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Parents take away Xbox; boy dials 911


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Parents take away Xbox; boy dials 911

There is a view that removing all 15-year-old boys from this earth would not only help global warming but also our cultural horizon.

Supporters of this view will then be heartened to hear the story reported by the Chicago Tribune of a 15-year-old boy who suffered a serious trauma. His parents took away his Xbox.

The boy, a resident of Buffalo Grove, Ill., which sounds like the sort of place where discipline is imparted along traditional lines, decided to express his feelings and exert his identity. He called 911 in order to ask the police whether his parents were, indeed, within their rights to remove his gaming equipment from his sensitive little fingers.

However, brave as all 15-year-olds are, he appears to have hung up. So the Buffalo Grove police which, on its website, declares that it is "dedicated to making our community a better place to live and work", wandered along to his house.

Where they may have just laughed until their shirts billowed like the kaftans of the late Luciano Pavarotti.

Commander Steve Husak told the Tribune that the officers not only told the little tyke that parents do, indeed, have the right to take away his gadgetry, but that it might be an idea to listen to what they had to say.

It is not recorded why the parents took away the boy's Xbox. Perhaps it was because he's a vastly intelligent youth who will soon be the governor of Illinois.

Source - CNET

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Haha just a Xbox gee lol well i remeber when i was 15 and i didn't stop playing ps1 lmao..

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A similar thing happened here just over a year ago. It was also with a 15-year-old boy. But the boy in this case died.

The 15-year-old boy's parents took his XBox away from him because he was addicted to it. So he ran away from home. The police and volunteers searched almost a month for him. Microsoft even offered a $50,000 reward for finding the boy. He was finally found. He had fallen from a tree and died.

Honestly, this happened close to me just over a year ago:

Source 1: CP24 News Article

Source 2: 680 News

Source 3: P2PNet

Source 4: The Inquirer

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Yea you are right. I remember this news. I had a close watch to it. So sad. :(

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lol...whats up with kids these days :lol:

its teens from chicago. that says it all. a product of failed lliberalism. if the brat took more time for studying for school he would known his rights (opps forgot they dont teach real histroy. not even george washington in some states)

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Oh no I got a better idea.. lets beat the !@#$ out of him and maybe break him up a bit possibly leave him handicapped for the rest of his life.. and maybe cripple his ability to develop normally.. yeah that sounds like something we should do to better peoples lives..Sounds like the responsible thing to do.

Did you think about what you said before you said it? That wouldn't do anything more but turn him into a criminal without hope of ever being able to be anything.. Perception and residual real effect should be considered and an evaluation of the nature of a crime before such a decision is made..

He is a kid.. how else is he going to find out his rights? It would sound like to me that picking up a phone and asking a question is now a crime punishable by incarceration.. I guess you like them dumb and ignorant easy to kick around..

Personally I think creating a situation and mentality perceiving that violence and punishment.. fighting.. is all okay.. and that its okay for someone to do.. Isn't really a good place to start either...SLAVE comes to mind.. imprisonment the other.. and the methods this mentality imposes as control.. facilitating only a few peoples interest and including only that level of development and intelligence..

In his mind, I would say that he probably perceived it as them taking the only thing he can do on his own .. away from him.. Similar to a thief.. t wouldn't seem right to me either.

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Oh no I got a better idea.. lets beat the !@#$ out of him and maybe break him up a bit possibly leave hi handicapped for the rest of his.. and maybe cripple his ability to develop normally yeah that sound like something we should do to better peoples lives..

chill out.

Did you think about what you said before you said it?

Yeah, I did think about and still think if that spoiled brat spent a night in a holding cell he'd realize that there are consequences for his actions.

That wouldn't do anything more but turn him into a criminal without hope of ever being able to be anything..Perception and residual real effect should be considered and an evaluation of the nature of a crime before such a decision is made..


He is a kid.. how else is he going to find out his rights? It would sound like to me that picking up a phone and asking a question is now a crime punishable by incarceration..

The fact that he even considers what his parents did a "crime" is the problem, 15 years is NOT a child!

Personally I think creating a situation and mentality that violence and punishment.. fighting.. is all okay.. and that its okay for someone to do.. Isn't really a good place to start either...SLAVE comes to mind.. imprisonment the other.. and the methods this mentality imposes as control.. facilitating one a few peoples interest and including only that level of development and intelligence..

umm...come again?!

N his mind I would say that he probably perceived it as them taking the only thing he can do on his own .. away from him.. Similar to a thief..

ROFL! You do realize that we're talking some spoiled teen who's parents taken his xbox as a punishment not broke his arms and legs and thew him in the cellar! gimme a break!

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Just a reminder before this gets out of hand: chillax ;)

I just wish people would learn to appreciate the luxuries they have because there are people out there who can't even afford the necessities.

Don't worry, I'm leaving this thread, it's not worth the trouble -_-

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Well first of all .. I would like to state that this spun out way far past.. the CONTEXTUAL meaning of what I was stated and was probably read in the wrong demeanor.

Second I see it a shameful waste of tax dollars to throw a 15 year old boy in jail for seeing what he can do in this world to defend what he owns. I mean lets see how many grown-ups would allow me to walk in a take their TV's away because they are unhealthy.

When you take a viable punishment, and over do it.. You create a perception and mentality that can create a criminal element. The same thing that happens when you use too much force when enforcing the law.

The reaction and statement is short sighted. However the views on violence and punishment is quite divided from children to adults, between parents and those who are not .. even between psychologist and religious leaders. In the effect and effort to control and force submission from one another regardless of age or status.. some lines that are crossed can be traced back to be ultimately the blame for more indemonstrable side effects. Learned behavioral aspects only go so far, ad a will to survive and what we will do instinctively to do so later on down the road can be effected by the elements present in our development. The very same aspects used to back painful physical and mental abuse, and to enforce the release of an emotionally based reaction, reminiscent of neanderthal-ic behavior; upon those aspects/people which don't turn out to the liking of the supposed 'ones in control'. When in effect we are teaching them behavior by that very example. Reaping only more misguided and un-directed anger..contributing to a problem we complain and moan about.. and then blaming those individuals and carving them out of our society as the 'BAD GUYS'..

This is my view.. it is a disagreement.. but it was never meant as a part of heated discussion.. If in fact things of this nature cannot be discussed in this forum, maybe we shouldn't post anything but software related topics, and adhere to policies like other forums which dis-include subjects including religion, politics, and interpersonal behavior.

Maybe my age has something to do with this not really being such a heated matter as things of this kind are always a part of everyday life. Just about in every direction you turn.

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