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[Frontpaged] cFosSpeed 10.27 build 2335 Beta


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cFosSpeed 10.27 build 2335

* Install and uninstall now also clean the driver store from cFosSpeed
  INF files.  If an install is still unsuccessful or results in
  "driver not loaded" problems, you can run the installation, ignore
  errors and then run a deinstall.  This should clean the driver store from
  old cFosSpeed INF files.

* cFosSpeed now tracks the host name from HTTP, TLS and QUIC conenctions.
  It can be displayed with "spd cons -host".  This will print the host name
  instead of the remote address.  If you want both, use "-host2" or
  "-host -remote" instead.

* This new feature is also available in the "current connections (advanced)"

* Advanced connection overview (and "spd cons" as well) now only keeps one
  UDP pseudo-connection per DNS server.  This prevents a load of UDP DNS
  pseudo-connections that were just used for one DNS query.

+ Status window positions are now stored per network adapter, regardless of
  router MAC.  This should eliminate confusion when the network adapter is
  sed with different routers.

+ Improved usability of the context menu.

+ Advanced connection overview (and "spd cons" as well) is now by default
  sorted by protocol (first TCP, then UDP), then by local IP address:port,
  then remote.  IPv4 is sorted in front of IPv6.

+ Added more games and other programs to the program prioritization UI.

+ click-through now has its own sub-menu.  You can now chose between "off",
  "click-through" (always) and "click-through (auto)" (will switch off
  after 4 secs of mouse hover, and on again if your mouse is not over the
  window for 4 secs).  Thanks to Death_Master for the suggestion.

+ Fixed and improved sorting in advanced connection overview: column "class"
  is now ordered by prio, "prot" by protocol/local/remote and the columns
  have a default order that makes sense (i.e. the most important at the top
  or alphabetical).

- Removed old, long unused code.  Removed filter rules -ppp, -mp-header,
  -mp-begin, -mp-end, -mp-frag, -pppp that were always false anyway (since
  cFosSpeed would never get PPP frames).

- Internal modernization of interlocked variables.
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