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Microsoft Surface Go Is Actually More Successful than Many Haters Expected Search

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Microsoft Surface Go Is Actually More Successful than Many Haters Expected


There’s not much happening in the Microsoft Surface ecosystem right now, as many critics claim the upgrades that the software giant unveiled the past October aren’t by any means exciting.

While others disagree, what’s more important is that there’s another Surface model that’s getting all the praise right now.

It’s the Surface Go, Microsoft’s smallest and most affordable Surface device to date, which according to new data, is actually more successful than many people anticipated.

AdDuplex data for the month of December reveals that Microsoft’s Surface Go is now the fourth Surface model in terms of market share, just after the Surface Pro 4, the Surface Pro (2017), and the Surface 3.

The Go already managed to overtake both generations of the Surface Book and the Surface Laptop, but this isn’t necessarily surprising given it’s a lot more affordable.

Microsoft Store-based stats

However, there’s one very important thing that needs to be mentioned here. The cited AdDuplex numbers are based on data collected from approximately 5,000 apps published in the Microsoft Store and running the AdDuplex SDK.

In other words, Surface models that do not connect to the Microsoft Store aren’t included in these figures. Surface Go users are more likely to download apps from the Microsoft Store because the device comes with Windows 10 in S Mode, which is restricted to Store apps and blocks the installation of Win32 software by default, whereas Surface Book and Surface Pro 6 run full Windows 10.

Nevertheless, it’s pretty clear that the Surface Go is doing just fine right now, and buyers seem to love it despite the more or less limited performance.

As long as people know exactly what to expect when getting the Surface Go, there’s no chance they wouldn’t be impressed, especially because the device is based on the same high-quality build as all the other Surface models.



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