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First HTML5 test results released by W3C


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Although the forthcoming <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML5" rel="external">HTML5</a> specification hasn't yet been finalised, the <a href="http://www.w3.org/" rel="external">World Wide Web Consortium</a> (W3C) has <a href="http://test.w3.org/html/tests/reporting/report.htm" rel="external">released</a> its first test results. According to the W3C's report, the recently <a href="http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ukmsdn/archive/2010/10/29/download-internet-explorer-9-platform-preview-6.aspx" rel="external">released</a> sixth preview of Internet Explorer 9 offers the best HTML5 implementation, followed by Google's <a href="/news/item/Google-releases-Chrome-7-0-stable-1110978.html">Chrome 7</a> web browser, Firefox 4 (Beta 6), Opera 10.6 and Safari 5.0. However, more comprehensive tests available at <a href="http://www.caniuse.com/" rel="external">caniuse.com</a> and <a href="http://www.html5test.com/" rel="external">html5test.com</a> paint a different picture in many areas.</p>

<p>The W3C's test suite currently only examines a small selection of the forthcoming standard's aspects: it only tests "attributes", "audio", "video", "canvas", "getElementsByClassName", "foreigncontent" and "xhtml5". The main focus is on the element. Other aspects such as the planned local file storage, web workers, the File API or the added input types due to be included in HTML5, have so far not been taken into account by the test suite.</p>

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