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I'm lonely


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  On 1/9/2011 at 8:24 PM, 'shought said:

sadly the forums rules do however still apply and you're still asked to be respectful towards other members :)

How about thankfully instead of sadly... ;)

Alpha1BAD, you may be riding the happy wave right now, but trust me, life has surprises, and most of them are not really pleasant. When shit happens, you will find yourself thankful for someone who listens to your boring-to-everybody-else problems.

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  On 1/9/2011 at 8:28 PM, 'Alpha1BAD said:

it seems odd that he has the balls to approach a prostitute, actually ask for sex and pay her! why not go to a bar and ask a woman if she wants a drink and take it from there..

Have you ever paid a prostitute Alpha? Have you noticed the difference is presenting yourself to someone for approval versus.. Paying for it and being their job? We are not talking about something that has to do with criminal value or doing something against the moral standards of society here.. or being pushed to a point to take an easy way out.. we are talking about the things that go on inside.. in the mind.. Things that can develop due to mental abuse from yourself.. and interpersonal insecurities that over time can do some horrible things.. Not mention that is a result in this case because of a slight abnormality.. in which an individual has stopped living their life and is now looking to repair the damage, overcome the problem.. and go on with their life openly.. and even within this the oneitis.. he speaks of refers to becoming fixated on a person of object of affection and being let down or hurt and not being able to move on... These are sensitive issues...

That is the difference.. I thought that had been made quite clear... but for clarification..

EDIT: And yes I am still coming back to this..

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I was going for 'sadly, for you', but that seemed to threatening, then I removed ', for you' and left it :rolleyes:

My bad :P


Let's get back 'on topic' though... heath had something to say, I believe.

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becoming fixated on a person of object of affection = not healthy


anyway ya gotta get over it pull ya pants up and move on!!! life is a bitch but ya gotta deal wiv it!!!

@heath, no never needed to!

he needs to stop abusing himself for a start! he will go blind!

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I am a total music fiend.. so the last statement actually catches me more by surprise than anything... but I think .. and I know this may not be something you would want to hear right now.. especially with the loneliness.. and other issues you have/are facing.. I think this goes deeper than social development.. but an important part of your own development has not been nurtured as it should...

When your condition occurred, over time you probably simply told yourself that there was no reason... for you to even try... Having fun with the rest of people who you would consider as friends.. and having some basis to relate to others was left out.. Especially if ridicule seemed to single you out for the most part... In an effort to understand what your capable of and what you can do, we search fr a reality of who and what we are.. and can become... So that we try to achieve things that we know we can do... or should be able to. almost like a casualty assessment for working at it and trying so hard and figuring out why we are or are not able to accomplish these things.. Within these vents it is likely you shut down a part of you which is natural to exist in these conditions.. Doubt, pain, love, attraction, needs...are all put on the back burner...pushed way down.. out of the way... hatred seems to always be a welcomed friend because of the mixture of chemicals in our brains and bodies makes us able to weather the storm to some degree.. We also stop trying to come to terms or face our issues and what place they should be at within us, how important they are.. how important they are not.. and usually in way that is relative of our own self-worth, personal view, or perspective.. and how we view ourselves... This effects our self-esteem, self-confidence.. and really our individual strengths and stability... While we can be strong at knocking down certain obstacles.. coming to terms with sensitive issues and bare-ing your soul .. so to speak become a tight-rope act.. some even have very high levels of anxiety when it comes to anything relative.. Being able to confront this... can be the key to allowing a place for social development to emerge and for us to learn some things from that interaction.. its a new world.. one of which can be scary in the way that the majority of people are already developed.. and expect various things.. while they may still be moving up and down the scale as to where they should even exist as far as negative or positive.. accepted or frowned upon...

