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The end of nsane.down FrontPage


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How did I know something was wrong with the forum? Ugly changes, confusing format, and who knows what else.


I'm very sorry and I'll miss it, It's been the best site for software updates and technical help.


I hope it's not the begging of the end.


Thanks nsane down. I'll miss you.



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 Sad News Indeed!


But Above everything - Thank you Nsane Down!!. 

You have been here for so many of my PC updates and news.


More Power to  you Matt!! Keep at it! We are with ya!  If you can, do keeps us - the fan,  apprised of the " something new"💗


9 hours ago, Matt said:


Not just new look. Everything now must support the new PHP 7.4, and sine our servers are must run on PHP 7.4 or any 7 versions and above. It took me a very long time in 2018 to just make it running as now, and it's very impossible to rewrite the whole code to PHP 7.4. It's a very old CMS, and it's impossible to update it too. 


Sooner or later the same code won't be supported, so we will have to move to something stable and can be updated. Now I am here to do that, and I am the only one who can do it. Now or never. 

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So many posts on "the end of 'the known world'" nudges me to share the three stories below. 

Please take whichever you like or reject them all.  It's okay either way but the stories remain unchanged.




(1)  Wise King Weng asked to visit the palace prison. And he began listening to the prisoners’ complaints.

‘I’m innocent,’ said a man accused of murder. ‘I’m here simply because I wanted to give my wife a fright, but I accidentally killed her.’

‘I was accused of taking a bribe,’ said another, ‘but all I did was accept a gift.’

All the prisoners declared their innocence to King Weng, until one of them, a young man of only twenty or so, said:
‘I’m guilty. I wounded my brother in a fight and I deserve to be punished. This place has made me reflect on the pain I caused.’

‘Remove this criminal from the prison immediately!’ cried King Weng.

‘He’ll end up corrupting all these entirely innocent men.’


(2)  Jean was out walking with his grandfather in Paris. At one point, they saw a shoemaker being insulted by a customer who claimed that there was something wrong with his shoes. The shoemaker calmly listened to his complaints, apologized and promised to make good the mistake.

Jean and his grandfather stopped to have a coffee. At the next table, the waiter asked a man if he would mind moving his chair slightly so that he could get by. The man erupted in a torrent of abuse and refused to move.

‘Never forget what you have seen,’ said Jean’s grandfather. ‘The shoemaker accepted the customer’s complaint, while this man next to us did not want to move. Men who perform some useful task are not bothered if they are treated as if they were useless, but men who do no useful work at all always think themselves very important and hide their incompetence behind their authority.’


(3)  The story is told about a woman Zen master named Sono who taught one very simple method of enlightenment. She advised everyone who came to her to adopt an affirmation to be said many times a day, under all conditions. The affirmation was, “Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.”


Many people from all arenas of life came to Sono for healing. Some were in physical pain; others were emotionally distraught; others had financial troubles; some were seeking soul liberation. No matter what their distress or what question they asked her, her response was the same: “Thank you for everything. I have no complaint whatsoever.”


Some people went away disappointed; others grew angry; others tried to argue with her. Yet some people took her suggestion to heart and began to practice it. Tradition tells that everyone who practiced Sono’s mantra found peace and healing.


Enjoy the stories; you don't have to like them to enjoy.  Thank us all and good luck to us all.


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I'm very sorry to read that, and besides, very soon after I signed up...
I'm sure the staff and admins have made this decision after careful consideration.


I can only thank you for this site and all those who animated it, Nsane is and remains a unique reality in its panorama,

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Can you please change the topic title "The end of nsane.down" to "The end of nsane.down frontpage but nsaneforum.com forum site will continue and will get an enhancement"


Why the long title cause people read the title only. Go figure why they still post those "end of nsane frontpage and forum" goodbye posts.

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48 minutes ago, nIGHT said:

Can you please change the topic title "The end of nsane.down" to "The end of nsane.down frontpage but nsaneforum.com forum site will continue and will get an enhancement"


Why the long title cause people read the title only. Go figure why they still post those "end of nsane frontpage and forum" goodbye posts.


The topic itself it's not that big, and I got it straight to the point. It just some members instead of going to waste their time typing down a negative comments or attack me, they must read the first post. It's not that hard. 

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i believe the title change confuses more than it helps and the original title was straight and to the point.  YMMV. 

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12 hours ago, ajdibi said:

While the forums might remain open, the main site closing is still disappointing news for everybody.  The first thing I do most days is check nsane.down for software updates and again during the day every few hours.


I really hope that we can have a new frontend to view updates, just as we can by looking at Latest Community Activity on nsane.down.  This and the frontpage are what I am going to miss the most.


Should nsane.down and nsaneforums disappear completely, can people begin to list alternative websites?


9 hours ago, pintas said:

I always go to nsanedown.com to view my morning news. It's my first go-to website. It's really a shame to see it go.


Don't you worry guys again because you will get something even better soon. 

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i sincerely hope that people's feelings are understood and acknowledged; people tend not to believe future promises (given the political climate nowadays) until they see it with their own eyes and people hate losing what they have gotten used to in their lives.


People like to be listened to and feel happy when their voices are heard.  A little kindness and comradely (friendliness, goodwill ...) pays huge dividends in the long term.  


Thank you for listening (need not agree).  Good luck with planned future changes.  


(It may be wise to close this thread or make it read only).

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I discovered "down" long before I was aware of the "forums".

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Guest Nathaniel

 Wow can't believe how long it has been. I left neowin and used nsane since 2007. It still lasted longer then myspace did.

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Dumb question time from Funkyy (well at least you'll know it really is me!! lol).

Will the my Nsane bookmarked url still work, or will there be a changed url?

There, now I'll go and hide my red face!!:banned::banned::banned:

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2 hours ago, TheEmpathicEar said:

I discovered "down" long before I was aware of the "forums".


Anyone like you who discover down before the forums it's because everything online comes from RSS feeds on nsane,down, so whenever we change where the RSS feeds come from it will lead them to the new place.


1 hour ago, funkyy said:

Dumb question time from Funkyy (well at least you'll know it really is me!! lol).

Will the my Nsane bookmarked url still work, or will there be a changed url?

There, now I'll go and hide my red face!!:banned::banned::banned:


Nope nothing going to change. 

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Someone had asked about other sites for tracking releases. This one is a simple running list of updates for popular software, with about half of what is mentioned on nsanedown I'd guess. It's OK.


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I´m really sorry to read that. Like many other guys here I visit nsane.down every day since 2006 and It´s always sad to see it go away.

Sometimes changes are required in order to progress and evolve and I sincerily hope to see something better taking it´s place.

Good luck!

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IT could/should have and should have been made much more clear that a replacement is on the horizon...bigger better stronger faster.

 But guess the free publicity is very good advertising.

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1 hour ago, dMog said:

IT could/should have and should have been made much more clear that a replacement is on the horizon...bigger better stronger faster.

But guess the free publicity is very good advertising.

(1)  Most definitely:  unknown frightens people; soothing information if available is the only calming balm.


(2) All advertising is great for your nemesis (in jest, please).  In fact most powerful people are extremely fearful.


So let's all calm ourselves down, remain calm, and  accept gracefully smidgens of differing opinions.  Thank us all.

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