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Roboform 7.2.2


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Changes in Version 7.2.2:

* Chrome: speed up on pages with huge forms such as usairways.com.

* Chrome: fix Auto-Submit on pages such as jetblue.com.

* Firefox: if JS toolbar is shown, always show full toolbar on top of it.

* Firefox: remove obsolete icons from browser context menu.

* Fix integrity check of RoboForm, so that corrupted RoboForm DLL is detected.

* RF Everywhere: increase max allowed interval between syncs from 7 days to 30 days.

* IE: show lower toolbar on popup windows, such as login at anz.com.

* ALT+click now forces non-modal AutoSave toolbar, not modal Auto-Save dialog.

* Win32: fix crashes when integrating with SAP application.

* Installer: fix does not automatically close processes when doing silent install.

* Enterprise: make EXE and MSI installers more silent.

* Enterpirse: fix bugs in MSI installer, when installed from group policy.

* Import: add import of passcards from Norton Identity Safe CSV file.

* Editor: allow pulling selection onto Identity summarry fields.

* Editor: fix squares at the end of the lines.

* Editor: fix clicking fingerprint icon shown Cannot load DLL message.


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