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Messenger Plus! Live paves the way towards the release of Plus! 5


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Messenger Plus! Live paves the way towards the release of Plus! 5

New release will be fully compatible with Windows Live™ Messenger 2011

Messenger Plus! Live is approaching the release of Plus! 5. This new version, targeted for release in early December of this year, will be completely compatible with Windows Live™ Messenger 2011. In conjunction with the release of Messenger Plus! 5, users will experience a new look and feel from our rebranded websites. Messenger Plus! Live software remains safe and free to download, and transparent to install.

To ease the transition to Messenger Plus! 5, Yuna Software released an intermediate version, on October 19, 2010, Messenger Plus! Live 4.9. This version is already partially compliant with WLM 2011. Users of 4.9 will be notified when Plus! 5 is available.

Messenger Plus! Live 4.9 can be downloaded at http://www.msgpluslive.net/download/

The change log for this version is at: http://www.msgplusli...load/changelog/


In my opinion, they should delete the adware and spyware from installer or use another ways of advertising.

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Looking forward to the Live! 5 release, it's a great piece of software, :). The only thing I don't like about it, is the Ask adware added, but hey, they got to earn money somehow too...

Guess they don't get as much donations as they need to keep developing, so they add that part... Unfortunately most of the users are the "next" guys, not unselecting the Ask install part...

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agree with the above

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Eventually to continue using messenger you will have to upgrade as they always force you to at some point :@

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Eventually to continue using messenger you will have to upgrade as they always force you to at some point :@

I doubt it, since until this day the original "Windows Messenger" STILL works! lol

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I would too if my system would go for it.. LOL.. updates are good to save you from mistakes and vulnerabilities... important stuff.. :)

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I would too if my system would go for it.. LOL.. updates are good to save you from mistakes and vulnerabilities... important stuff.. :)

A joke comes to mind; "Software update is the process of removing old bugs and installing new ones" :D

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Yeah I know right.. LOL.. sometimes is very true.. :lmao:

Usually I will give a program one or two versions to get it right.. but if its continual I tag it as crappy software and usually move on not to look back... I might check it out a few years later to see whats changed or w/e but thats only if it was something I used and really needed..

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