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Sandboxie 3.46


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<img src="http://nsanedown.com/images/logos/Sandboxie.png" class="logo" alt="Sandboxie" title="Sandboxie" />When you browse the Web, changes occur to your computer system. Some of these might be harmful, like the unsolicited installation of malware. When you use Sandboxie to protect your browsing session, it catches all these changes just as the browser is about to apply them into your computer system. Sandboxie does record these changes on behalf of the browser, but it records them in a special isolated folder, called the sandbox. Thus, with Sandboxie, you can browse the Web securely while still keeping all your browser's functionality for active and dynamic content, such as javascript and ActiveX. All undesired side effects can be easily undone.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=12225906" target="_blank">Download</a>

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Thanks for the update. :)

Wow, these changes in 3.46 sound great:

* Improved support for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows Vista and Windows 7. Support for 64-bit Windows should now be on par with 32-bit Windows.

* Support for Synaptics trackpad scrolling and Logitech SetPoint mouse horizontal scrolling.

* Improvements to the stability, robustness and performance of Sandboxie.

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thanks for the update jfe ... much appreciated :)

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  • Administrator

Thanks for the update. :)

Final at last.

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I guess KIS 2011 users have nothing to thank you about, after all the new KIS seems to have everything included all the features of this programme. ;)

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btw, KIS did a god job on adding new features into his internet security pack (it was on 2010 too but buggy) & its obviously one of the best home user security available

BUT nopE honey, sandboxie still ruleS ! ;)


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I guess KIS 2011 users have nothing to thank you about, after all the new KIS seems to have everything included all the features of this programme. ;)

What a crappy comment! This is sandboxie's thread and you are flaunting KIS 2011 here. But if you are really sure of what you are saying, why don't we test it. You use your KIS2011 (all features active) against me just using sandboxie and lets try to infect our computers (live system) w/ 0 day malwares and see who gets pawned :ph34r:

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I guess KIS 2011 users have nothing to thank you about, after all the new KIS seems to have everything included all the features of this programme. ;)

You clearly have no idea how Sandboxie can protect you.

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I guess KIS 2011 users have nothing to thank you about, after all the new KIS seems to have everything included all the features of this programme. ;)

What a crappy comment! This is sandboxie's thread and you are flaunting KIS 2011 here. But if you are really sure of what you are saying, why don't we test it. You use your KIS2011 (all features active) against me just using sandboxie and lets try to infect our computers (live system) w/ 0 day malwares and see who gets pawned :ph34r:

It ain't a crappy comment whatsoever!!!! It is a highly relevant one. KIS 2011 also lets you run dangerous applications in that isolated environment called sandbox plus all the additional important features that this application seems to have. So Kaspersky users have already a sandbox - an a good one- in their PCs!!! Do they need another???? You say so, but.....they may not!!!!

You are right however about one thing, I haven't used much this sandboxie, but perhaps no one has used that much the new sandbox included in Kaspersky Internet Security 2011 either!!!

My reflection goes in another direction however, they big security companies want to cope all aspects of security and they show they can do it properly too....making it unnecesary to install security complements from third parties. Perhaps, and probably I'd say, the smaller companies will be absorved until they disappear altogether. And I predict more incompatibility issues too though not necessariy with this programme!!!

Last but not least, I am happy to have made you comment, speak your minds and give life to this forum. What is a forum for otherwise??? ;)

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Last but not least, I am happy to have made you comment, speak your minds a give life to this forum. What is a forum for otherwise??? ;)

I only make a comment if I have something to say and not just to say something ;)

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Kaspersky PURE,with the latest definitions,it recognizes the keygen in the archive as trojan.win32.refroso.bmmw.

But,thanks for the update.

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Kaspersky PURE,with the latest definitions,it recognizes the keygen in the archive as trojan.win32.refroso.bmmw.

But,thanks for the update.

