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Hi guys


I know there are lot of windows users in this forum. Are there any Linux users around. I use a linux distro as a host machine and i run windows in guest machines. It would be nice to have a linux chat and share views and ideas here :cheers:

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2 minutes ago, solitario said:

Hello, do not believe that many use win ... here everything is relative ... Best regards, friend!

I've fully migrated to linux and i have never looked back. I only use windows on my 2nd machine for business related software and gaming. I guess what i enjoy is the security, stability and minimal ram usage. no more BSD's and botched windows patches:party:

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I would love to switch back to a Linux Distro I was a early beta tester for mint back in the day.. To many programs I use are only on windows it suck's. Maybe I will dual boot soon see how everything works now a day's. Have a linux sub forum would be nice, I do agree with that!

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Dual boot is convenient and easy to set. Main is mint here, win7 as dual boot and in a VM for testing from time to time. Some posts about linux, but no sub-forum yet.

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Dual boot's a pain in the ass. I would hate having to split my drive into 2 OS partitions and reboot every time I want to do something different.


I also don't have that many stability issues with Windows. Usually, the stability issues I have had weren't directly related to Windows itself, but to other faulty and malfunctioning software (or a few times, my own negligence). I haven't once experienced a botched Windows patch (not that I've forgotten the recall of Windows 1809, but it happened fast enough that I didn't get the faulty update). They've always gone very smoothly, even if some were rather time-consuming to install. Windows has improved in stability tremendously over the course of time.


Windows does take up a tremendous amount of disk space and use more RAM compared to Linux, but modern day PCs have ample space and power to accommodate, and Moore's Law still lives on for the time being.


I very much appreciate the polish, customization, and ease of use of its UI, which any Linux GUI shell will fail to provide. I also absolutely can't forsake the selection of programs I'm accustomed to. I don't think I will ever be switching to Linux, but will always keep a couple of LInux VMs handy.


Most all of the software available for Linux is freeware, and so every piece of software you use would necessarily lack the polish and ease of use of its Windows counterpart.

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11 hours ago, brolly said:

Hi guys


I know there are lot of windows users in this forum. Are there any Linux users around. I use a linux distro as a host machine and i run windows in guest machines. It would be nice to have a linux chat and share views and ideas here :cheers:


So you are really a windows user that tries to camouflage yourself as a linux user.  Therefore you have nothing to offer.

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1 hour ago, straycat19 said:


So you are really a windows user that tries to camouflage yourself as a linux user.  Therefore you have nothing to offer.

I use linux more than windows. If i had a choice i would use it on my business computer but unfortunately linux is hit and miss with business software which is the only reason why i use windows for work purposes. I use linux 99.9% of the time. the only reason I use windows in a vm on my casual computer is to test applications before i use them on my main work computer. I get where you are coming from. If i could get solid open source alternatives for my business software then i wouldn't touch windows at all  but that's an entirely different topic on its own. 

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8 hours ago, dipsetbrett said:

I would love to switch back to a Linux Distro I was a early beta tester for mint back in the day.. To many programs I use are only on windows it suck's. Maybe I will dual boot soon see how everything works now a day's. Have a linux sub forum would be nice, I do agree with that!

When did you last use linux? I has matured over the years. There are solid distros with so much to offer these days. Most distros have very good forums which is a plus for me. I have been distro hopping for years and i have finally found a distro that suits me fine. MX Linux has been my main distro for a while

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On 6/15/2019 at 5:12 AM, brolly said:

When did you last use linux? I has matured over the years. There are solid distros with so much to offer these days. Most distros have very good forums which is a plus for me. I have been distro hopping for years and i have finally found a distro that suits me fine. MX Linux has been my main distro for a while


Last time I tried to use it fully wass back in 2010 but have used it off and on via live cd/usb. MX Linux seems pretty light weight I will look into that one too.

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4 hours ago, dipsetbrett said:


Last time I tried to use it fully wass back in 2010 but have used it off and on via live cd/usb. MX Linux seems pretty light weight I will look into that one too.

I think you will enjoy MX Linux. I used to be a Linux Mint user but since trying MX Linux out i have never looked back. Is fairly light compared to the major distros out there. Not the lightest in my opinion but  it compensates for that with  it's built in features and fantastic support from their forums

On 6/15/2019 at 5:07 AM, mp68terr said:

Dual boot is convenient and easy to set. Main is mint here, win7 as dual boot and in a VM for testing from time to time. Some posts about linux, but no sub-forum yet.

I don't know what the moderators think but we could do with a linux sub-forum

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On 6/14/2019 at 8:43 PM, dipsetbrett said:

I would love to switch back to a Linux Distro I was a early beta tester for mint back in the day.. To many programs I use are only on windows it suck's. Maybe I will dual boot soon see how everything works now a day's. Have a linux sub forum would be nice, I do agree with that!

there's a tool called Winehq which actually installs windows applications in linux, i've used it and apps like Photoshop work just awesome

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  • 1 month later...

I use both win and Linux. I had a VM with Linux on my machine, then I got a second laptop, so now I have win on one, and mint on the other. And kali on a usb. 

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I had a Linux laptop until it died 2 weeks ago

Desktop on Win 7 died 3 weeks back


That's how I landed in this place...

Guess this is the place for the 'dying' or the 'dead' :tooth:

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