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Auto Input Search


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Basically i want to do 30-50 search's with out me having to type in random stuff into EG "google".

This is for a toolbar add-on for a game i play (they get you to search so many times through there toolbar then you gain extra coins (payed side of things) that is hard for free members.

In short

Input text into toolbar search function

click search

open a page

move onto next search

(or if anyone else has an easier idea)

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Every tried using iMacros for FF... or Automize?

ive used imacros before - for got about that.

ok ive got imacros - ive some how got to make it read a file with 50000000000 words in there and pick a word to search for then search for it - not sure if it can be done

Edit - im no good with imacros lol - can not get anytihng going :D

all it has to do is random word then click the word on the next search page (but i dont know thew coding) :(

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