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The end of nsane.down FrontPage


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I believe the title and tone of this thread is what concerns people but reading is key here. I have faith in the admins and moderators here to keep this site going and that is what they are doing.
I guess my biggest concern is the forums right now. I have noticed that there hasn't been as many contributors here as there used to be and to be honest some of the posts lack a bit of quality but I have been hesitant to mention it because I don't want to discourage people to post here at all. I know some time ago there was an offshoot forum that was created during the down times here at one point but the name escapes me. Nonetheless I hope to see this website/forum move forward in the coming months.
Maybe with this happening we may see a few old faces return. All the best everyone and thanks for all the efforts.

You gotta respect that this forum and websites has been around for so long and be thankful for everyone for keeping it going.


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This is sad news for me as well, but the show must go on :rolleyes:


Nsanedown has been my daily visited site ever since ~2007. It is my go-to site for morning news and updates. Will be missing it!


Thank you for all the hard work, admins, moderators and other staff!

It's been a great ride nevertheless.


If I am allowed, I'd share a video that really puts forward my feelings about certain forums and other good places (such as Nsanedown) going down over the time. Something I think a lot of us can relate to...


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The front-page is how I found the website years ago, so I do feel a lot of nostalgia, and I'm sure that's true of many older members. I remember it clearly, at first I thought it was a scam! Back then you had links for the programme and mirrors for medicines right below that – I couldn't believe that there's a website that just allowed you to download everything you needed without wait times, that was reliable, up to date, clean, and had quality software to choose from!


However, as time progresses, there seems to be less and less need for me to go to the front page. I know what I need, and I follow the topics and discussions in the forums. Today I seem to be in the minority that doesn't check nsanedown every day, or even every week. Most software nowadays notifies you of an update anyway and the front-page is no longer enough, you still have to consult the forums for any other steps you might want to take.


Times change, and Nsane must evolve. The landscape of technology, the devices we use, and how we update software is not nearly the same as 10 years ago. I see this as a step forward, leaving behind older models of interaction for something more appropriate for the state of technology as we know it, and a preparation for the future. Sure, we'll miss the look and feel of the old page, but that's just because we're growing old ourselves, and the clock just keeps on ticking...


Good on you, Matt, for being the catalyst for change, and for investing your time and energy leading the charge.  :cheers:

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3 minutes ago, Alanon said:

The front-page is how I found the website years ago, so I do feel a lot of nostalgia, and I'm sure that's true of many older members. I remember it clearly, at first I thought it was a scam! Back then you had links for the programme and mirrors for medicines right below that – I couldn't believe that there's a website that just allowed you to download everything you needed without wait times, that was reliable, up to date, clean, and had quality software to choose from!


However, as time progresses, there seems to be less and less need for me to go to the front page. I know what I need, and I follow the topics and discussions in the forums. Today I seem to be in the minority that doesn't check nsanedown every day, or even every week. Most software nowadays notifies you of an update anyway, and the front-page is no longer enough, you still have to consult the forums for any other steps you might want to take.


Times change, and Nsane must evolve. The landscape of technology, the devices we use, and how we update software is not nearly the same as 10 years ago. I see this as a step forward, leaving behind older models of interaction for something more appropriate for the state of technology as we know it, and a preparation for the future. Sure, we'll miss the look and feel of the old page, but that's just because we're growing old ourselves, and the clock just keep on ticking...


Good on you, Matt, for being the catalyst for change, and for investing your time and energy leading the charge.  :cheers:


Indeed. I feel like the removal of medicines was a big blow to the frontpage. The news was great though as it seemed to gather news from various places that just seemed to fit our community well. Lets face it, nobody visits nsanedown to want to read articles that are about some modern goofy celebrity getting a new butt implant. lol

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My dear friends,


As the "oracle" once told us...

Everything that has a beginning, has an end...

So, until it's my turn, long live all of us and NSANE.FORUMS too...


And of course, thanks for all the work that everyone has done during the entire existence of NSANE.DOWN...





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NOOOOOO..... NsaneDOWN cant be DOWN.... its against law of internet.

This front page site was quick for us to get notice abt updates,recent topics etc "Latest Community Activity" .... frm there mostly we all jump to forum...(if need any discussion) 

1st it was discussion thing now this nsanedown... ... will miss the front view/page nsanedown... :/

site slowly slowly turning into like Neowin





2 hours ago, JeepWillys58 said:

My dear friends,


As the "oracle" once told us...

