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Wreckage of ship tied to Bermuda Triangle found off Florida


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Scientists have found the wreckage of a cargo steamship that became associated with the Bermuda Triangle when it disappeared in 1925 off the Atlantic Coast of Florida.


The 250-foot (76-meters) SS Cotopaxi was sailing from Charleston, South Carolina, to Havana when it disappeared along with its 32-person crew. But a team of underwater explorers and maritime archaeologists have identified the wreckage of the ship about 35 nautical miles off the coast of St. Augustine.


"The ship became a part of the Bermuda Triangle myth,'" said Chuck Meide of the Lighthouse Maritime Archaeological Maritime Program.


The ship was missing important structural components and "unbeknownst to the captain and crew, they were sailing into a tropical storm," Meide said. The ship set sail on Nov. 29, 1925.


In a scene of the 1977 film "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," the Cotopaxi is discovered in the Gobi Desert.


The findings will be featured in the premiere episode of a Science Channel series, "Shipwreck Secrets", on Feb. 9 at 8 p.m. EST.




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gee a ship sailing into a storm, disapears and is presumed sunk...ships sank at a very high rate back in the day before modern satelites for navigation and weather predictions, but yea i can see how people can infer black magic and aliens among other scary thoughts as the root cause with even less evidence to back it up than the plausible ship sinks in a sudden storm theory

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