I think your focusing on this area too much.. the difference between the two place is simple.. The average guy.. isn't worrying about this.. The thoughts that doubt themselves... the feeling of not having the tools necessary.. While truth of the matter is that interaction is like a simple game of tic-tac-toe.. One player make a move.. or has a point of interaction and another makes a return action or the next move.. Its how we do this that can change each one tremendously and in how each one chooses to navigate it.. Saying you don't know what to do next is saying your a freak.. believing you are and not letting anyone say your any different... This also disallows anyone in having any value in you.. because you deny it inside regardless... It can be from all of the things in your past.. its your wall of protection from all of things that have hurt you in the past.. to some degree this can be correct to have but being able to allow yourself the next step.. and either take the pain.. now with more experience and move on or have a different understanding of the many reason why or why not.. That are not relative to you or yourself.. and stop blaming it all on those factors.. will aid in your being able to re-categorize these elements... We don't always know why things do not work out.. some reasons may very well be what we think.. but others may be for other reasons... some that you have no clue about because you are not living your life.. The same way that you think so many people do not know about you.. and why you may make some decisions or do the things you do.. Most people consider this factor.. and they do not allow themselves to focus on that one point and allow it to become something abusive and cyclic upon themselves or any other factor involved.. Overtime the internal abuse causes changes in our behavior.. It winds up being a form of learned behavioral aspects which can be very hard to overcome because of the broad spectrum in which they can cover psychologically and otherwise..

Bottom-line to it.. IF someone likes you then they do.. if they don't then they don't...

I think related to the problem.. you say you don't know how to let go... and have a good time or enjoy music..I think it is because of this block... Until you can feel something.. you will never connect with anyone on that level.. You will not know how to relate or even observe or understand it.. and the quality of what you feel will be degraded.. Along with all of these things comes the other side as well... You will probably have a tendency to end things when you feel that you did something wrong or it doesn't work out... Anger, frustration and stress.. is all you have to relate to it at this point..

You need to rediscover yourself internally.. You need to unchain yourself in a way to revalue these elements you have killed for so many years... Find music you enjoy.. view it from every aspect... develop through it.. The journey through your own self discovery can be just as trying as getting to know someone you have never known.. yet even more mysterious except you will know the thoughts and you will know the feelings.... Until you realize your own similarities and the basis of a human being .. you will have a terrible time trying to function and interact.. to do this you must revalue yourself.. Get more in-touch with positive elements and have some experiences which will allow you to regroup.. your freeness of mind... Opening your mind to a few aspects.. and not having these problems holding you back.. nor the feelings.. Healing yourself from what has occurred n your life.. not continually stuck in this world where all you think you know is that your unable to function .. but realizing that it can a simple mindset and coming to terms.. being able to live with yourself.. quit living with the trauma...before you can live with the rest of the world... Emotionally you should be able to feel.. its going to hurt probably at first but at some point you have to allow yourself both positive and negative.. I say all of this because your looking and learning and you don't really know what to think of it yet... Though you know it well... and your confronted with your weaknesses...

Your condition can be treated by the way.. I think the Wikipedia mentioned it.. but unless it is one of the more severe cases its not something that is going to be a real determining factor.. oneitis.. ( which may have been even worse for you ) we all fall in love with someone who doesn't want us at some point.. and due to how we feel and how it feels just being around them..it can be a very hard thing to understand and get over.. especially if they are one of the few people who treat you like a human being.. like you should be and do the right things.. We can also abuse ourselves over something like this ..

Recovering from your issues.. is not going to be something you will just do.. like taking a pill and its all better.. its going to be constantly wrangling the issues until we can put them way.. some of them need to be dealt with and re-evaluated.. some need to be found ridiculous and removed from consideration.. the easiest is to push them aside and go about things like we should.. Like simply going out to have a good time.. Have a few drinks and hang-out.. and not worrying about any of it.. if for some reason you find someone your having a good time with then.. maybe it can be more at the right pace.. Maybe your going to realize that for all of our differences from person to person and sex to sex.. we are all one thing.. we have all of the basics in common.. how we do them may be different... but it is not something to be afraid of.. nor to view ourselves as handicapped mentally or in any other way..

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This thread makes me :lol:

You must more times spend out! Just go to coffe shop and you will find someone there.Dont imaditle search for relationship. Try to be friend with some one first then search for girls! ;)

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