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[Trick] To keep "Fluid Mask " on Trial forever


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Fluid Mask 3





14 days full functional


One of the best at cutting out the picture and more!

I don't know is there any crack/patch/serial for it but this method I tested is reversible and completely safe.

You can keep "Fluid Mask 3" on trial forever by a free small software called "Cracklock Manager"

Here is the steps:

1_ Download "Fluid Mask 3" from here: http://www.vertustech.com/fluidMask/free_trial_download.html

get "Cracklock Manager" from this page: http://william.famille-blum.org/software/cracklock/index.html

2_ Start installing Fluid Mask, at the middle of installation choose "Other" to install the software in standalone mode, NOT as a plugin;

go ahead and Exit;

(Don't run Fluid Mask now, because it starts licensing service of FluidMask named "Nalpeiron Licensing Service"....Winpatrol msg comes up for it...click "Yes" anytime)

3_ Install Cracklock Manager and run it, make double click on "Add program" , and browse for FluidMask3.exe, choose it;

in my case that's here: C:\Program Files\Vertus Fluid Mask 3

4_ at this step just choose the date you want Fluid Mask stay in (It must be between installation date and 14 days later);

then go to "Injection mode"tab and check Static Injection

5_ "Apply" and "Ok"; finished


I recommend to remember(for example write at a notepad) the date you install Fluid Mask!


Because later if any upgrade comes out, you can easily overwrite it and then use "Cracklock Manager" as I said above....but you should choose some date between:

"Installation date" and "Installation date" + 14


Delete fluid Mask from list of "Cracklock Manager" BEFORE installing any upgrade to new version_maybe restart needed_ in order to all conditions go normally

Have fun :)

Didn't work after some time


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