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[WZOR] New Windows 7 Build 7662 (SP1) Beta


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Statement Wzor:

Since the end of September 2009, Microsoft has resumed intensive work on the first service pack for Windows 7, the assembly gathered, the work in full swing, we observe the processes taking place in a company and as soon as work on SP1 significantly advance to the "interesting stages, so we just try to give you know about this.

Now we will not "spook" the leadership and development team, leak test assemblies SP1 Beta 1.

To our knowledge the first Beta 1 version of SP1 for Windows 7 may appear at the end of December this year, just before the Christmas holidays, and after the new year, SP1 Beta 1 will be given to the TAP Testori.

The public phase of testing SP1 for Windows 7 will begin in early January 2010.

Total scheduled to launch two beta versions of SP1 for Windows 7 and two release candidates.

Output the final version of SP1 for Windows 7 is scheduled for the autumn of 2010, PC makers will get the updated distributions of Windows 7 with SP1 as always much earlier ie in the summer of 2010.

This update is a beta of service pack 1

Source: AeroXP.org

Btw. I think this is only news.. Their might not be any downloadlinks!

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They have just released the public one and now on SP1 Beta. MS is sure Mad. :fear:

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They have just released the public one and now on SP1 Beta. MS is sure Mad. :fear:

Where did they release the public one(SP1 Beta)?

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