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How to Slipstream Drivers to Windows 10 ISO?


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How to Slipstream Windows 10 Drivers to Windows 10 Installation Media and from where to download necessary drivers?

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All necessary drivers like display,audio,touchpad, etc. Windows Updates is disabled by system administrator by default, so  I manually download cumulative updates from microsoft update catalog.



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1 hour ago, 123m.m said:


Is there any other method, without the use of any third-party program say with the help of cmd prompt/ Windows PowerShell something like this.


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dism /mount-wim /wimfile:c:\win10\sources\boot.wim /index:2 /mountdir:c:\mount

:Copy over the x64 folder's contents to the c:\mount\ directory
:Do not copy over the entire x64 folder, just the contents.

:**Make sure to add-package the winrecfg packages. I'll use an example directory here:
dism /image:c:\mount /add-package /packagepath:c:\murphy78-DiskPart-Apply-v1.2.8\x64-winrecfg-packages\
:that should add both the base package and the en-us package
:you can add any other packages at this point such as a win10 cumulative

dism /image:c:\mount /cleanup-image /startcomponentcleanup /resetbase
dism /unmount-wim /mountdir:c:\mount /commit

:export to new boot.wim to reduce size
dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:c:Win10\sources\boot.wim /sourceindex:1 /destinationimagefile:c:\temp\boot.wim /checkintegrity
dism /export-image /sourceimagefile:c:Win10\sources\boot.wim /sourceindex:2 /destinationimagefile:c:\temp\boot.wim /checkintegrity
move /y c:\temp\boot.wim c:\win10\sources\

:Make boot-prompt image with UEFI boot support (press any key blah blah)
oscdimg -o -u2 -udfver102 -bootdata:2#p0,e,bc:\win10\boot\etfsboot.com#pEF,e,bc:\win10\efi\microsoft\boot\efisys.bin -lYourI
mageLabelMax32chars c:\win10\ c:\temp\YourISOName.iso
this cmd ghange name to install.wim change index
murphy78's DiskPart and Apply script is a small WINPE project that allows users to utilize dism and diskpart techniques
to set up BIOS-booting and UEFI-booting systems.
What is this?: murphy78's DiskPart and Apply script is a small menu-based Windows partition and setup tool.
Why use this over Windows Setup?:
There are a few reasons:
  • Split-Wim support (script doesn't need to display the EULA, setup does; by default)
  • Recovery Partition option during setup makes it easy to store an install.wim for reset/refreshing

If you've made an All-In-One version of a Windows Setup disc in the last year or two,
you've noticed that it's fairly difficult to work with AIO versions and UEFI at the same time.
Well, gents: you're in luck. This script not only handles recovery images by default,
but it also handles split-wim images by default.

So why does that help with UEFI?
Well UEFI needs a fat32 partition when installing from a USB Flash drive.
So if you try to copy over a giant 16GB AIO or even a sysprepped single-index
Windows version, if any file is larger than 4GB it will fail to hold the file.
Without fat32, there is no UFD UEFI booting.

So what's the solution? Split-WIM support. Normally I would advocate for trying
to use MS's own tools. Since that's not an option with the EULA fail, you have to
apply your own image. Most people have no clue how to both apply your image, run bcdboot,
and set the reagentc options for the winre.wim. I don't blame you. When I first took on
this project, I had no clue either. But I wanted to get it to work, so I stuck with it.

So how do we create this Split-WIM?
It's actually very simple.
You just run the command (3900 in this example is 4095 mb to fit in fat32):
dism /split-image /imagefile:c:\iso\sources\install.wim /swmfile: c:\iso\sources\install.swm /filesize:4095 /checkintegrity
This command will create a file called install.swm, then install2.swm, install3.swm, etc.
The way the apply works is when you are using a split-wim you specify /swmfile:install*.swm
Example (You don't need to know this. This is just for reference):
dism /apply-image /imagefile:D:\sources\install.swm /swmfile:D:\sources\install*.swm /applydir:W:\ /index:1 /verify /checkintegrity

So what do we do with the install.wim?
Just tuck it away somewhere on a spare drive or something and keep it safe in case you need it.
You no longer need it for your install disc.

So how do I use this project?
Mount boot.wim index 2
Copy the files from the appropriate architecture folder
Add the winrecfg packages
Add any additional packages you wish to your boot image (servicing stack, cumulative rollup, etc)
Resetbase your image
Commit the changes. You can re-export to compress it a little further if you wish.
  • Multi-boot support
  • Recovery Partition Image support
  • Add drivers to WinPE/Installed Image support
  • Split-Wim support
  • install.esd support
  • Ability to disable the extra system partition in BIOS/MBR
  • Ability to specify Recovery Image partition size
  • $OEM$ subfolder copies


Site: http://www.solidfiles.com
Sharecode: /d/b34d422eb3/

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  1. Open a CMD prompt as Administrator.
  2. Navigate to C:\Mount.
  3. Use the following DISM commands to mount the boot. wim: ...
  4. Use the following DISM command to add the driver: DISM /Image:C:\Mount\BootWIM /Add-Driver /Driver:C:\Mount\Drivers /recurse.
  5. Use the following DISM command to unmount the Boot. wim:


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On 12/13/2019 at 5:03 PM, 123m.m said:

chek PM

Successfully slipstream drivers to Windows ISO. Currently installing it into system, hope it works as expected. 

Edit: Its working. :)

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