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Due to the impact world wide of ChatGPT I wish that someone open a exclusivity topic about it. There we can be updated without searching Google.


Just my opinion. Thanks.


Edited by vitorio
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Since ChatGPT debuted in November, the nation's largest school districts have banned the artificial intelligence chatbot, concerned students will use the speedy text generator to cheat or plagiarize. 

Teachers and professors are concerned the technology makes it far too easy for students to use it as a shortcut for essays or other writing assignments and exams and that it generates content in a way that can bypass software that detects when students use information that's not their own work. 

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FWIW, the News forums regularly get several up to date articles posted about ChatGPT that can be found with this site-wide search...



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Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but Isn't that what browser bookmarks are for? No need to remember URL's and the bookmark description can be changed to make it more meaningful. For example, the same long link I posted above can be bookmarked or written as...


nSane ChatGPT topics or ChatGPT on nSane or ...

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You didn't notice the difference between the both URL ? They don't provide the same result (read the title because after the 2nd topic, they are not the same).

By the way, for us @Karlston it's easy to use a bookmark but they are a lot of people which don't use them !

For which reason ? Basically they don't have the knowledge (not familiar with the web browser etc).

One example : the guidelines are clear about the ShareCode but after a very long time (years), the people use them when it isn't require (mandatory). That's why sometimes I send a report or write a reply to explain the mistake.

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