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A daily limit on giving reputation?


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Tried to Like a post and got a pop-up with "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today."


What number is the daily limit?


In which time-zone is the "day"?


Why is there a limit?

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19 minutes ago, Karlston said:

Tried to Like a post and got a pop-up with "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today."


What number is the daily limit?


In which time-zone is the "day"?


Why is there a limit?


UTC -5 EST Eastern Standard. It's already a new day. 

We are testing some stuff, and we might increase it anytime soon.

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59 minutes ago, Matt said:

UTC -5 EST Eastern Standard. It's already a new day.


Thanks, so the "day" starts at 3 pm here (UTC+10). Can it instead be made the user's time-zone day or a rolling 24 hours?


I do hope you increase the daily limit. I read many posts and it's unfair to not be able to leave reputation for the posts and posters when my daily limit is exceeded.


(Will thank your post(s) after 3 pm (my time)) :)


Hold on a moment, if my day starts at 3 pm, why can't I leave any reputation now? My profile indicates I've only left a handful of reputation in the last 2 hours. 🤔

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrator
6 hours ago, nOkialpha said:


@Matt limit increased or decreased? :s

after adding 10 reactions my limit is reached....why-_- ?




This is impossible because the limit for the members are 20 not 10. 

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Probably the counter not being reset by then there.

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9 hours ago, Matt said:

the limit for the members are 20 not 10.


Sorry Matt, I'm confused.


In your early reply you said the limit was 25, then a few posts ago you said it's been increased, and now you say the limit is 20. I don't understand how it can be increased from 25 to 20. Typo?

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1 minute ago, Karlston said:


Sorry Matt, I'm confused.


In your early reply you said the limit was 25, then a few posts ago you said it's been increased, and now you say the limit is 20. I don't understand how it can be increased from 25 to 20. Typo?


It's different amount for each group. 

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9 hours ago, Matt said:


This is impossible because the limit for the members are 20 not 10

may be you are right but yesterday i counted my reactions in my profile summary i reacted on only 10 posts.

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1 minute ago, nOkialpha said:

may be you are right but yesterday i counted my reactions in my profile summary i reacted on only 10 posts.


I'm right, but the point you are missing the time different between you and the servers. The servers time now is 1:45 AM. It's a new day now.

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18 minutes ago, nOkialpha said:

may be you are right but yesterday i counted my reactions in my profile summary i reacted on only 10 posts.


Its the same for me 10 reactions is all I get 

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sorry language is the barrier otherwise i try to explain it more properly to you what i want to convey

ok got it for normal users like me 20 is the daily limit i.e UTC -5 EST Eastern Standard


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3 minutes ago, nOkialpha said:


sorry language is the barrier otherwise i try to explain it more properly to you what i want to convey

ok got it for normal users like me 20 is the daily limit i.e UTC -5 EST Eastern Standard



Correct, but don't be sad I will reconsider increasing them again to make everyone happy. Also, I mentioned what you just said in my first reply.

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16 minutes ago, Matt said:


Correct, but don't be sad I will reconsider increasing them again to make everyone happy. Also, I mentioned what you just said in my first reply.

i am not sad at all

sorry to disturb you again

can you please check the profile of @Rickta https://www.nsaneforums.com/profile/61320-rickta/

his limit is also over after adding 10 reactions




Its the same for me 10 reactions is all I get 

@Rickta if you are facing problems then add a screenshot or reply here

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Use "Thanks" only, then is enough.

It would be normal if it were forbidden at all because these reactions are often completely inadequate and malicious.
A simple example - someone posts your text on the front page and gets hundreds of pros or likes (excuse - for which?), while no response will be sent to your post because your post is simply closed. Noone will not find it at all.
It often happens that you post the same thing hours earlier and then  someone posts it again, no one responds to your post, the new post gets dozens of reactions. Absurd, isn't it?
People who have never made any posts, have never helped anybody, have only posted miljons copy-paste articles as their own posts, get tons of positive reactions. Why? 
If at all, then reactions should be allowed only for original posting, not for copies, not for the second, third etc posting but only for the original posting.
You see, every day is less content and more junk, spam, etc, it must end, else the forum losts any kind of meaning. It becomes useless.
Why should I read here some kind articles from New York Times and BBC etc, if I can read original. 
Why should somebody dictate, what articles we must read and what kind of music we must listen, if this forum is for software and computers, why post here everything what somebody have found?
And then get thousands reactions for copied texts (and very often copied with huge number of mistakes or only part of text).


PS! I'm ready to give all my reactions (what have given to me) to those who need them so much.

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  • Administrator
5 minutes ago, nOkialpha said:

i am not sad at all

sorry to disturb you again

can you please check the profile of @Rickta https://www.nsaneforums.com/profile/61320-rickta/

his limit is also over after adding 10 reactions


Well I checked it last time reaction given by him on a post was 9 hours ago, so now he must has no issue to give any reaction now. 

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1 hour ago, Matt said:

Well I checked it last time reaction given by him on a post was 9 hours ago, so now he must has no issue to give any reaction now. 


All good now thanks Matt what ever my limit is I understand that higher ranked members have more reactions and that's fair enough.


Ps The time zone difference is the problem.

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  • 1 month later...

I was having this problem this morning but maybe it was because of my time zone and the counter not being reset by the time I wanted to give reactions.  I know I am a member who has only been here for a few weeks so I know I do not get as many reactions as others members. I understand why higher ranked members get more reactions and I think that is a good method.  Could you please let me know  how many reactions I have per day?  Looks like it is 10 but I just wanted to confirm that with you.  Thank you in advance for your help!



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The AchieVer
1 hour ago, SwissMiss said:

Could you please let me know  how many reactions I have per day?  Looks like it is 10 but I just wanted to confirm that with you. 


Its 25 , as already stated by @Matt In the second post of this thread.



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Okay, well, I am now getting the message that I cannot add any more reactions, so either the counter has not reset yet in my time zone or maybe I am not yet permitted the 25 reactions. Edit:  Issue appears to be resolved. 

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