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cFosSpeed 5.13 Build 1684 Beta


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<img src="http://nsanedown.com/images/logos/cFosSpeed.png" class="logo" alt="cFosSpeed" title="cFosSpeed" />cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping. Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping. You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection. cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc.

Thanks to <font color="#FF0000">silencer</font> for the update.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=13630716" target="_blank">Download</a>

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Thank you guys !

In case you find bugs , you have all previous versions here. Just go to nsane forums SEARCH and write cFosSpeed.

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bsod and restart after 30 mins. of using this version.I run it on win 7 ultimate 64 bit. :angry: :angry:

back to 1681 :frusty:

how can i close my cfos try icon in 1681 :s

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:hi: This application is developing and every new even small adjustment they add, a new version is released for a while... Tomorrow (probably ) there will be a new version.

Anyway... we can always return to a "good" previous one... no need to uninstall... it`s always over ... and a registry cleaner.

Mine is WinXP Pro ( 32 bits ) no problem here.

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i'm sticking with 81 beta

i dont want any new problems to my pc . had enough the past week

Thanks anyway

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i'm sticking with 81 beta

i dont want any new problems to my pc . had enough the past week

Thanks anyway

Quite true, luckily I came late and had not try this yet.

Guess the BSOD is getting to be quite common now.

Will give this a pass and wait for more stable version...heard they are trying out new version of driver.

Anyway thanks for the updates.

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Also getting periodic BSOD with this version. Went back to stable version 512x 64

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I install it before the night, and go to sleep.

My pc crashed with blue screen, and restart 2 times in about 5 hours, on win 7 32 bits.

the program "WhoCrashed home edition" (free, analyse the logs/dump of crash to find the cause) say this is cause by the cfosspeed6.sys driver.

So, stay clear from this version, on Win 7...

i will now install a more stable one.

i just remember now.

Before going to sleep (without sleeping, too hot here), firefox crash/freeze completly my pc, and i had to reset it...2 times in one hour.

So, CfosSpeed was the cause...

Now, i know.

Thank's to all who post comment.

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they have removed 1683 from their site

anyone got file named 10834097.htm on your desktop after installing 1682 build

here is the screenshot


Illegal copies could have triggered this alarm as well. You can read our opinion about this here.

But if you do like this software so much, why not go ahead and buy it now!

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  • Administrator

You guys should send your minidumps to cFosSpeed so that it helps them fixing it faster. ;)

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It has been updated to 1684 Beta now. Only thing new in the changelog worth mentioning is this:

x Fixed memory leak and BSOD. Thanks to hackzero.

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Thanks for the update.

Hackzero ? Never heard ! Must be an hacker very old... Probably the 1st hacker... :P


No problem for me ---» WinXP Pro SP3 (32bits)

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So....1684 also giving BSOD?

Have it running overnight ... no BSOD or any other issues so far ..win7 ult x86 ... Box's fix working as well.


Just got a "driver not loaded!" error after a restart ... what the heck is happening w/ cfosspeed, are they not testing their product before releasing it as a public Beta. They are giving us :pirate: headaches!

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5.13.1684 is OK for me , but I have the privilege of to use, as you all know, WinXP Pro SP3 ( 32 bits) - (...said this hundreds of times, but even so I like repetitions...) :lol:


PS:- Was retired from their Website -- This means they already know this version is causing problems...

Next Monday there will be a new version, I am sure.

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Just got a "driver not loaded!" error after a restart ... what the heck is happening w/ cfosspeed, are they not testing their product before releasing it as a public Beta. They are giving us :pirate: headaches!

cFosSpeed 5.13 Build 1684 Beta Installed fine here. Me a paying customer though.

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Jalaffa :-

According to your news, I have been reading during several months, it seems you are paying almost all programs you use. This way we can affirm you are not really a :pirate: ... :lmao:

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Jalaffa :-

According to your news, I have been reading during several months, it seems you are paying almost all programs you use. This way we can affirm you are not really a :pirate: ... :lmao:

We have this text message included with any fixes posted. It ends with this message:


-: Important :-




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I see... I intend to buy too, from now on... Hope nobody calls me pirate. I´ll consider it offensive...

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I HAD the intention of buying........just have not got around sufficient money for all the soft.

That is why...still testing it.:rolleyes:

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  • Administrator

Same here. Wanted to buy it. $19.90 for a lifetime ins't too much. But ah well. -_-

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Well, I also like to have legal when possible. So, if I like the program, I translate it, and I get the license. So, now I have this program for lifetime. :D

Cheers ;)

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cFosSpeed 5.13.1685 Beta is out !

ChangeLog :-

+ One more language added: Ukrainian. That makes a total of 28 languages

supported. Even more languages are downloadable from our web site, here:


Site ...................................... cfos.de

Sharecode .......................................... /speed/documentation/lang.htm


x Fixed another NDIS 6 BSOD.

x Hopefully fixed slow Sleep/Hibernate problems.

x Fixed missing trace output under strange conditions in speedsrv.dll.


( Diner`sTime. No time to upload now...

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