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The forum is almost closed


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The forum is closed on half and there a is rules to take effect to be closed. When can we expect all sections to be closed completely so that only an administrator can share his findings? I guess you prepare the forum to be private with subscription tax, right? Good to hear what is your plan - to keep it free or keep it limited restricted. For me there is no more freedom about sharing. And you decide to make some compromises about some of the software to keep it safe, maybe after contract with developers.

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Except the new rules regarding the FrontPage softwares, saw no changes in the forum itself. Please let us know what is now closed within the forum. 

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6 minutes ago, mp68terr said:

Except the new rules regarding the FrontPage softwares, saw no changes in the forum itself. Please let us know what is now closed within the forum. 


The FrontPage software is protected group of software which discussion is restricted outside! So, there is selectivity. And completely locked discussion. I have never met such a forum.

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On 8/27/2020 at 4:42 AM, mp68terr said:

Except the new rules regarding the FrontPage softwares, saw no changes in the forum itself. Please let us know what is now closed within the forum. 


On 8/27/2020 at 4:47 AM, BTJB said:


The FrontPage software is protected group of software which discussion is restricted outside! So, there is selectivity. And completely locked discussion. I have never met such a forum.


None of or others even bother to read in order to know what's going on before just coming over here and type down a long complains with some ideas that never exist and never mentioned,


Since we are having a very hard time to make members to do a basic thing which it's to read forum rules, and most of the members doesn't even pay attention to the forum rules. We have locked the forum from replying to any of the topics but for the FrontPage Contributors, and if you wish to be one, please submit your request through the support forum. Other members who have any question read last rule mentioned down here.

A huge red note didn't draw your attention or even let you guys read it. A basic thing to start with before throwing all this false information. 


The staff members are so tired from most of the member like you guys who doesn't even read hiding and moving replies because they were posted without reading the forum rules.


It's not that really hard to do a small basic thing to read, so now instead of giving permission to everyone to post there we are giving permission to specific people who always posts there. All other members are still able to read the replies and download the files they are looking for. 


If you are one of them, simply submit a request. 


Furthermore, to everyone we are here trying something new, and anyone who has a better idea please we are here to listen, Also, none of the forums are closed as the title says or mentioned in the first post. All forums are open for all, and we just made two of them private from the guests because of the remove DMCA notices that we have been receiving everyday.   

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I am sorry @Matt but you locked the whole forum or more correctly to say simple - the whole section is locked. We are satisfied that the topic starts from certain persons. OK, you did the job. But... the comments for their topics are locked too. If someone need to tell as something related to uTorrent for example, there is no any chance to do any comment on nsaneforums. I thought this was a forum to make comments related to the software. Something is very wrong here. For me it is going to die.

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1 hour ago, BTJB said:

I am sorry @Matt but you locked the whole forum or more correctly to say simple - the whole section is locked. We are satisfied that the topic starts from certain persons. OK, you did the job. But... the comments for their topics are locked too. If someone need to tell as something related to uTorrent for example, there is no any chance to do any comment on nsaneforums. I thought this was a forum to make comments related to the software. Something is very wrong here. For me it is going to die.


Soon we will have new stuff, so I might allow normal comments as before or even something better. Also, if we allow that would be nothing, but a review from your perspective. No fixes or other links will be posted there. 


Lets wait and see. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 8/28/2020 at 2:21 AM, BTJB said:

I am sorry @Matt but you locked the whole forum or more correctly to say simple - the whole section is locked. We are satisfied that the topic starts from certain persons. OK, you did the job. But... the comments for their topics are locked too. If someone need to tell as something related to uTorrent for example, there is no any chance to do any comment on nsaneforums. I thought this was a forum to make comments related to the software. Something is very wrong here. For me it is going to die.


another recent example- want to ask/discuss regarding idm.. But the idm discussion thread is been closed...now where to discuss ?


forum like communist mao ...everything block/cntrl ? :unsure: :banned:  censoreeed..... time to check my siggie


p.s -

ok seen it in mem corner.... gangs out there :drunk:



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On 10/7/2020 at 11:52 AM, truemate said:

another recent example- want to ask/discuss regarding idm.. But the idm discussion thread is been closed...now where to discuss ?



Hold your horses my friend because everything is going to be alright.

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2 hours ago, Matt said:


Hold your horses my friend because everything is going to be alright.

Looking forward to se all back to normal and not like this (thread is been closed)... :)

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On 8/27/2020 at 2:40 PM, Matt said:

The staff members are so tired from most of the member like you guys who doesn't even read hiding and moving replies because they were posted without reading the forum rules.

When thing and rules get so complicated and unusual, such an outcome is expected.  I, for one, think the old way was more productive; to discuss an issue right where an app or update is posted.

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3 hours ago, DLord said:

When thing and rules get so complicated and unusual


I wish you could just give one example because you've no idea what are you talking about. The rules mentioned on the FrontPage files came from the guideline that you didn't even read yourself whenever you signed up or even after until today. The rules where mentioned there have more explanation. and I did not add the most complicated mathematic equations for you or other members to solve, and all what was asked from you and other members a very simple thing is to read. 


3 hours ago, DLord said:

such an outcome is expected


Of course because whenever you don't do that simple thing to read some rules in order to follow you would get things wrong. For example it's just like driving rules. Whenever you want to go get the driving license without reading the country rules you would fail in the writing exam, and your driving will be sucks because you will cause a lot of accidents and have a many traffic tickets on your record. The results of not reading anything such an outcome is expected, and I can't agree more. 

