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Microsoft announces new Xbox 360 'Slim'


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For a while now, there have been rumors circulating that Microsoft would give a physical update to their Xbox 360 gaming console. Referred to as the Xbox 360 Slim, the design has been said to be smaller, and less of an eyesore in your living room.

Joystiq (via Console Tribe) has gotten their hands on an Italian Microsoft ad of a device that looks very similar to our beloved Xbox 360. However, this one sports a new black casing with more of an angular design. The ad lists some new features in addition to mentioning its ability to work with Kinect (AKA Natal). This new version of the Xbox 360 will contain a 250GB hard drive and something which the original model should never have been produced without--built in Wi-Fi.

It makes sense for Microsoft to release a refreshed Xbox 360 alongside Kinect. Nothing about this new design seems fake. Just by virtue of the fact that the ad mentions Kinect and was outed before the Interwebs had heard of Microsoft's Natal name change also adds credibility to the new slim design. The video ad shown below has been taken from the original source, which has since pulled it off the web.

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no go on that one. with the black one we have right now thanks to my boy, him and his friend use the switch accounts to get downloads to work on both. if we go to a new console those downloads others paid would not follow. as for wi fi screw that. hard wire line the ony way to go.

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Today at E3, Microsoft announced the new Xbox 360 with a new smaller frame with a new shiny black casing. Aside from the new look, the base model will also have built-in Wi-Fi 802.11N and a 250 GB HDD.

With the brand new Xbox 360 announcement, Microsoft also surprised everyone by saying the new console will begin shipping this week in the U.S., and everyone attending the Microsoft E3 press announcement will have it shipped out today. For folks in the UK and Europe the new Xbox will be available on July 16.

As Neowin reported yesterday, Project Natal was also rebranded to Kinect. Within the advertisement, we wondered if the new Xbox 360 showcased was actually a mockup by a fan, or indeed the new look for the console.

Microsoft announced that the new Xbox 360 will be ultra-quiet. Sadly, the new Xbox 360 will not support a Blu-Ray drive. The new Xbox will have three USB ports on the back, ethernet, aux, component/composition adapter port, HDMI and optical audio out. The aux port is a dedicated Kinect port for the new Xbox 360. The front of the console includes a new location for the eject button, and possibly front USB ports. The next version of the console will still require a power brick, but will be much smaller in comparison to the original.

The new Xbox 360 will sell for the same price as the original Xbox 360 for $299.

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damn it , Why Msoft is soo out-dated

Ps3 had wifi and expandable (easily) h.d.d

i had 360 before but it was dead with the red circle

then i went to the other way Sony is delivering , Very smooth console

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damn it , Why Msoft is soo out-dated

Ps3 had wifi and expandable (easily) h.d.d

i had 360 before but it was dead with the red circle

then i went to the other way Sony is delivering , Very smooth console

if one or three ring of death and less then 3 years old (check the back of the console) you are cover for 3 years of free labor and parts.

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