. Physics is a logic that still grows and haven't reached maximum yet, in my idea. and the God is neither energy nor matter, He made them both. yes he has influenced this world. Imagine your computer, You are not inside of your HDD, but you can have the control of it. but The God gave us the will, while your HDD doesn't have.

I might be talking about an incomplete logic, but you're talking about a flawed logic. (As I demonstrated in my posts above.)

Your HDD argument is not a good comparison, I interact with my HDD through a physical chain of events. I press 'Save' and the data is then relayed through electrical signals to the motherboard and then to the HDD. Our universe is a closed chain of events, there are no external influences (any physical movement can only be caused by another physical movement). So whereas the HDD does not have a closed chain of events, our universe does (hence the comparison is logically invalid).

So if God is omnipotent (infinite capabilities; can do everything) then he is able to stop every murder from happening, but yet he doesn't; hence he is bad. But the Qur'an (as does the Bible), I believe, claims that this 'God' is good. So there is a logical fallacy here, so the God who is spoken of does not exist.

God Gave us the will to choose be good or be evil. We're at our owns, but in the end, God asks us about our goodness or badness.

if you've read Qu'ran, You can clearly see that the holy book [Qu'ran] suggests people to be good, to build a good world and have a nice price after dying for being good and the usage of his mercy. if you don't believe there is mercy, but who don't want a good world ?

if we believe in God, we can build a better world based on his guidance for us. he has made us.

and Yes, I believe.

I never suggested that the Qur'an or the Bible suggest bad things.

I do not intend to persuade you into being agnostic or atheistic and I know I will never succeed, it just amazes me how many people still believe in something without any empirical proof ;)

ps welcome to the forum by the way :)

maybe HDD example wasn't a good comparison, but God gave us the will, so we choose to remove the murder. and the bridge between him as this world is the holy prophets. We are humans and we can have our ways, following the prophets or not, but your HDD can NOT ignore your "save" command normmaly, but if something issued it to do it.

The empirical proof ? are you kidding ? Just take a look to your around. The Sky, The Ground. Humans, Animals, other planets and everything you see didn't appeared by an accident, there must be someone who managed them to be so, and I believe that who is God. This is the proof. and the second proof will be proven when we are not alive anymore.

Thanks. :) very nice forum, i like it :)

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