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[Expired] iOS Apps for Children


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MathxCreature:Math Puzzle Game

Made for Ages 6–8


Fun math puzzle game designed for kids. Good for learning math while having fun playing game. Learn numbers with Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication & Division. Thanks for download :)

How To Play

- Just swipe the number with "+" or "-" or "x" or "÷" and follow with number again.

- You can swipe all 9 number as long it's got space to fill in,

example: to get 10, swipe "9"--> "+"--> "3" --> "-" --> "5" --> "+" --> "3"

to get 8, swipe "3" --> "+"--> "7" --> "-" --> "2"

to get 12, swipe "5" --> "x" --> "2"--> "+" --> "2"

- If you get stuck on the question, you can shake the iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch for next question, but the current "combo" will end


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P is for Fox

Made for Ages 2–6



That Fox is up to her old tricks again! Can you help her clean up the mess and sort out the alphabet?

Aimed at 2 to 6-year olds, ‘P is for Fox’ links speech sounds to letters allowing children to choose the correct answer aided by both sound and visuals.

‘P is for Fox’ is a fun-filled interactive adventure for littlies learning their ABC’s.

Written and animated by Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Glenn Melenhorst and beautifully illustrated by Sharon O’Connor, the app invites children to become part of the story and help our little fox finish her book.


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