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Some tall midsummer bonfire


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A world record attempt for the highest midsummer bonfire is underway outside Ålesund, Norway. The current record is 38 meter. The goal for this is 40 meter. Friday evening the bonfire will be lit.


Not for those with a fear of heights. The work is in its final phase, and they work more than 30 meters above the ground.


Solid workforce: Over 30 people participate in the construction of the bonfire.

Video of the current world record (Slinningsbålet 1993)

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They made the record!


The official measurement of Slinning fire this morning showed that this year's bonfire are 40.45 meters high.

The fire comes on at 22 tonight (+2 hours from now). You can watch it live here (lagging a lot already both the tower and the live link :))

Current live feed (reduced to 50% size quality to save your bandwith)


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