If you know how keygens/patches work, you would certainly know that this is a false positive ... we can also guarantee that all fixes posted on FP has been tested and clean.

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I'm confused about something. The change log says 'Support for 64-bit Windows should now be on par with 32-bit Windows' but over at Sandboxie's Notes About 64 Bit Edition page, it says

Full disclosure: The 64-bit edition of Sandboxie provides a reduced level of protection compared to the 32-bit edition of Sandboxie.

So which is right?

Up to now, I have been using Sandboxie in my XP Mode virtual machine (32-bit) to ensure that I have the maximum protection with Sandboxie.

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If you know how keygens/patches work, you would certainly know that this is a false positive ... we can also guarantee that all fixes posted on FP has been tested and clean.

Ok bro...thanks for your reply.... ;)

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Last but not least, I am happy to have made you comment, speak your minds a give life to this forum. What is a forum for otherwise??? ;)

I only make a comment if I have something to say and not just to say something ;)

Me too :dance2: But I've noticed in some of your comments certain degree of aggression or impatience or immoderation or impoliteness ;)

I don't know how to put it - but believe me completely unnecessary!!!!

Sandboxie is much better then kis sandbox.

I'll take that into account of course to carry out my own evaluation!!!!

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I have observed some of your replies towards a fellow staff member. I believe have to remind you of some of the rules.

In general, all interactions between community members (be it via posts, PM's or emails) should be free from flaming, baiting, spam, profanities and illegal / obscene material. Furthermore, posts should be positive and polite and where ever possible constructive.

The staff (Administrators, Moderators and Site Staff) are here to ensure the site is helpful to all. All staff here are volunteers that dedicate their time for everyone's enjoyment, please keep this in mind before placing unnecessary pressures upon them. They expect to be treated with respect as does every other member of the community.

And before you make a reply, be informed that I will not be lenient if I detect any kind of insult / malice ^_^

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They expect to be treated with respect as does every other member of the community

It was him who treated my comment of crappy and not the other way around!!!!!

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You are correct, he actually did call your comment crappy where it was not (totally).

The first part could be considered kind of insulting to jalaffa because you said 'I guess KIS 2011 users have nothing to thank you about...'. Reading it the first time made me think: 'what an ass', but reading it the second time I noticed that you probably didn't intend any harm.

nivrid went with his initial reaction.

Maybe you could clarify that you indeed didn't mean any harm and then I think nivrid would understand that you were just trying to start a discussion about how KIS's sandbox compares to this one (your opinion being that it is better, at least, in your first post).

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You are correct, he actually did call your comment crappy where it was not (totally).

The first part could be considered kind of insulting to jalaffa because you said 'I guess KIS 2011 users have nothing to thank you about...'. Reading it the first time made me think: 'what an ass', but reading it the second time I noticed that you probably didn't intend any harm.

nivrid went with his initial reaction.

Maybe you could clarify that you indeed didn't mean any harm and then I think nivrid would understand that you were just trying to start a discussion about how KIS's sandbox compares to this one (your opinion being that it is better, at least, in your first post).

I never meant any insult to Jalaffa whom I respect in the very first place. The point was - the only point was: KIS already has a sandbox- do Kasperksy users need another one? That is a good an highly pertinent question NOT CRAPPY. So nivrid in fact insulted me - not the other way around!!!!

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Please don't use that bold text against me, I was trying to be understanding towards you and this is what I get? :(

I said that I think your reply was misunderstood. Now I'm having my doubts :(

I've sent you a PM, I hope we can work this out :)

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The point was - the only point was: KIS already has a sandbox- do Kasperksy users need another one? That is a good and highly pertinent question NOT A CRAPPY ONE.

Or in other words, expanding the idea:

Is it better than Kaspersky Sandbox?

Do you recommend it?

Maybe Kaspersky users won't need this top application after all.


That is the message between lines nivrid failed to read then!!!!!

I have been here for one year and I have never been disrespectul to anybody. The other way around is not true......

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