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How did you guys get advert list 4048 or something like that when i only have v4.92 Build 32700/3915, I already check for update but nothing was found :unsure:

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It's the beta build with beta list updates. ;)

You can download it from one of MIH's posts a couple of pages back.

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I'm sure i had already tried to change MAC (using SMAC software) long time ago and it didn't worked :blink:

It's working perfectly in fact :fun:

Major breakthrought, nice done guys :thumbsup:

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Maybe the mods could remove some of the posts in the first half of the thread, as it's now defunct (they dealt mostly with the AdvOR method), and can be very confusing for the new guy wanting to get some info on AdMuncher. This thread is getting to be kind of a hog. XD

I mean, I don't mind, i just pop all the way to the end to see the latest developments, it's all about how to make the topic more end-user friendly (which is I think the whole point behind the first post etiquette), but this would serve to make it more presentable.

Anyways, just a thought...

First page has been added already.

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How did you guys get advert list 4048 or something like that when i only have v4.92 Build 32700/3915, I already check for update but nothing was found :unsure:

3915 is the final update for version 4.92 afaik. Get a new 4.93/33502 trial with the MAC address changer from MIH's link and update to 4048. Backup the requisite files to have an unlimited trial :thumbsup:

Or repeat the new trial procedure every month or so ;)

EDIT: Tested personally - Post 1804

How to backup files -

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3915 is the final update for version 4.92 afaik. Get a new 4.93/33502 trial with the MAC address changer from MIH's link and update to 4048. Backup the requisite files to have an unlimited trial :thumbsup:

Or repeat the new trial procedure every month or so ;)

EDIT: Tested personally - Post 1804

How to backup files - Youtube Link

Why we need to use proxies the end of the youtube instruction video?

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How did you guys get advert list 4048 or something like that when i only have v4.92 Build 32700/3915, I already check for update but nothing was found :unsure:

3915 is the final update for version 4.92 afaik. Get a new 4.93/33502 trial with the MAC address changer from MIH's link and update to 4048. Backup the requisite files to have an unlimited trial :thumbsup:

Or repeat the new trial procedure every month or so ;)

EDIT: Tested personally - Post 1804

How to backup files - Youtube Link

How do I repeat the new trial procedure? please tell me

Why we need to use proxies the end of the youtube instruction video?

Look at the video again, the mouse is just trying to show no proxy is use o3o
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@ MIH - stealthyboi is right. Please check again - No proxy :)

EDIT: Oh! I see. I've tried updating with and without proxy. For some reason, it doesn't work with a proxy. But the enabling of the option at the end is in all probability just a quirk :o

@ stealthyboi - I mean re-apply for a trial by clicking on "Start 30 day trial" ;)

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Oh I see thanks. :)

Oops MIH meant at the end when u turn on proxy at 2:32

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Why we need to use proxies the end of the youtube instruction video?

EDIT: Oh! I see. I've tried updating with and without proxy. For some reason, it doesn't work with a proxy. But the enabling of the option at the end is in all probability just a quirk

Look at the video again, the mouse is just trying to show no proxy is use o3o

The video shows the update (when the key is blocked) by replacing the files (no trial). Proxies are included in order to disable the cow (after update) from the update server (that the cow does not become red) if you update by replacing files. Proxy is included in order to prevent the possibility of a cow is automatically updated. Proxy for future updates should be turned off.


Sorry for my bad English.

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The video shows the update (when the key is blocked) by replacing the files (no trial). Proxies are included in order to disable the cow (after update) from the update server (that the cow does not become red) if you update by replacing files. Proxy is included in order to prevent the possibility of a cow is automatically updated. Proxy for future updates should be turned off.


Sorry for my bad English.

Thank you for the reply that's what i was also thinking.Basically we put the proxies to order to control any update comes from cow. Is there any video on internet showing step by step how to use time stopper or runasdate properly. I will add the method in the main topic but i need some back up information how to!

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sorry for my bad english. you can make a video according this way

- use change mac address to get 30 days trial

- copy back file license.dat trial from other machine

- exit admuncher from system tray and start it again -> choose "start 30 days trial period"

now, you can use them (license.dat, registration.dat,..) with timestopper

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Trial can be restored using the method of replacing files (without changing the MAC- address). You can use files from another computer on which the trial is valid.

