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News.pngFirst off, let me apologize for all the delays. At first our host had to wait for a new hardware supply to replace the crashed HDD (which was our problem btw). But by the time they did get it installed I was the one that was busy studying for school and dealing with life's basic bullshit. But I found some time tonight to get some work in online and get everything up and running again!

Now I'm tired, it's 5:30 AM here, and I have plans tomorrow...or today. So don't expect much more out of me until Sunday maybe Monday. Although my staff should be able to handle basic updates while I'm gone, so don't get too worried.

Anyhow, enjoy! :)

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Hello Nsane,

I'm very glad you're back again :)

I've really missed your site :dance2: ;)

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o man! welcome back... 1 more time... pls dont let us in the dark if it will happen again!

Unfortunately there really was no way of informing everyone what happened. I myself didn't realise what had transpired until I headed over to FSH (FileSharingHelp.com).

Maybe we could implement something along the lines of an "In Case of Emergency"? Perhaps an IRC channel hosted elsewhere, or perhaps a blog? Food for thought perhaps. I know I'm looking to purchase a new domain sometime in the New Year for a personal venture, so there is a possibility. I just need to find a suitable host as I'm window shopping at the moment.

If anyone knows if it's possible to have 2 or more domain names on a single hosting plan it would be much appreciated for a yay or nay. I belive it is possible, but not many web hosts specify this.


I forgot to mention that I was thinking more along the lines of having (for example) mysite.com and backupsite.com rather than, mysite.com and mysite.com/backup

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Boy am I relieved that nsane is back up :). I had no idea what happened, so was kind of thinking of something along the lines of another Alcohol-Soft episode. Glad it was just an HDD crash ;).

Samurai, I love the idea of an IRC channel. IRC is quite fun when there's a userbase to go with it :dance2:.

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Welcome back hehe.. I was starting to worry that you weren't going to be back ><.

But here you are, so again welcome back!!!

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Not been here a while but was sad to see it down a couple of days ago. Glad to see ya back. Merry Christmas.

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Awesome! this site has been so useful to me with my computers. great to see everything up and running! good job to everyone who helped. :)

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It looks like I'm not the first to say this, but I'm also glad to see you back.

And... Merry Christmas and good luck dealing with life's basic bs.

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