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Problem with computer - It hangs up


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I'VE COMMITED A BIG MISTAKE. HDD is dying. Health status says "WARNING" on every test I've run.

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@José Matías Lemos:

Then you better buy a new HD fast.

Can't afford to lose precious data.

Happened to me once, and it sucks.

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What can make a HDD start dying?

BTW approximately 150 US dollars cost a new HDD here. I'm earning to afford it.

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What can make a HDD start dying?

quite a few things, but in most cases, it's aging

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OK. My HDD is 2-3 years old. :(

well, you can rest assure that age is not at fault here.

edit: but as Biz suggested, you'd better buy a new HD, unless you care to lose all your data.

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Yea dude, buy a new HDD fast before this one dies completely and you lose everything.

Things that cause HDD to die are mainly cheap power supply with poor quality output, and heat. Make sure your pc has adequate cooling airflow where the HDD is located, you really need to make sure air flows in the front and/or sides and out the back and/or top. You should have a good quality power supply or atleast if you buy a cheap one then you need a good UPS, sudden changes in voltage and current affects the motor and the drive head actuator.

The most common problem is heat, when you install the HDD make sure there is enough space for air flow on top and bottom. Increased heat on electronics increases its age in a non linear way so even though your HDD may be 3 years old, it was probably running extra hot for those 3 years and now it performs like it's 50 years old.

I suggest you to also try changing the cables attached to the HDD just to be sure it's really the drive and not faulty cable, use another power cable as well or swap the one on the cd drive if there are no extras.

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Heat is the problem. Air does not flow at top side, because HDD cannot be put in other place of the case because it doesn't fit. And the case is uncovered because I used to have heat problems.

EDIT: when computer freezes, the red light that means HDD activity, remains ON as you were running CHKDSK

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  • Administrator

Get a new one as fast as you can. Otherwise you'll have to start from the scratch. Western Digital HDDs are good.

$150 for how many GB drive. Really expensive.

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150$ for 1 TB 32MB bufferSATAII HDD

little high. could get a 2tb for that. or is it b/c of location>?

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b/c location? what's that? (English is not my mother tongue)

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  • Administrator

b/c = short form of because.

It's always best if we speak in proper understandable language. :)

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OK. thank you. here in Argentina everything computer-related is so expensive. And I live far away from populated cities. And here providers retrieve 1 dollar = 4 pesos argentinos (1 dollar = 3,92-3,93 pesos argentinos at exchange houses)

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@José Matías Lemos:

Try buying online. Who knows, you might find something cheap ^_^

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In the meanwhile, run a CheckDisK - if you're not comfortable with switches (do a thorough analysis via TuneUp)


Doing a full reformat followed by a re-install does rejuvenate the HDD to a certain extent (until you get your new one.)

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@Bizarre I've found a 1TB WD HDD SATAIII 64Mb buffer 162 US dollars aprox.

@dcs18 I don't use TuneUP. I'll try checkdisk

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I have just revived a dying harddrive that froze the computer for 25 minutes everytime it was plugged in.

How I revived it was a combination of chkdsk and SpinRite operation level 2 (recovery).

Now it plugs in and runs fine, and all data is visable/accessible. The drive is dying, though, which is why I quickly transfered all the data off of it.

Oh and the WD caviar black range of HDD's are widely touted as the best.

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