1.Close the " cow " in the system tray.

2.Replace files.

3.Click on the icon "cow" on the desktop.

4.In the system tray will have a red "cow"

5.Click on the icon "cow" in the system tray.

6.Start free 30-day trial.

7.New trial.

Тrial files here --->Site: http://www.mediafire.com/

Sharecode: ?pr30bhljhwx8ynn [?]

Unfortunately , this method stopped working.

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koaask@ tested working i will put all this relevent information in the front page including yours

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@ MIH - You mean trial license from one machine works on another? Wow! That's an epic fail on the part of the devs.

@ Murray & Jeff - So by my count, now there are at least 3-4 different documented ways to use AM then (some easier to rectify than others) and you guys had problems with Time Stopper/Runasdate? :wtf: (Needed several updates to get it right after checking out the results on this thread mostly from my posts, I assume :P)

As I had already said in an earlier post of mine and I quote "Companies bigger and more resourceful than yours have failed miserably where you're so willing to tread - and may I remind you - failing miserably thus far in your half a$$ed efforts, as is to be expected."

So the moral of the story - live and let live rather than going on a wild goose chase. Do blacklist leaked keys - that's obviously par for the course. But please use your better judgement and (presumabley) valuable time and energy into the betterment of your program. And while at it, do something 'bout that stupid bar. ABP element blocker owns it. Use something along the lines of aardvark to make it work on FF and it's derivatives at least.

Cheers mates :cheers: and best of luck with AM :)

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welp , i agree with what u are saying , they try to secure AM like it was some sort of nuclear weapon :D

its better for them to put more effort in fixing AM beta since its sometime gave me error while working .

cheers ;)

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...they try to secure AM like it was some sort of nuclear weapon :D

:hehe: :hehe: :hehe:

But seriously, it's understandable to an extent. It puts food on their table after all. They don't want no freeloaders.

But their greatest folly lies in not realizing that by being reactive to all our endeavors rather than being proactive with their features and bug fixes, they are missing out on enhancing it's inherent value and someday, they just might find a startup surpassing them in the product department in effect killing off their goose that lays the golden eggs.

We will all be a lot more at peace with ourselves when we realize we can't have our pie and eat it too. You can't have the best ad blocker and not have people 'honor' you by imitating (pirating :P) your product. Imitation after all is the greatest form of flattery :D

Having said that, at least in one case, their own servers are granting us a new trial after we've successfully changed our hardware ID with a legit program! And before you question the legitimacy of hardware ID changers, lemme remind you that there are people who also question the legitimacy of internet and Television ad blockers including Tivo.

And in any case, if companies with much more resources have continued to fail in their endeavors, how can these guys seriously believe that they'll succeed? Welcome to the real world guys ;)

You win some, you lose some. Such is life. :cheers:

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well said , i can add to this also , if all out attempt fails to run AM we can always use Liberator patch and enjoy AM even the list is some weeks back , since it isnt antivirus it will be more than fine :)

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^ Attempts won't fail. If they keep up their charade, this cat and mouse game is gonna continue. Maybe culminating in somebody coming up with a patch/crack. Hopefully, it won't come to that ;)

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Trial can be restored using the method of replacing the files (without changing the MAC- address). You can use files from another computer on which the trial is valid.

1.Close the " cow " in the system tray.

2.Replace the files.

3.Click on the icon "cow" on the desktop.

4.In the system tray will have a red "cow"

5.Click on the icon "cow" in the system tray.

6.Start free 30-day trial.

7.New trial.

Тrial files here --->Site: http://www.filetolink.com/

Sharecode: 2d9bf15dbd [?]

It's work.But only once.After i try again it say that a trial period it was granted on bla bla.

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:wtf: i dont know why you need run as date sniffer or another .... :s just backup lic and program work great for me 3 months working... :wub:

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4060 Beta ;)

Thanks to calguyhunk and madeinheaven - ie due to their explanation and excellent work - it worked flawlessly (I use the licensed version with backup method).

As always - THANKS A BUNCH!! ;)

How a little, tiny cow can make a man so happy :D

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