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Eset Nod 32 Fix does not work!

Guest nod32-user

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hi everyone!

i've recently installed nod32 + fix on my computer, everything was fine for a few days (updates and all) but now when i get update messages it says username and password are incorrect so i can't update nod32.

can anyone help me?

thank you all


About a week ago my Nod32 stop updatig itself (I'm using Fix v2.2) but the problem has resolved itself and now (until 16th of September) my Nod32 is updating normally...

Best regards and thanks alot to Mr Nsane for the Fix...

Now Nod32 ver 3 is out but still is in Beta so I think Fix 2.3 will come when it reaches to 'Final' version. I'll wait fot this when it becomes available. Thanks again Mr Nsane and keep up with the good work.


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free trial version will not update major updates for usually a week until the paid for ones have had it first.

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gest, daddy_fizz, Pirri: Look here (look last reply also): http://www.nsaneforums.com/index.php?showtopic=7925

thanks for the offer but I will stick to the official version. mine still works just fine...

Also, I want to thank you. I've dowloaded the .torrent and I'll install it if the FIX 2.2 stop working because now my Nod32 is updating everyday and works fine.

Best regards,

Pirri :) .

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Just wanted to add I am seeing the same issue here on multiple systems. After running for months perfectly once NOD32 started detecting the nsane fix and regfix files I have not been able to get any of these systems to work correctly again. I have uninstalled, reinstalled, reg cleaned and nothing works. I am absolutely certain I am following the correct install procedures.

I just retried again after reading this thread. I installed NOD32 then installed the nsane fix and then merged the reg file. After install I deleted the nsane fix and reg files from the computer. After reboot though it reverted back to 30 a day trial as opposed to the bunch of days remaining it had shown. I still had AMON disabled during reboot. It will still update fine but the countdown timer is running. And I have no scheduled scans set to run. Matter of fact I never scan. I just depend on AMON to catch stuff typically.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is some hidden registry entry that is not being removed by an uninstall. Again these issues started once NOD32 started detecting the nsane fixes.

I can't find any sources for the new 2.2.3 fix posted.

Edit: Just for more clarification this is NOD32 v 2.70.39 on WinXP Pro. I can load a fresh copy and update fine. It still shows as Trial Version with 167xxxxx days remaining. As soon as I reboot though it reverts back to 30 days and then begins counting down as the days go by. On doing some more testing I have found that if I go to Scheduler/Planner and uncheck the blocks for "System startup file check" I can reboot and everything appears ok. The Trial Period remains high and does not revert to the 30 days trial. This tells me NOD32 is detecting something when it scans it's own install folder but I have removed the nsane and reg fix files so there must be something else modified. I'm curious but what does the nsane patch do? Does it modify the nod32 executable and/or does it add an entry to the registry besides the update server list? After more testing that doesn't seem to work anymore so who knows what is happening? :-)

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Ok need to add some more. For clarification sake, for those who care, after a bit more checking this issue out I might be getting closer. I was able to finally get the modified nsane 2.2.3 patch. I applied that to a reinstall but saw the same issues as before so even this patch doesn't seem to work.

So I tried a NOD32 install on a fresh system that has not had NOD32 installed before. Guess what? Works perfectly. So far from my tests what I can summize is the nsane patch (not sure if one is better than the other) indeed works on a fresh install of NOD32 however on a system that previously had NOD32 installed on which it had detected the nsaneFIX and/or the Reg file, it appears that a reinstall will be affected by the same issue...it will revert back to a 30 day trial version on a reboot.

If anyone would like to verify my findings please report back.

I have 4 systems here that were all running and updating perfectly for months, that is until in August NOD32 detectied the nsaneFIX files and all 4 systems reverted back to 30 day trials. I can reinstall on all of them but it keeps reverting back. Updates still all work fine however. I can reapply the NOD32FIX and get another 30 days of updates! lol That is a workaround though.

For you people where the insane FIX appears to be working that is fine but wonder what would happen if you let it detect the FIX and then see how NOD32 reacts. Looks like there are registry entries remaining even after an uninstall of NOD32 that prevent the patch from working fully again. At least the part of the patch that allows NOD32 to remain in Trial Mode for unlimited time.

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My NOD32 wasn't getting updates and kept popping up incorrect username..

What I did:

Ran Nodfix 2.2.3 rebooted.. Nod32 gave an error about kernal.

Then I Ran the nod32 installer and reinstalled then the fix again and rebooted, it seems to be working fine now with thousands of days left.

During the setup I chose not to keep settings from previous install, not sure if that helped it along.

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...nod does not update virus definition anymore!!!

Still have thousands of days but... not able to update (seems to ask username and pw)

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Don't panic people. We have seen this before, Eset's servers for the eval-customers are probably being serviced.

I hope :rolleyes:

Cheers :(

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had probs all day y'day...servers were asking for passwords etc.Nod32 update viewer said that servers had updated/changed...tried new servers still no luck....all of a sudden things are OK today...using u24.eset.com.

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So, is their anyway to make Nod32 not detect the F!X? Like exclude it. I tried to exclude the file in IMON, but it still detected it.

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So, is their anyway to make Nod32 not detect the F!X? Like exclude it. I tried to exclude the file in IMON, but it still detected it.

uninstall nod 32 and reboot

before installing nod32 have the internet off/disable

install nod32 and have auto protection OFF. do NOT reboot.

copy and paste nod32 fix to the same folder as nod. click on it. then click on the reg file it made.

go into nod32 and exclude the fix and the reg file.


update data files. then turn auto protection on.


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Its not like its pricey is it and we all know how good it is.

if you are refering to the actually subject about ndo32; its about stopping a nag on a free trial version. and yes if you like it and enjoy it and want to support este company then by all means buy the pro version.

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  • 1 month later...
Its not like its pricey is it and we all know how good it is.

if you are refering to the actually subject about ndo32; its about stopping a nag on a free trial version. and yes if you like it and enjoy it and want to support este company then by all means buy the pro version.

nope, he's just posting add spam. have a look at the links he posted.
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I noticed today that my NOD32 has not updated since 11/16 and when I hit the 'update now' it is prompting me for a UserName and PassWord. Is anyone else having this issue lately?

This is NOD32 2.70.32 with NOD32 FIX 2.2.3 by B-effect on XP SP2.

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