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i’ve been with nsaneforum for a long time. My user name was Euclid Niy.  However recently I reformatted my computer.  Now I can’t log into my account. 


Ive decided to start over but it would be nice if I could get my old account back. Anyways hello everyone and hope to chat with everyone soon. Good luck 

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@idkmybffjill I couldn't find any user under name Euclid Niy, but I found one only has Euclid. If this is your user name you can send me a message, and I will help you out restoring it.

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49 minutes ago, Matt said:

@idkmybffjill I couldn't find any user under name Euclid Niy, but I found one only has Euclid. If this is your user name you can send me a message, and I will help you out restoring it.

Yes that is me I’ll send you a PM

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  • Administrator
6 hours ago, vitorio said:

Welcome back!!! Enjoy your stay.


ps If anyone can help you is @Matt. Now you really are in goog hands. Luck with your request.

His request is already done, and his old account is recovered. 

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