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Sony releases new PS3 firmware, hackers shrug and get to work


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Sony has released a new mandatory update for its PlayStation 3 system, bringing the firmware version up to 3.56. The "security patch" is an attempt to keep hackers from executing unsigned code that allows homebrew programs as well as pirated games to run and online games to be hacked.

The new firmware was unpacked in a matter of hours, but it may be longer than expected before the new firmware is fully cracked. Those running hacked firmware currently are being told not to update, and it's possible a hardware solution will be required to get past the new protections put in place by Sony.

This back-and-forth will continue until... well, who knows? Sony has to at least try to keep people out of its system, but the hacking community now has the console square in its sights, and each update is little more than a direct challenge, one that so far has been easily met. Just remember that when you're downloading this update instead of playing a game on your PlayStation 3, its sole purpose was to give Sony a few hours of respite from hackers.

The hacking community won't be easily stopped, no matter what minor victories Sony wins in court. Gamers will be inconvenienced and Sony will continue in its futile attempt to stop these hacks.

Somewhere, there is a person installing Linux on her hacked PlayStation 3 while sighing contentedly. The rest of us lose.

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actully it's not unsigned

the hackers are able to sign homebrew on 3.55

ps3 is the first console that hackers know its public keys , so they can sign things as much as they want

the problem is 3.56 ... till now they cant signed them although keys are revealed

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can we get a special site forum section for this kidn of stuff so we that care can keep up with it all? its one idea i gave floop creidt for

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