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Updating router's firmware


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  • Administrator

Recently. I'm facing quite a few problems in my router and I feel I should try updating it's firmware before I sent it to repair. The router is D-Link GLB 802C. I've downloaded the firmware from the site. Here are the router's images. I'm planning to do a local image upload. Now the firmware download is rar and it contains a folder named Firmware (20080417), inside the folder there are 2 files TEImage.bin and TEPatch.bin. There aint any guide on how to do it and what files to select from it, whole folder or any of the two files.

If you guys can help me.

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There probably an option screen in it to add the firmware, then it'll load it. Then you'll have to reboot the modem, so it updates

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  • Administrator

Yup, it's local image upload, the help section says it should either TEImage.bin or TEPatch.bin but I can't decide which, both are of different size, one is 1.75MB and another one is 1.51MB.

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Why don't you contact the D-Link support? They should provide you with correct instructions.

Cheers ;)

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  • Administrator

Well, I'm facing a real weird issue. All the router's light start-up, including the USB light, and all of them stop blinking. Hence have to restart it every couple of hours. I know it's known to overheat and cause problems but any other router didn't fit into my budget so can't help it. I think I'll send it to repair (D-Link guys repair it in mins). But I wanna try updating the firmware before I do that.

Do you have any idea, what to select? TEImage.bin or TEPatch.bin?

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  • Administrator

Do you have any idea, what to select? TEImage.bin or TEPatch.bin?

Honestly no, but I can experiment first on my D-Link DSL 502T.

Is this what you want to try?

Nope. That's remote update. There's a tab next to it called local image upload. It shows a browse and a upload button.

Does DSL 502T have an firmware update? :blink:

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Ok, I copy that . . . . . . .

The DSL 502T has an update - not for the Indian release, though.

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  • Administrator

Pic for Local Image Upload.

And here's what the help section in the router says:

If your ISP offers the ability to download and install an image directly from their site,
  1. Insert the media containing the file in your PC's CD-ROM/disk drive. You can access the file from there or copy it to your hard drive or to any shared network drive.
    The name of the upgrade file must be either TEImage*.bin or TEPatch*.bin, where * represents any number of characters.
  2. If the Local Image Upgrade page is not already displaying, click the Admin tab, then click Local Image Upgrade in the task bar.
  3. In the Upgrade File text box, type the path and file name of the file as provided by your ISP. You can click Browse... to search for it on your hard drive or network file system.
    The name of the upgrade file must be either TEImage*.bin or TEPatch*.bin, where * represents any of additional characters, up to a total filename length of 256 characters.
  4. Select the file, and then click Upload.
    The following message box displays at the bottom of the page:

Loading New Software

Please do not interrupt the upgrade process. A status page will appear automatically when loading is completed (about 1 minute).

When loading is complete, the following message displays (the file name may differ):

File: TEImage.bin successfully saved to flash. Please reboot for the new image to take effect.

  1. Turn power to the unit off, wait a few seconds, and turn it on again.

The new software will now be in effect. If the new software is not working properly, contact your ISP for troubleshooting assistance.

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Filename     Description 
TEImage.bin Entire binary image.
TEPatch.bin Compressed file containing patch code representing
one or more of the code blocks (for example, the DSL
firmware and application code blocks). You can use
TEPatch.bin to upgrade several blocks at a time,
without overwriting all blocks. See the Image Handling
User’s Manual for more information about the content
of TEPatch.bin and how to modify it to create the
desired patch file.

Source: SL-300G TEimage.bin (post 27th Mar 06:44AM)

The difference between TEImage.bin and TEPatch. bin is described on pages 21-23 of this manual:


TEImage.bin Entire binary image.

TEPatch.bin Compressed file containing patch code representing one or more of the code blocks (for example, the DSL firmware and application code blocks). You can use TEPatch.bin to upgrade several blocks at a time, without overwriting all blocks.

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Yeah right, my research matches your 'help' instructions.

I found a 'User Manual' that is similar to your router's. You could go through section 4.5.

Site: http://www.multiupload.com



@ Night Owl

:lol: That's precisely what's mentioned u/s 4.5

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  • Administrator

Hmm. I think I'll go with the patch image then. But not now. After a few hours. I'll notify you guys when done. If I don't come online for 2 days. You know why. :P

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@ Night Owl

:lol: That's precisely what's mentioned u/s 4.5

Holy frijole, we found the same user manual at pretty well the same time. Too funny. :lol:

But still, I was first. :D :tease:

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@ Night Owl

Well OK, if DKT27 fails to come online in 2 days - you're first, otherwise . . . . . . . . . . :P

@ DKT27

Good-luck pal, no worries you'll make it. :)

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@ Night Owl

Well OK, if DKT27 fails to come online in 2 days - you're first, otherwise . . . . . . . . . . :P

Hmmm, I hadn't thought about that. :sneaky:

DKT27, you can do it! :)

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  • Administrator

Done. :thumbsup:

Installed the patch. Took 20 seconds or less to upload. Then it said something like is flashed and loaded into memory, please restart the modem to take effect. Restarted and everything seems fine. Though I don't see any changes. :P

All the custom changes are intact.

Thanks for the help guys. ;)

I'll monitor and see if the problems are solved.

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@ DKT27 Congrats, the credit goes to Night Owl :D

@ Night Owl My internet speed is lousy, next time . . . . . . . . . :P

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  • Administrator

The good thing is, I don't seem to have the all lights starting and stop blinking problem now. :D

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