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Apple Wants to Make the MacBook a More Powerful Microsoft Surface Rival

The AchieVer

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Apple Wants to Make the MacBook a More Powerful Microsoft Surface Rival 

Apple is working on a major overhaul of the MacBook lineup, according to top-rated analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, and the company is even planning a completely new design that could go live as soon as this year.

Apple is working on a major overhaul of the MacBook lineup, according to top-rated analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, and the company is even planning a completely new design that could go live as soon as this year.

The MacBook lineup has more or less lost ground in the fight against rivals, especially because Apple is sticking with a traditional design, whereas rivals like Microsoft focus on modern features such as touchscreens and pen input.

Apple isn’t necessarily planning to go in the same direction, but the company does consider a series of major upgrades, including an all-new design, Kuo says. Apple will also release a new MacBook Pro with a screen between 16 inches and 16.5 inches, most likely with small bezels in the typical attempt to keep the overall dimensions of the device unchanged but with increased screen estate.Other hardware upgradesSpecifics aren’t available right now, but it’s very clear that what Apple is hoping to obtain is a revamped PC lineup that would help the company boost sales of its otherwise stagnant division.

Additionally, the firm could release a brand new 31.6-inch monitor with a mini LED backlight design. The monitor will be specifically focused on the picture quality, and Apple will most likely push its concept of Retina displays even further with this release.

The Mac Pro will be refreshed as well because Apple wants to make it easier for customers to upgrade the hardware, while the 13-inch MacBook Pro could receive a 32GB RAM option too.

Overall, Apple wants to inject new life in its PC lineup, and by the looks of things, the company isn’t just looking into under-the-hood upgrades this time. This has been Apple’s approach for too many years already, so Cupertino wants the MacBook to get a complete facelift that would help boost sales.
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