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Eset Alternative Update Server (EAUS)


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  • 3 weeks later...


I've started a little project just for the lulz. It is an alternative update server for eset products.

The idea is that trial servers don't update modules. This is a true mirror from paid update servers.

I would like to invite everyone to test it.

The address is located at: http://eaus.mooo.com/

I would love to have feedback.

Greate man , can you discribe haow did you do it . Im traing to do it my self , but nod yust wot update, It sai's that thers no files but file are ther when I look on FTP

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Greate man , can you discribe haow did you do it . Im traing to do it my self , but nod yust wot update, It sai's that thers no files but file are ther when I look on FTP

Server must be http. not ftp. I don't think that eset products have support for ftp protocol for updates

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The server is http I yust cek the files to see are they there, I use the nod32 update vewer to uploda files to server, local over lan it updates bud over http sais that thont hawe files

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  • 10 months later...

I'ts bean a while and nobody has written anything about this thematic.

I'm running this similar server with password for a year now and everything works perfect.

My question to you who created similar web page. Dose anyone has received a warning from nod or hosting they use ?

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I'ts bean a while and nobody has written anything about this thematic.

I'm running this similar server with password for a year now and everything works perfect.

My question to you who created similar web page. Dose anyone has received a warning from nod or hosting they use ?

You haven't gotten blacklisted by ESET yet.. I was doing good until that happened.. :P AT first I couldn't get to the domain and then I could.. and then the server was no longer able to update... but you get to the site..

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You haven't gotten blacklisted by ESET yet.. I was doing good until that happened.. :P AT first I couldn't get to the domain and then I could.. and then the server was no longer able to update... but you get to the site..

Thanks ,

I don't share my private server. Are other people get blacklisted because they share the link on the web or because ESET is using a internal check with their antivirus program?

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