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i dont know why for you still working for me nothing work i had also installed komp swiat lic

in version 4.92 and 4.93 beta but after update adv list via adv or via proxy after this it show me 20 % discount and not work i dont know wtf :(

now for me nothing work still red cow :( only working version for me is 4.91 cracked and adv list update via am.adl but 4.91 is s..t i have errors with this version :((

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1: You will need a ad muncher licence (Registered to Komputer Swiat) and runasdate

2: Disconnect from the Internet

3: disable autostart when you install ad muncher, after installaion close ad muncher

4: License.dat and Registration.dat copy to ad muncher folder

5: Start runasdate and adjust date to 2011 (that is important)

6: start ad muncher with runasdate

8: disable check for program and advert list udates

7: have fun with Ad Muncher :D

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i have run as date but i dont have ad munch license (Registered to Komputer Swiat) so i dont have also license.dat and registration dat

so if you have it pls upload it thanks

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i find reg and lic file but not work red cow and after this you must activ. your lic. so i must turn on net and i give working proxy poland but after connect i see still 20 % discount bla bla....

run as date is on 1 january 2011 but for me still not working :(

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1: You will need a ad muncher licence (Registered to Komputer Swiat) and runasdate

2: Disconnect from the Internet

3: disable autostart when you install ad muncher, or (msconfig) after installaion close ad muncher

4: License.dat Registration.dat CustomStrings.dat Config.dat copy to ad muncher folder

5: copy runasdate to c:\program files and start one time then close again

6: copy Desktop-Shortcut Ad Muncher from rar file to desktop

7: Start Ad Muncher only from this Shortcut

9: have fun with Ad Muncher :D



Password: buyadmuncher

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Thanks a lot to erer65. I had already done the same - that is run Ad Muncher with a Dec date, but didn't realize exactly why it was working. Thanks for explaining. Currently using Build 33053, List 3956 :)

BTW, you don't need the Komputer Swiat license. A trial license will do just fine, like in my case.

Apparently, I last checked for update as far back as Dec 28th, but updated as recently as Jan 27th. But tbh, I just updated a few minutes back :)

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so i do this

after down i run run as date and give 29 march 2011 screen

there is screen so what can i do now????



trial for me not work because always show me that i use previously lic in january 9 2012 :(
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Hi Dany, you're probably not running it through Advor. Use Advor to connect or uncheck the "Use Proxy" option altogether and press "Apply" before registering. The License.dat Registration.dat trick should prolly do it :)

But tbh, you probably don't need a 2011 date. What you really need is to pick a date from within your trial and use Runasdate/Time stopper to run the program through that.

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calguyhunk pls go to skype cos i dont know what you mean you can this for me via team viewer
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Now that it's out, how long before this code is blacklisted by the devs? :nono:

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Now that it's out, how long before this code is blacklisted by the devs? :nono:


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uff wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooork finally i have white cow :))

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Ha Lê Thanh

xin hãy giúp tôi 1 chìa khóa




DKT27 Edit: Translation:

please help me a key



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uff wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooork finally i have white cow :))

Congrats! what method did you use?

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keyman i use normal advor with USA proxy cos you dont need proxy poland i normal give name and serial which is on mr bean posts register via advor and after that i update adv list with any proxies you want i use german proxy

so use only mb proxies is better than kb/s proxies i use german and usa proxies for update adv list.

so i have no problem with adm

the key which upload mr bean is working on all version on laptop i have 4.92 on pc i have 4.93 beta 33053 and working



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