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Rest in Peace Single Processor Power Mac G5!


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Apple is starting to focus more on the dual-processor technology. The first steps in this direction were made Monday.

Starting from yesterday, the single-processor Power Mac G5 systems will be removed from Apple’s online store offer.

Apple customers had noticed from last week that the 1.8GHz single processor machines were no longer available, but it was only yesterday that Apple commented on the decision.

"The 1.8 GHz Power Mac G5 is no longer available at the online Apple Store but is available in other channels while supplies last," the Cupertino-based company said in a statement provided to CNET News.com.

"The Power Mac G5 line is now all dual processor and delivers the ultimate in performance for our most advanced customers.", they added.

For those who think the dual-core machine packs too much power or is too expensive for their budgets, the company recommends the iMac G5.

May be the new dual processors will come from Intel stable .....

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