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The end of nsane.down FrontPage


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3 hours ago, 0veR said:

New administration is prety much ruined this site. When Lite and shought were runing this site was much better but with Matt we get some new changes that are bad and now front page is going offline its just matter of time when forums will go too.


This is here are lies because whenever Lite and shought were running here they have too many issues that they couldn't solve but I did. Moreover, all members including you have new servers who have zero downtime since 2018, and before old servers most of the time are down especially at the end of the month whenever the bandwidth is over and everyone has to wait to the 1st of the new month to access the site.


Whenever you say someone has new changes are bad please mention them otherwise what you are saying is nothing but lies. All the good things I have achieved and worked for the forums were one handed man from my own time, so instead of attacking me with false information do something better.


nsane.forums has been running on a fastest servers, and I don't believe that anyone has ever used the forums with zero downtime and this speed, so I wonder from where you are getting those false information. 


3 hours ago, 0veR said:

now front page is going offline its just matter of time when forums will go too.


I believe you've not paid any attention to what I said in the first post that forums will be running as usual.

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2 minutes ago, idear said:

Please  Matt do not close the best site for software news


Don't you worry so much because if I am taking something down, it means I am building something better. It will be a surprise, so don't tell anyone. 

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Damn, i nearly sh*it when i read the end of nsane.down! I am shocked and sad to hear its going but glad to hear forums are sticking around !

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What does "lack of new update" mean? Is that in reference to web developments in the earlier part of the sentence? Was the site in need of a new look or something?

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21 hours ago, rseiler said:

What does "lack of new update" mean? Is that in reference to web developments in the earlier part of the sentence? Was the site in need of a new look or something?


Not just new look. Everything now must support the new PHP 7.4, and since our servers must be running on PHP 7.4 or any 7 versions and above. It took me a very long time in 2018 to just make it running as now, and it's very impossible to rewrite the whole code to PHP 7.4. It's a very old CMS, and it's impossible to update it too. 


Sooner or later the same code won't be supported, so we will have to move to something stable and can be updated. Now I am here to do that, and I am the only one who can do it. Now or never. 

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I,m not surprised, I have seen this comming, thanks for every thing in the time. I have been a member here so many years from beginning ssupdater, sad it goes that way, but heds up life will be go on.

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1 minute ago, donkey-girl said:

I,m not surprised, I have seen this comming


What's that you've seen it coming ?

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

All the good things I have achieved and worked for the forums were one handed man from my own time, so instead of attacking me with false information do something better. nsane.forums has been running on a fastest servers, and I don't believe that anyone has ever used the forums with zero downtime and this speed, so I wonder from where you are getting those false information.

Agreed. Folks have no idea what it takes just running a website, worse still running something as big as this. Keep up the good work mate, ignore the naysayers, someone will always have something to be upset about. I'm sure everyone here supports the good work you do. I for one am thankful to be a part of such an awesome community and will always have fond memories of my go-to spot for any software i've needed over the years.

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such popular domain should not let it go... reconstruction and use workpress... just a suggestion... run ads too to maintain the hosting /domain

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I won't miss it too much. I only use the forums anyway. Though it is sad to hear something thats be around so long has to end.



I can't wait to see what that surprise is.:sun:


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Well it sounds like the website is been running on borrowed time in regards to the software it uses.  Its a shame that its closing down though based on another post from the admin sounds like he/they are working on a new and improved main site.


Sounds like the forums will stay up and running while the main site goes down.


While I don't know the scope of running this site, I've been a admin and mod on other sites though as admin I did every little with the back end of a forum other then minor house keeping but I do understand it takes a lot of time and resources to run a website, the more popular etc the site the more resources.


I hope that nsane.down returns in the future better then ever

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

This is here are lies because whenever Lite and shought were running here they have too many issues that they couldn't solve but I did. Moreover, all members including you have new servers who have zero downtime since 2018, and before old servers most of the time are down especially at the end of the month whenever the bandwidth is over and everyone has to wait to the 1st of the new month to access the site.


Dear Matt


It appears to me that you're a person with a high IT professional ethics and moral standard. Always seem to be doing the right thing, always taking the high way regardless if there's less traffic on it or not.


You're doing a good thing. And you're being a good person.


The issue here is the psychology of disappointment. When someone interacts with another – a person with high ethics and standards, they have no desire, in fact they dread having to admit to their own failures.


Keep up the good work!



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Good Luck uncle nsanedown .

It's time to change to something new and better.

Just like windows, everyone wants to keep updating it in order to deliver new and better deliverables. Because technology is constantly evolving .

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I have been with you guys pretty much from the start of nsane.down, and I find this a very sad occasion. Thank you for having been one of my go-to resources for such a long time, and best of luck to all. Good thing you're still keeping the nsane.forums!

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Very sad to hear that bad news. I visit the site multiple times every day since you started on 2004.

Thanks for everything and good luck.

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I want to express my gratitude from the bottom of my heart for whatever this site gave to its user.


Hope to see something even better in future.


@Matt, Thank you for your time, efforts, and everything you gave for the Website.

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Not using the web site itself much (except for the direct links to the FrontPage apps discussion) , long live the forum and looking forward @Matt's surprise.

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I want to express all my gratitude for whatever this site gave to its user. Hope to see something even better in future.

@Staff, Thank you for your time, efforts, and everything you gave for the Website. Thx

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