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<img src="http://nsanedown.com/images/logos/VBox.png" class="logo" alt="VirtualBox" title="VirtualBox" />VirtualBox is an application installed on an existing host operating system; within this application, additional operating systems can be loaded and run, each with its own virtual environment. For example, several Linux distributions can be hosted on a single machine running Windows XP; likewise, XP and Vista can run on a machine running Linux, and so on. There is a free for personal or evaluation use proprietary version and a GNU General Public License (GPL) version.

<a href="http://www.nsanedown.com/?request=12211749" target="_blank">Download</a>

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Thanks for the update. :)

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I didn't know this application was free.... Anyway I am just starting to use it ...I have many questions with regard to its potential for instance:

If I were to install XP inside Windows 7 within this protected and isolated environment:

Would it received updates?

How fully isolated would it be?

Would viruses or malware filter into the main operating sytem or the other way around?

Do you uninstall this normally?

Well I guess you cannot install XP x 64 bits in Windows 7 x 32 bits or am I wrong?

Its potential anyway seems amazing for testing or using other operating systems within your main system. Definetely it is something very useful.

Thanks for posting.

Bye. :D

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Thanks jalaffa! :)

Would it received updates?

How fully isolated would it be?

Would viruses or malware filter into the main operating sytem or the other way around?

Do you uninstall this normally?

- Think of it the same as having 2 different computers mate. ;) And depending on your settings, it may or may not receive updates.

- In my case, i created 2 shared folders(1 as read only and the other full) and for easy access i mounted them as network drives.

- By default it would be isolated to whichever OS got infected.

- If by normal you mean easily, then my answer is Yes.



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