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Sun Java Runtime Environment 6.0 Update 21


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<img src="http://www.nsanedown.com/images/logos/java.png" class="logo" alt="Java" title="Java" />The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) provides the libraries, the Java Virtual Machine, and other components to run applets and applications written in the Java programming language. In addition, two key deployment technologies are part of the JRE: Java Plug-in, which enables applets to run in popular browsers; and Java Web Start, which deploys standalone applications over a network. This is the official Java Download from Sun Microsystems.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=19758519" target="_blank">Download</a>

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thanks for the update jfe :)

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It's not Sun anymore. :P

The digital signatures are still from "Sun Microsystems" :P

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  • Administrator

Thanks for the update. :)

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Is this an experimental or Beta release of Java?? because on the homepage it says:

Verified Java Version


You have the recommended Java installed (Version 6 Update 20).

Then I did an update from the Java application itself and it said that I have the current version already installed Version 6 Update 20.

Then when I go to the download page it says that Version 6 Update 20 is the current version. http://www.java.com/...load/manual.jsp

Can someone tell me more about this release?


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Its final. They haven't updated their pages. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oracle rebrands Java, breaks Eclipse

Earlier this month, Oracle released a new version of Java, 1.6.0_21 (also called 6u21). Unfortunately as Eclipse users quickly discovered, it was incompatible with Eclipse and Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP) programs.

Bug 319514 in the Eclipse bug database has all the gory details, but in a nutshell, Oracle changed the company name property on java.exe from “Sun Microsystems, Inc” to “Oracle”. The change was not announced or documented in the release notes. Ironically, Eclipse has been using this value since 2007 to work around another Java problem where Sun’s default for the “MaxPermSize” option was too small for Eclipse to run. When it changed, the workaround no longer worked, and many people encountered “PermGen” errors when they started Eclipse.

Oracle responded by respinning 6u21 on Monday to restore the value, but warned that it will be changed for good in JDK 7. A company developer wrote:

As part of Oracle’s rebranding of Sun’s products, the Company Name property of the java.exe file, the executable file containing Oracle’s JRE for Windows, was updated from “Sun Microsystems” to “Oracle” in Java SE 6u21.

After the updated JRE was posted on java.sun.com, it was reported that the change affected Eclipse users on Windows by causing it to hang when starting Eclipse after updating to the rebranded JRE. A workaround was quickly identified and posted on Eclipse’s website, but a wide distribution of the rebranded JRE executable could negatively impact many Eclipse users.

In consideration to Eclipse and other potentially affected users, Oracle has restored the Windows Company Name property value to “Sun Microsystems”. This value will be changed to “Oracle” in JDK 7.

The change affected only the Windows version of the JRE, not the versions for Solaris and Linux. To accommodate this update the Windows build version will increase from 6u21-b06 to 6u21-b07. Solaris and Linux distributions will continue to ship build 6u21-b06.

An engineering side note: The “Java” property values for java.vendor and java.vm.vendor were never changed in the jdk6 releases and will remain “Sun Microsystems, Inc.”. It was understood that changing the vendor property values could impact applications and we purposely did not disturb these vendor properties. The Windows specific exe/dll file “COMPANY” value is what is at issue here, not the Java properties. It came as a surprise to us that anyone would be inspecting or depending on the value of this very platform specific field. Regardless, we will restore the COMPANY field in the jdk6 releases. Note that the jdk7 releases will eventually be changing to Oracle, including the java.vendor and java.vm.vendor properties.

This morning I verified that the official Oracle download site has been updated with the correct version and that it works with Eclipse. Here’s what it prints when I run java -version:

C:\> java -version

java version “1.6.0_21?

Java™ SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_21-b07)

Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0-b17, mixed mode)

If you downloaded Java for Windows 32-bit or 64-bit recently, be sure you have the 1.6.0_21-b07 version and not b06.

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Direct download links (you can get it from the download page in the listing also)

32-bit: http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=41290
64-bit: http://javadl.sun.com/webapps/download/AutoDL?BundleId=41293

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Sun Java Runtime Environment 6.0 Update 21 Build 06 has been updated to Build 07

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Thanks for the info jalaffa & Bizarre.

I knew something was wrong because Java always auto updates at the same time the updates are posted.

This time Java would not auto update or even on the homepage for several days latter listed 6.0 Update 20 as the current version.

I finally installed it from the link posted on here and so far no problems, but I don't use Eclipse, I don't even know what Eclipse is.

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  • 3 weeks later...

is there any other java programs other than "sun java" tia!!!!!

Are you referring to Oracle buying Sun and thus some confusion about the labelling of the software?

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The really, really update conscious will get another update now :)


I'm getting confused now. I've got release 2 of Update 21 of JRE 6.0 (where the Oracle name was changed back to Sun). What's new in this release 3 of Update 21? Is it the Olson time zone data version 2010i?

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The download will contain a newer version (digitally signed 5 of August), as for changes I did not succeed finding a log.

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  • Administrator

i just think sun java needs some competition there has 2 be other java clients out there any help finding them MUCH thanXX ;X


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