Everything that has a beginning, has an end...


"Truemate".... many time said...

 frm an end a new beginning starts.... 





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Oh no.  Sad news, but all will be fine.  People have lives to live as well.  It's been great to be part of this community - I'll be sure to lurk around on the forums.



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On 8/24/2020 at 12:27 PM, argh said:

Well it sounds like the website is been running on borrowed time in regards to the software it uses.  Its a shame that its closing down though based on another post from the admin sounds like he/they are working on a new and improved main site.


Sounds like the forums will stay up and running while the main site goes down.


While I don't know the scope of running this site, I've been a admin and mod on other sites though as admin I did every little with the back end of a forum other then minor house keeping but I do understand it takes a lot of time and resources to run a website, the more popular etc the site the more resources.


I hope that nsane.down returns in the future better then ever

Pls name the site where u are admin , i will join there

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Hallo Everyone!


I dont understand this one Website and Forums are going down???

If yes which websites can be use after that??

And Where can be find simmilar to Nsane?

Yours Sincerely





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48 minutes ago, asmadesign said:

Hallo Everyone!


I dont understand this one Website and Forums are going down???

If yes which websites can be use after that??

And Where can be find simmilar to Nsane?

Yours Sincerely






You should read the first post first to understand completely what's going on.  


Why no one reads in this community ?

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its making me feel choked - i have registered into this forum due to nsanedown.com , i still remember i went to nsanedown.com to find one intel graphics driver and started to visit it frequently to dl various sw. There i found this forums and eventually i am spending more time on this forum than nsanedown. anyway i will always be with the nsaneners , the staffs and other senior members are doing an incredible thing with forums. ALL THE BEST & adieu nsanedown.com.🙏

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In recent years I have been looking at https://www.nsaneforums.com/discover/ more often than nsane.down moreover things have changed over time.
The all what has been on nsane.down so far is work the greats of the great people on this forum.



nsane never die

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On 8/29/2020 at 9:04 AM, Matt said:


You should read the first post first to understand completely what's going on.  


Why no one reads in this community ?

My dear friend @Matt


Honestly, I think that few people read the first post of any topic entirely, I think that you on the team developed an algorithm that prevented the user from posting without having read the first post ...


For example:


When the user was to click on the "Reply" button, a message would come with a request to confirm the reading of the first post, and in this first reply, it would be mandatory to show everyone the date and time that he confirmed to have read the first post ...


What do you think of the idea?




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2 minutes ago, JeepWillys58 said:

When the user was to click on the "Reply" button, a message would come with a request to confirm the reading of the first post, and in this first reply, it would be mandatory to show everyone the date and time that he confirmed to have read the first post ...


What do you think of the idea?





It's just will lead to going all the down and press confirm, and just like whenever someone wants to register in this forum he/she going all the way to down and accepting the forum rules, policy, and guidelines without reading. 


The problem is not about confirm or not, and it's the person himself which I can't help anyone to spend 1 minute to read an important message.

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3 minutes ago, Matt said:


It's just will lead to going all the down and press confirm, and just like whenever someone wants to register in this forum he/she going all the way to down and accepting the forum rules, policy, and guidelines without reading. 


The problem is not about confirm or not, and it's the person himself which I can't help anyone to spend 1 minute to read an important message.

I know that my friend @Matt ,


This suggestion was more like a little joke with the fact that most people don't always do it ...


Which is a shame, because if they read, they might learn a lot more than asking ...


A big hug and that you, the team and everyone close to you are well and safe.


Regards and Long Life for NSANE!


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  • 2 weeks later...
Marcus Thunder

I know nsanedown back when it was called nsane productions..better than sex, that was more than 15 years ago.:rasta:

Since nsanedown stopped hosting FiXes it became no more than a forum navigator console displaying recent topics, news & software updates. If it is possible to integrate that functionality to be the main page of the forum or a page on the forum to replace nsane.down at the header of the page that would be amazing.

Finally, I am down on my knees kneeling in respect to all admins, moderators and forum staff that made nsane outlive demonoid and stay online for that long, going through all the hardship and troubles back when Alcohol 120% 'FiX' was giving the site a lot of headache to modern issues of today.:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:

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