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11 minutes ago, uffbros said:

Put the server in a country that don't give a damn about DMCA*.


Google Search Console doesn't care where the server is located. 

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My dear NSANE friends,


I'm not going to say that I read all the rules as soon as I entered the forum, because first that would be lying to myself, but I paid attention to the conduct of those who posted and the reactions of the moderators and when I had doubts, I read the rules and still sent questions to some moderators and others with the intention of not making mistakes or violating rules, but even so I made mistakes and I was warned, because making mistakes is not the problem, it is part of learning, now to repeat these same mistakes sequentially and even after being warned not to correct my posture would be my stupidity.

Every change comes from a situation that is not comfortable and taking you out of your comfort zone is what makes you evolve.

It is in the fire of good combat that the light of wisdom arises, eternal silence is like a dark place, devoid of light, where there is no color, no life.

Those who want something better, first respect the environment they are in, and then change what is around them or change themselves. Remember that the good example is the best of the masters, because it does not force anyone to do anything and yet it influences everyone who pays attention to their surroundings.

As for the forum changes, I also couldn't answer some topics myself after the changes, but nothing stopped me from respecting the rules and asking for permission to do so where it was indicated to do so, in order to contribute to the improvement of NSANE in the best way I can, always respecting everyone.


Remember that the true friends who really value you are those who have the courage to question you, those who do not have ever really been your friends, because for them it doesn't matter if you fall or stand.


A big hug for all.




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Given that the front-page is going to be taken down sooner rather than later, isn't the state of the "front-page updates" somewhat moot? That whole section is on its way out, the sooner forum members migrate away from it, and go to discussion threads, the better? When the time comes, it will make the transition less painful.


In my opinion, it would make more sense to have discussion topics organised with a strictly formatted and moderated first post that would be updated (by either mods or posters) with latest medicines and download links. This is the approach of many other similar forums on the web, as it decreases needless clutter.

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One of the reasons why I stayed away from contributing on FrontPage Software anymore. I might have some inputs to contribute to that particular section, but some changes in this forum while I taking a hiatus makes me thinking twice before I contribute. So yeah, I had to retire myself and let the right person continue the job. Can't afford to make another mistake again.

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22 hours ago, Matt said:

guideline that you didn't even read yourself whenever you signed up or even after until today

Well my friend, making your own assumptions and then making conclusions based on them does not make you right. 


Unless I'm an enlighten one, the only reason that I did not run into any problem with the recent changes is solely because I did read the rules once again after they got updated.  I just simply searched elsewhere when I had a question and kept my comments to myself as I found it to be unusual and counter-productive to go around and make a comment on a different section of the forum about a post where the original poster most likely would not be noted of, to answer.  And please don't bother to reply saying people like me are too stupid to understand and follow the "simple" rules.  After all we are dumb enough not to know what we are talking about!

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3 hours ago, DLord said:

because I did read the rules once again after they got updated.

 You are again speaking in general without giving one example what have updated. Did you read all of my reply? or perhaps you are here to just reply anything comes in your mind. I am going to clear out what you said, and tell you again that the rules came from the guidelines nothing has changed nor anything added to it.  


3 hours ago, DLord said:

Well my friend, making your own assumptions and then making conclusions based on them does not make you right. 


I am not making any assumptions because I am sure from what I am saying that 90% of the members including you did not read the guidelines. Go see how many times staff members are working after many members fixing their posts and topics from locking. hiding, removing, and editing. Also, staff members sending to many members PM to explain to them what to do and what not to do, and how many members have duplicate accounts. How many warning have been issued to many members because they repeated what they have been doing after staff member did everything I mentioned for those members even though everything were mentioned in the guidelines. 


The guidelines are made to guide and indication the members of any community in order to ensure that the members get Information on how to participate on this community.

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6 hours ago, aum said:

90% ?  


What is wrong -- fundamentally?


Bear with me English is like a second lanague .

 Top 6 answers on the board. No particular order
 1.  Newbies.  Like New Born baby.  Little to no  experience.
 2   Elderly.   .Been there done that.  Been around the block a few times
 3.  Know it all.  That says it all
 4.  2020 .  enough said
 5   Selfish . All about ME
 6   90% 


Deloitte study: 91 percent of Americans agree to terms of service without reading

Most Online ‘Terms of Service’ Are Incomprehensible to Adults, Study Finds - VICE

The Importance of Clicking on "I agree to the terms and conditions"

Data Privacy Day: Not reading the small print can hurt you



Don't shoot the messenger !

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1 hour ago, aum said:

How about NsaneForums guidelines?  


Its not complicated my friend Guidelines are just like our forum Work in Progress and Under Constant Construction.. 


Must say I'm with the vast majority of members here being more than happy with all the improvements and progress to date.. 

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41 minutes ago, Mach1 said:

Its not complicated my friend ...

Of course, my friend.


i think the on-going, never-ending, disagreements and conflicts can be avoided by one simple guideline:


"You can be wrong. It isn't a bad thing, either. And when you are wrong, acknowledge it, and learn from it. You don't need to dig down and try and comfort yourself because you can't handle not being right all the time."


Thanks always for your friendliness and respect.  Much obliged.  



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