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box, mara- fix


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I've been using the Mara-Fix1.5_Upped_by_Origin, not where I found it but of course I found my way here as a result of the fix.

Now like a few others I've not been update to the def's below is the message I get.

Time Module Event User

3/29/2010 9:07:56 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/29/2010 12:50:00 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/28/2010 9:19:25 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/28/2010 4:31:47 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/28/2010 11:52:56 AM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/27/2010 9:23:16 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/27/2010 4:01:01 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/26/2010 9:48:23 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/26/2010 4:57:23 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

3/26/2010 12:21:04 PM Update Update information is not consistent. NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM

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Well enter in http://update.eset.com/eset_eval/ as your update server... and move on.. I actually had this issue simply running a basic trial from ESET.. for whatever reason it seems to be some sort of issue.. not for sure which.. but at some point n time.. and this problem seems to be getting more widespread.. with Fixed and non-fixed versions..for whatever reason these errors start occurring.. ( I even went and grabbed a new trial key even though my time limit had not run out.. )

I tried a repair install and I am currently too busy to screw with it as long as I am up to date I will be just fine..

But try that and see if it fixes your error and check your update screen when you try beforehand and see if all of a sudden it is giving your a ?url=blah blah blah..

Strange that from over 30 something servers it has n the registry entries.. it only tries two or three of them... yet the fail safe is working fine.. and full version crack installations are working fine..

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Well other then having to from time to time check to make sure it didn't reset itself to default check automatically that is working. Thanks for the tip heath28m

That said does the issue exist in the new 4.2.xx releases? I'm currently running 4.0.467.0

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No problems here. Using box-mara fix 1.5 and

Also added info from heath28m.....thanks BTW.

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No problems here. Using box-mara fix 1.5 and

Also added info from heath28m.....thanks BTW.

It's box-mara fix 1.3. Somebody may think that there is a new version.

Cheers ;)

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Few days ago ESET found a shutdowner trojan in temp directory mara-. That's after some days of me using the box, mara- fix. You should do something about it. You know I was once banned from TPB for posting box, mara- fix v1.3 with v4 of ESET? Some freak reported it as backdoor. :huh: I explained him but no, I lost my account and the torrent. -_-

Shutdowner should not be present in temp directory even after few days of fixing it.

P.S. If anyone wanna post bad things about box, mara- fix, don't bother replying.

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I'm sorry DKT for getting you banned. I would change that, but it's so minor thing which not requires new version. New version always confuses people, not sure why.

Cheers ;)

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Well NP, but it kinda sucks that people don't understand somethings even after explaining them. I had posted a virustotal report and all the info needed. Also that it's a false positive. And at last I always forget my new username on TPB. :P

Somehow I think the version number should also be updated. I wanted to suggest you that after restart box, mara- fix should start again, check if it's fixed, and so it should notify the user. Not sure that it's easy to do though.

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Don't bother about those narrow minded freaks.

It just proves that we're much superior to them.

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When I installed ESET NOD32 Antivirus the other day on 2 PCs as well as Windows XP Mode, I made sure to never click on the first check box of the "box, mara-fix v1.3": i.e. "Enable Self-Defense after using fix (Immediate reboot required!)". If you just reboot your PC yourself (instead of having the fix do it), there's no shutdowner complaint from ESET. :D :win:

(I learned the hard way from experience. :tooth: )

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Yea but you have to do that manually then.

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Yea but don't forget to enable self defense. ;)

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No problem. I re-enabled the Self-defense by myself (instead of letting the "box, mara-fix v1.3" do it) and ESET was nice and happy with no complaints about a shutdowner trojan. :dance2:

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@Mara- please don't forget to tell us when you have improved the box, mara- fix. :)

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@Mara- please don't forget to tell us when you have improved the box, mara- fix. :)

What would you improve?

It does a minimal setup (less is more keeps working in this case) and that makes it one of the best tools I've seen these last years:

- it writes 3 sets of registry entries

one to know the state of the fix

one to erase the startdate/tag of the trial version and to overwrite the current scanner version with a nice message (because that won't be updated anymore)

and one to set the server selection to autoselect

- And then uses the ACL tool to deny NOD32 write access to the info key set = reason why an UNFIX is necessary before an UNINSTALL

Only thing that can't be avoided is the self defense option of nod32. When it is on, it changes the policy of the system so the keys/entries/permissions of it's registry info can't be changed anymore.

So that's why you have to unflag it before the fix, and flag it after the fix and reboot (to change the policies).

2 cents of a pre-historic h@cker... :)

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I have to agree, it's an excellent tool :)

But of course, there's always room for improvement, always ;)

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But of course, there's always room for improvement, always ;)

For a minimal product ... emm that's open for debate :sneaky:

But in case of my salary, that's certainly true :lol:

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But of course, there's always room for improvement, always ;)

But in case of my salary, that's certainly true :lol:

Same here :P

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The reason behind my post there is mentioned in the posts before it. ;)

I really love the fix. But as shought said, there's always a room for improvement. Nothing is perfect. ;)

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Removing the "purchase full version" and "upgrade to full version" would be nice.

That would indeed be nice but,

1. Would that give extra functionality?

I understood there is only a difference between the home and business edition.

2. Would that make a difference in the tray icon?

3. If it ain't broken, ....

I've also a bit of experience with programming, and I can say it's an art to know when to stop adding details (on a pet project).

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